I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 250: Xie Yao: People can't covet to enjoy

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"Cough cough, hold on, hold on, almost burst, it hasn't burst yet, don't be irritable!" Xie Yao hurriedly changed his words.

"Really?" Sheng Caicai was suspicious.

"Caicai, as your teacher, how can I lie to you? I have the morality of a teacher!" Xie Yao said earnestly.

Cai Cai does not eat this set: "Then you spit it out and I'll see."

"That's not okay. I pressed it inside, and when I spit it out, I wasted no effort." Xie Yao waved his hand again and again, pressed his lips, and made a few retching movements.

"This..." Sheng Caicai hesitated and believed him for the time being.

However, a Na Yuanzhu actually doesn't work, so what should I do?

Xie Yao hit the iron while it was hot: "Maybe I am too angry, so I will get a few more, that's it."

"That's the only way to go." Cai Cai sighed, regretting a little, why did she come to help him!

She reluctantly opened her waist pouch again.

This time, she took out three Na Yuan beads at a time, and their appearance was no different from the previous one.

Xie Yao's eyes brightened, and he said that Caicai is worthy of a big family. Don't look at the garbage station that used to be poor at the sleeping vegetable market, but the background in "luxury jewelry" is not comparable to ordinary market folks.

He thanked him, and swallowed the three Nayuan Pills one by one.


As the Na Yuanzhu became virtual and condensed into the sea of ​​qi, this time there was a significant change.

Xie Yao's breath had obviously dropped a lot.

Cai Cai tilted her head, feeling it, her beauty was wide open: "How can it be... it's still the initial stage of concentrating?"

It is less than before, but still concentrating.

Does not meet the goal.

Xie Yao poked her: "Cai Cai, I treat you as a teacher and treat you well on weekdays."


Cai Cai rolled her eyes, but she had to finish the meal she ordered with tears. She struggled for a long time, turned the packet, and took out three more.

"Good fellow, I thought at first that I had realized the true meaning. A girl doesn't have a mature fragrance. Now it seems that it's totally wrong. Aunt Jin's money is not good enough for Caicai."

Xie Yao was amazed, and then unceremoniously, he swallowed again.

These nan yuan beads are indeed magical, they melt when they enter the body, appear above the sea of ​​qi, and then they start to swallow cows and drink, ingesting massive amounts of vitality.

The previous three had already felt the pressure, but with three new forces, the pressure eased.

Xie Yao looked inside himself, and he could even see that his sea of ​​qi was descending at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Two minutes later.

"... Caicai, how do you think being a teacher treats you?" Xie Yao said.

He swayed slightly, and the breath of the initial condensed mind was fully revealed.

? ? ?

"You haven't seen the bottom yet?" Cai Cai was stunned, with question marks all over her face.

Xie Yaoyi said rightly: "It's fast, it's almost a little bit. You can't give up all your previous efforts."

"I tm..."

She was so angry that she wanted to hit someone, but if she didn't give it at this time, it would be a waste of all her efforts.

"Hurry up, otherwise these six, cough, seven will burst." Xie Yao urged, almost revealing his stuff, and hurriedly changed his mouth.


Caicai's teeth are itchy with hatred, which is unexpected.

Originally, she felt that based on the relationship between herself and Xie Yao, she had nothing to care about if she gave him a Nayuan Pill worth 50,000 yuan.

But now, hundreds of thousands have gone down, which is completely beyond her budget.

"I knew so, why should I...I'm so stupid, really..." Cai Cai's young heart was greatly hurt.

However, she has been stuck.

The investment in the early stage was too great, and if you had to give up at this time, all the three hundred and fifty thousand would be lost.

Can only continue to increase investment!

"The last one!" Cai Cai reluctantly took out one.

"This time it must be fine." Xie Yao smiled and took it down.

After a while, the breath dropped again, and it was at the critical point of the initial stage of condensing.

"Cicai, it's almost the last point." Xie Yao said.

Cai Cai cried.

Man's mouth, deceitful ghost!

She almost cried and took out another one, then covered the package and shook her head like a rattle: "No more, no more, this time really no more."

Xie Yao touched her head: "Hey, it must be this time."

five minutes later.

Jiuqiao Wufu Xie Yao: "Quick! Come on! I'm going to the limit soon!"

Caicai burst into tears with a "wow".

Ceded land indemnity.

