I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 240: Come back from the dead

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In the crowd, a man walked to his own experimental platform.

He looks pretty good, but his face is too sharp and sharp, he has a vicious look, and his eyes are like snakes. When he sees whoever he sees, he subconsciously shrinks.


"This person's eyes look so fierce!"

The girls at the next tables hid together, wishing to leave several meters away.

One of the courageous, stood on tiptoe and glanced at the admission ticket written on his desk from a distance:

"Hey? Sheng Qifeng, ADEG0169, is the second high? Xiaoli, he is our classmate, I haven't seen it before, how about you?"

"I don't know him either. I'm a transfer student. There have been several transfer students suddenly in the past few days..."

The girl named Xiaoli was talking, and suddenly saw that person's gaze shifted slightly, falling on top of her head.


His eyes are so terrible, it seems that he is not looking at people, but a big watermelon!

Xiao Li's breathing instantly solidified, and she hurriedly pulled her companion: "Don't, stop talking, he's watching it!"

"?? Fuck!" The other girl took a breath, feeling like she was stared at by a poisonous snake, her whole body hairy.

It's terrible, terrible... The two girls hurriedly retracted farther away, not daring to look more.


The culprit man gave a low laugh, retracted his gaze, touched his chin, and pulled it slightly.

The stratum corneum with excellent elasticity was stretched by half an inch, and then bouncing back, very tight.

"This touch feels like it grows on my face. Cai Cai didn't lie to me, right? This is really not a human skin mask? What did the Sheng family do before? It's too evil..."

The man touched his chin and muttered to himself. He wore a watch in his left hand. Gu Pan was not angry with himself. Naturally, he was Xie Yao who took part in the competition dressed as Sheng Qifeng.

He secretly went to the toilet just now, and when he came out he had changed into this look.

After all, Principal Zhang Qiren had good intentions and insisted on playing the game by himself, and he couldn't miss this rare opportunity of the Vientiane chess notation. Of course, he had to be acquainted.

I can't really fight it, I want to face it.

And Sheng Qifeng's identity has an advantage. This guy is a direct descendant of the Sheng family. Even if he takes a good term, no one will look for trouble without opening his eyes.

Anyway, after finishing the ranking, the mask was taken off, and no such person was found.


Xie Yao checked his outfit again to make sure he was foolproof, while looking around the contestants on the field.

Except for the red uniform for the first high, the uniforms for the second and third highs are all blue and white stripes, which look very seductive.

And these students wearing three school uniforms clearly scored into two factions.

One is the children whose eyes are tense and longing. They just have to engrave the words ‘I’m Mengxin’ on their faces. They belong to the current students. They will inevitably be nervous when facing this kind of test that doesn’t know the details.

There is another kind, which is looking around for opponents, like old oily people like Xie Yao.

The number of this group is very small, because the purpose is clear, it will not appear flustered, the appearance can be deceiving, but the eyes are hard to fake.

"There are a lot of people, and some of them are too late to see. This number should actually be fifteen people. It's a bit too much. The total is only fifty. No, excluding the missing'two' sons, the real quota is only Forty-nine people, one-third of them went to this one?

"No, there may be more to hide it well.

"Heh, a group of elderly people are pretending to be tender here, and they don't talk about martial arts!"

Of course, except for Xie Yao, not the elderly.

Xie Yao looked around, and there were about ten people who could clearly distinguish it.

For example, Xie Yao met before. Fan Tao's junior brother Bai Yan is in this column. There is a slapstick with a face tilted up in Erlang's legs. There is a lot of **** and I look like the best.

Oh, that's nothing more than an idiot who makes enemies everywhere, but this person should be good, otherwise he won't be able to live eight years old on this EQ.

Xie Yao smiled and continued to observe.

The egg-headed man over there is full of flesh, and staring at the girl squintingly. It's definitely not a good thing;

This woman is a bit familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere, I can’t remember...

The others whom he could name were Xia Chenshi, Zhang Tiezhu, Tang Tian, ​​and Cai Cai... Uh, etc.

Tang Tian?

Hiss, why is he here too...

Seeing the creditor, Xie Yao's expression changed, and if nothing had happened, he continued to look at others, directly ignoring the doubtful sight of the Tang family wolf cub.

I don't want to fall back on the bill, but the pure sun wooden coffin that pretends to be immortal can't be opened now, it's embarrassing, it's better not to meet.

"Sheng Qifeng? It's strange, isn't this guy rumored to have disappeared? Haha, the rumor is really inaccurate."

Tang Tian, ​​who was wearing a school uniform with a sassy air, also looked at Xie Yao (Sheng Qifeng), and the corner of his mouth curled up: "It's interesting."

In addition to him, Xie Yao noticed that Bai Yan had also looked at himself several times, the original disdain in his eyes disappeared, and gradually became astonished.

"Hehe, this guy thinks that Sheng Qifeng is dead, he shouldn't be here, maybe he will doubt his life now."

Xie Yao smiled unkindly in his heart, but he heard it that day. This guy was eager to try to make trouble for him, so naturally he wouldn't have a good impression of Bai Yan.

As he turned his eyes, Xie Yao saw Xu Yan, the only high school student, standing among a group of high school seniors and a group of uncles. He was restless, and he didn't know where to put his hands. His little face was flushed, and he tried hard. The face is pretending to be calm, looking from left to right and looking at the slim, a single person has made a beautiful landscape.

"According to her personality, it's probably already embarrassing to the point of smoking at this time." Xie Yao thought.

A lovely white lotus flower, I feel pity at sight.

He walked over, pretended to pass by inadvertently, deliberately rubbed Xu Yan's pencil case, and quickly helped her pick it up.

"Ah? Thank you." Xu Yan was frightened by this sullen face, her words cramped.

"It's okay." Xie Yao whispered: "If you are nervous, you can think of something pleasant and relieve stress."

"Well, thank you classmates, I know." Xu Yan only regarded this as a coveted beauty, her tone was polite, but she refused.

"For example, you can think of the father who died on the battlefield."


"Or miss my brother who died young."


"And your mother..."

"Enough, who are you!"

Xu Yan's eyebrows are upside down, and she can't help it. Who is this, does she specialize in exposing people's scars?

A person like you is also worthy of being a girl, so how about my last name with you?

As a result, I saw this person cover his mouth and smiled again and said: "How about ~www.ltnovel.com~ Isn't it all of a sudden? This is called the attention shift method, you can use it often, and it can help you turn your grief and anger into strength. "

Xu Yan: I tm? ? ?

She was anxious and wanted to swear, but Xie Yao had returned to her position lightly, making her feel uncomfortable.

You are crazy!

But let’s not say that when Xie Yao interjected and ridiculed Ke, Xu Yan found that she was really not nervous anymore. Her heartbeat was fast, but now she is gradually calming down.

"Huh~ Forget it this time, don't let me meet him! Strange, this person, I always feel a little familiar..."

Xu Yan waved her small fist to calm her mood.

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