I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 248: The old man doesn't speak martial ethics

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"This person again!"

Liu Zhi glanced at the music building, which was one floor short, twitched the corners of his mouth.


This guy is a disaster star, in one day, his music building will lose one floor!

He shook his head repeatedly, then looked at the four students, Liu Qi and Chu Quan who were still in shock, and said, "You come with me, I have something to ask."

As for the scene, naturally there will be staff from the Academic Affairs Office who will come to deal with it.

Xie Yao couldn't help himself, his eyes were shining, looking at the place where the void creature died.

The left eyeball lay quietly.

It seems, just waiting for him to pick it.

But the next moment, there was a soft click.

Yan Xiao picked up the Void Eye and stuffed it into her pocket without smoke.


Xie Yao's eyes dimmed suddenly, and he followed in frustration.

At this time, he felt a look at himself, and he looked at him and found that it was Chu Shangu.

This beautiful iceberg man is also standing in the crowd, his looks stand out from the crowd, and his eyes show concern for his friends.

Smiling at each other, Xie Yao nodded to him, saying that he was fine, and the latter nodded slightly.

Looking around, I didn't see Ling Haijing.

She should be asleep if she wants to come.

"The movement of demolishing a building can't be awakened. Senior sister's vigilance is also too bad."

Xie Yao secretly complained, and followed the three principals to an office.

This is a high home court, so Yan Xiao and Zhang Qiren are just listening.

Liu Zhi sat behind the desk and took a sip of tea to moisturize his throat: "Let's talk about it, how did it happen."

"You have to ask, a few classmates who are exploring late at night." Xie Yao said.

The four second-high students were a little flustered.

The first escape from the dead has already exhausted them.


"We don't know too well, sir!"

In the face of the three principals, all of them were big shots, and all of them were blushing for a while, and they didn't know how to answer.


Liu Zhi frowned slightly.

Then the four students became more afraid.

Xie Yao sighed. The president was afraid that he didn't know how terrifying his face looked when he became serious.

He grabbed the conversation and said, "You don't need to go into details. I have seen it. Relax and think about it. Where did that prayer come from? Who told you about the legend of Bloody Mary?"

Bloody Mary?

The three elderly people present turned around blankly and looked at Xie Yao.

It looks like an online solution.

Xie Yao felt funny in his heart, but he wouldn't put on airs in front of these three. Before they asked them, he took the initiative to describe what he saw.

When he heard "Ma Li must be cursed", Zhang Qiren immediately said: "You guessed it right, there are indeed people who are raising it with grievances maliciously."

"Yes, students think so too."

Xie Yao said.

He originally wanted to bring Ma Li out of the scene to empathize and increase his persuasive power.

However, in such a short time, Ma Li's remnant soul has been washed away by the death bell because of the infestation of high-level evil spirits.

Of course, this is actually harmless, after all, Ma Li was kept in the dark.

Several people asked about the source of the prayer, the source of the potion used, and so on, but nothing was gained.

The news of these students came from hearsay.

The legend of the **** Ma Li has been spread in a high school for five or six years, and there is no way to find who came out of the original version.

Therefore, after some education orders were given to several students, they were also released.

"Xie Yao, you witnessed the passing, do these four lie?" Yan Xiao asked suddenly.

Don't think that you are taking care of me, and the thing that you picked up the Void Eye would have never happened...

Xie Yao gave a light cough, "I shouldn't say panic, but they probably don't understand the details."

"Yeah." Yan Xiao nodded, agreeing with this point of view.

After all, they are just four simple tool people.

If these four people can also know anything, then the people behind them will have no ability at all, and they will not be able to summon a C-level magic seed.

Seeing that the three of them looked thoughtful, Xie Yao opened his mouth and swallowed back.

He wanted to say, is the appearance of this C-level magic seed really accidental?

Originally wanted to summon the **** Ma Li, just because of bad luck, the summon was crooked and called out a passing C-level void creature.

This is not entirely impossible.

However, Xie Yao didn't say, otherwise the three seemingly interested enthusiasm to solve the case would be a little blown.

Suddenly, Xie Yao thought of something and reminded: "Three principals, I suspect that the gangster who attacked me last night is also related to this matter."

Liu Zhi frowned: "Why?"

Xie Yao pointed to his head: "Intuition."


The three were speechless.

Zhang Qiren waved his hand and said, "Forget it, don't worry about this, go back and rest."

"Yes, principal." Xie Yao arched his hands and left.

Moonlight is like a waterfall, sprinkling on the ground.

Leaving the office building, Xie Yao walked back, worrying about it all the way.

The problems are clustered together.

There are two main problems currently facing.

One is that tomorrow may encounter the guy who assassinated him in the competition. If Liu Zhi can't find him, he can try to find clues in the battle.

Second, it is the main problem I am looking for, the organization behind the Feitou case.

In this matter, Zhang Qiren said that he would investigate on his behalf and look for signs of near Taoism in the Warlock Association, but at present, I am afraid that there is no progress.

Otherwise, if Yi Xieyao's understanding of him has achieved certain results, I am afraid that he would have told him the situation long ago.

After all, pretending to be a saint in front of students is something that every teacher is passionate about.

Although Principal Zhang is a great master, he is not immune in this regard.

"The most urgent thing is to work hard to improve yourself, otherwise the next time you encounter an enemy stronger than me, you may not be able to save the field every time."

To enhance strength, one is the polishing of one's own martial arts, but the accumulation of the vajra power, and the second is the opening of golden eggs.

Three lines go hand in hand.

Xie Yao planned in his heart that when the three-college exam was over, the registration was completed on the 7th.

When the time comes, he will act according to the original plan and consider going out of the city to search for the D-class magic seed and charge the golden egg.

Passing by a dark corner ~www.ltnovel.com~ there was a creak.

Xie Yao turned his head and saw that the petite and exquisite girl came out over there, it was Caicai.

She didn't wear school uniforms, but her own casual clothes. The pair of straight and slender thighs set off more feminine in skinny jeans.

"Why did you come out?" Xie Yao asked strangely.

"I have something to do with you." Cai Cai took it for granted, beckoning, "Come with me."

"...You look so much like those little brothers on the side of the road to play." Xie Yao was unable to complain, and followed to a quiet and unmanned grove.

"What little brother is here to play?" Sheng Caicai asked suspiciously.

Xie Yao hurriedly revealed: "It's nothing, let's get down to business."

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