Change and change

In the end, Xie Yao swallowed a total of nine Na Yuan beads, and his aura barely controlled to the extent that the seven orifices were open.

"You have to pay me if it explodes again this time! Remember, a whole 500,000 yuan!" Sheng Caicai's heart was bleeding.

"Don't worry, there will be no more problems." Xie Yao deliberately refused to answer this.

When the time comes, there will be nine, and what you see is nine.

Xie Yao moved his muscles and bones, feeling the feeling of Yuanli returning to Qiqiao.

Nine Na Yuan beads sit in a row on the sea of ​​Qi, and then they line up into a bull shape, and then into a B shape, and finally the entire nine stars in a row are packed.

As a peerless genius who crossed the nine orifices in one day, Xie Yao didn't have much insight into the level of the seven orifices martial artist.

After all, the time spent as a seven-aperture martial artist in this life only lasted less than ten minutes before he entered the nine-aperture.

"The seven orifices are opened together, forming a circulation in the body, and initially communicating the bridge between heaven and earth. It turns out that this is the feeling..."

Xie Yao squeezed his fist and felt something.

However, Yuanli's rich weight level has become Qiqiao, but the martial artist's rank is still the condensed mind level, which will not change.

After all, four of the eight-door secrets have been opened, and there is a skylight that is awe-inspiring, intertwined inside and outside.

This did not have much impact on Xie Yao's combat effectiveness, after all, the physical power of more than two thousand catties was placed there.

The most influential thing is the strength of the armor, of course, this trick can't be used anyway;

Secondly, it is the lethality of the utmost knowledge, which is much lower than when the original vitality is full.

It was roughly equivalent to the difference between Xie Yao who was full and Xie Yao who was hungry. The difference was in attack power rather than essence.

"Great grace is unforgettable! You rest early, I'll go back first."

Xie Yao looked at the weeping Sheng Caicai, clasped his fists, and slipped into the night.


Seeing Xie Yao's back disappear into the alley, Cai Cai's eyes were faint.

Labor and capital help you so, why doesn't this elm head ask me to go shopping?

I'm furious!

Sheng Caicai stomped her feet, leaving a deep footprint on the clean and flat concrete floor, and the local tyrant girl who scavengers left in anger.

However, Xie Yao didn't see this scene.

There are too many things this evening. As a second-order taker, he is strong, energetic, and not exhausted, but it is inevitable that he is a little tired mentally.

Just go shopping and relieve down pressure. Fortunately, it will be easier to play tomorrow.

Not long after, Xie Yao returned to the West District while sitting on the night train.

I have to say, I don’t know, once the comparison is made, the prosperous and transcendent status of the Eastern District is fully reflected.

It's half past nine in the evening.

The East District is still the busiest time period. The streets and alleys are full of shopping, people are full of people, people walking around and selling, everywhere, it looks like a prosperous and prosperous age.

In the West District, the streets are already rare for pedestrians, and most of them are in a hurry. After the night shift, they rush home. In the houses on both sides of the road, every household has a lot of lights out.

Upon seeing this, Xie Yao's heart moved slightly.

He thought of a word inexplicably.

Whatever you do, it is by no means safe and secure in the world;

The high wall is on the side, trapping this false paradise. (Note 1)

The prosperity of the Eastern District is too prosperous, and it is not at all as beautiful as it is in this era.

"It's not necessarily a good thing... The planning of Anding City is a bit deformed. This is far beyond the scope of Zhumen Jiurouxiu Road with frozen bones."

Sigh distantly.

The people in the Eastern District look like the residents of the pre-civilization era, those living in the prosperous first-tier cities.

What they see is money, what they do is love, and what they enjoy is life.

But all this is like a bubble, and outside the city wall, there is still a piece of ruins.

Don't forget that in this era, for most humans, they have done their best just to live.


Xie Yao went to the first place in the most prosperous part of the Western District, Danshikou.

I can’t see it than in the East District~www.ltnovel.com~ but in the West District itself, it’s pretty good. At least there are many pedestrians on the streets. The folk songs that come.

After all, it is the aroma of cooked food.

Noisy and chatty voices.

Avoid disturbing people and deliberately lowering the sound of music.

"This is life."

Xie Yao sighed.

Stepped into the Enlightenment Bar.



Note 1: From "Hunting Soul Awakening".

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