I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 259: Huangquanbiluo

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"Meet a master!"

Xie Yao knew in his heart, suddenly turned around, and pulled Xu Yan away so as not to be taken care of by her.

Then, he looked around in his spare time, and the wind was blowing under his feet, and he could move at any time.

About twenty meters away, a woman with excellent body proportions slowly stood still.

The face is like a jade, bright and radiant, the slender waist is fully gripped, the long brown hair hangs down the delicate double ponytail, the eyes are like cold moonlight, and the waist is a thin and thin long knife.

The face is delicate and familiar.

"..." Xie Yao grinned secretly.

It's really Jian Biluo.

It really means that Cao Cao arrived. Just after commenting on Jian Biluo, this guy appeared in the next second and changed his hairstyle on purpose.

Since he was now holding Sheng Qifeng's face, Xie Yao did not step forward to say hello, but quietly stared at her.

and many more……

Xie Yao's heart suddenly shrank, his pupils shrank slightly, and he keenly discovered something wrong.

Actually already concentrating on the later stage? !

She had been in Liming City before, and she had clearly entered the Ning Yijing not long ago.

It's only been a week, and you are concentrating on the later stage?

Damn it, right?

Xie Yao was stunned secretly.

He didn't expect that the martial arts talent for the little internal response he controlled would be so terrifying.

This tm is no less than me!

Xie Yao was not convinced, and felt it carefully again.

The breath is mellow and mellow, and the strength of the armour is full and thick.

Really concentrate on the late stage.

After a while, the white-skinned beauty of Taito with long thighs sneered: "How can I lead the waste of the mere Qiqiao? It turned out to be picking small fish and shrimps here, Sheng Qifeng, you really deserve to be the least successful of the Sheng family's generation. ."


Do Jian Biluo and Sheng Qifeng have any hatred?

A comes up as soon as we meet?

Xie Yao frowned slightly, and decided to turn around and ask her again, what he had to do now was how to calmly let the other party understand that it was not Sheng Qifeng in front of him.

It's your master!

It's time to remember the fear of being dominated, Jian Biluo.

"Oh, I have a trick, Miss Jian might as well take it."

Xie Yao gave a light cough, his body was like a ghost, he stuck it up, his palm was like the wind, and without a word, he hit his head and covered his face.

"I can't help myself!"

This big beauty probably didn't expect that the other party was so mere Qiqiao that when he saw herself, not only did not escape, she even dared to take the initiative to attack.

Although the Sheng Family Killing Embryo was weak in his cultivation, he had nothing to say about his personality.

A madman!

She raised her hand to accumulate energy, and there was a gust of wind around her body that almost condensed the entity, spinning wildly around her.

Jian Qilian’s seven-style signature moves are exactly the same as when they first met, and her sword-drawing skills have become more and more perfect...

Xie Yao showed appreciation in his eyes, and then the shadow under his feet moved silently, activating the potion ability and physically invading.


The black shadow stuck to Jian Biluo's body, cold and biting, as if every pore was stuffed full.

This made her body freeze for an instant, unable to move.

Taking the opportunity, a spiral force broke through the narrow and cramped mouth barrier, broke through, and stirred wantonly in the intestines and stomach.

This offensive power is not fatal, it seems that it does not pursue destructive power, but is only strengthened in touch, or pain.

"??" The girl with two pony tails turned pale suddenly and froze.

Seeing her expression, Xie Yao smiled and leaned over, pressed her body, and said in a low voice: "Don't be impulsive, it's me. You are also here for the top ten spots this time?"

As an ‘inside person’, Xie Yao had already learned from Zhang Qiren that Yili Zhigui Tu has a total of 50 places, which can be used for enlightenment.

Among them, the Taoism contained in the top ten is the most abundant, and the opportunity is the most precious. Therefore, the top ten places are actually the top ten that several big forces are trying to compete for.

Although the last forty is rare, it is nothing more than that for the descendants of the four major families in Yuanzhou.

Of course, due to the lack of the second son, there are actually no ten, only the top nine.

For Jian Biluo’s direct family members, the internal competition is also fierce. If she wants to obtain more resources, she must desperately improve herself and show her potential and value, ha ha...

Xie Yao felt that he had completely seen each other.

Of course, both physically and psychologically.

Asking this question is to ask knowingly, simply let the other party know that ‘I have seen you through’ to gain more voice.

However, Jian Biluo's reaction made Xie Yao a little surprised.

The girl with a double pony tail looked as cold as winter ice, and squeezed a few words from her teeth: "You, are you, who?"

The tone is adequate enough to kill.

Xie Yao's heart shuddered, and he said that something big was not good.

Looking at her expression, it was not the kind of sorrow and embarrassment when she found out that it was an old friend, but pure...angry.

What's wrong with Jian Biluo?

Feeling so familiar, she can forget it?

Or is it that she had lost her mind when she practiced martial arts?

Xie Yao listed a list of reasons, and was about to investigate them one by one, but suddenly found that something was wrong.

The size is wrong.

Although this beauty is also amazing in size, it is obvious that she is slightly smaller than the real Jian Biluo.

Thanks to the Anzi who always cared about him, although Xie Yao had never used a gun, he was very clear about the size of sister Bi Luo.

Mortal vocabulary will only appear to be barren, and there are only four words to get a glimpse of one or two: do not lose school sister.

As for the person in front of him, although she had a beautiful face that was as good as Jian Biluo's, her size was exposed.

This is not Jian Biluo.

Jian Huangquan... There is really a Jian Huangquan, who is a sister of Jian Biluo's family. Seeing her looks, she should be twins...

Xie Yao felt a bit dry in his mouth.

I'm careless... How does it end? Will she guess that I have a leg with Jian Biluo, and even further suspect that Jian Biluo has been controlled by me through the behavior just now?

It's not too bad, I didn't say anything just now, she should not be able to make up that much, unless she has read the outline...

Xie Yao calmed down a bit, without changing her face, and slowly dissipating the spiraling force that was acting like a demon in her body, her eyes turned frantically, and he stopped talking: "Don't be angry. In fact, I have admired you for a long time, Miss Huang Quan. "

Now, I can only bite the bullet and pretend to be an acquaintance...

"is it."

Jian Huangquan was furious ~www.readwn.com~ took these things away! "

She said it was a shadow that trapped her physical body.

Xie Yao smiled and said: "Of course it can, but there is a condition. We have three chapters. You can't hate me because of this..."

Before he finished speaking, Jian Huangquan glanced at him and sneered.

Then, she raised her neck and let out a scream that pierced the golden cracked stone: "Ah!"

The sound is rolling, and people's eardrums are swollen and painful.

Bang bang bang...

Jian Huangquan's bones burst like beans, his body twisted and recovered, and his right hand slowly grasped the handle of the left waist.

Damn it!

This woman, a bit powerful, actually broke free of the control of the physical invasion.

The E-level potion ability, even if the power is comparable to the D-level, is only comparable after all. It is not enough to deal with the enemies in the late stage of Concentration...

Xie Yao moved in his heart, and instantly backed away, covering Xu Yan's ears to prevent her eardrums from being shattered.

The double horsetails danced wildly in the wind, and Jian Huangquan's eyes became bloodshot from the anger: "Sheng Qifeng, you will die for me!"

After the words are finished, the knife is out.

sulfuric acid!

Cold light suddenly appeared, shattering the deep night in the cave.

The sword energy spanned ten meters and landed on Xie Yao's head.

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