I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 235: There is nowhere to be found after breaking through iron shoes

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Xie Yao himself is not very good at analysis. It is naturally the most reasonable to leave this kind of thing to the ‘famous detective’, Ke Nan.

Although Xie Yao did not expect the analysis method of this product, this did not prevent him from accepting it.

Professional things must be done by professional people.

With Kenan guiding the way along the way, Duan Kun was extremely careful when driving, turning around and turning all the way, all on the remote trails.

"It seems that the guy is very cautious. Even if he leaves no clues, he is still very rigorous after leaving, trying to eliminate the possibility of being traced. It is a pity that the detective he met was playing metaphysics."

Xie Yao sighed in his heart, and at the same time he was looking at Ke Nan, initially guessing his ability.

One is that at the Immortal Base that day, his eyes shed bleeding and tears into scabs, sealing a complete curse, containment item 3-017;

The second is his metaphysical tracking ability, which should come from the lightning scar on his forehead.

The blood crust seal... Xie Yao touched his chin. There are very few magic seeds that understand the sealing technique. The more likely it is the blood clan or the lava behemoth, both of which are good at sealing. The difference is that the former relies on knowledge and the latter relies on the environment. And talent.

As for the special tracking ability, the lightning scar, Xie Yao didn't have the slightest clue. After all, there were too many magic seeds with powerful tracking ability, and the range was too wide to judge.

However, Ke Nan should be transcendent in his eyes. The larger one may be the bird demon species, or the strange monster like the demon eye.

That lightning scar may be an accident, not a special effect that similar potions must bring.

This guy is very lucky. He is only Grade D, but the potion materials used can reach Grade C or above when he grows up. In this respect, his potential is almost the same as Ling Haijing, who uses thunder beast cubs as potions. It may even go beyond.

The potion of a warlock is superior to me...

Xie Yao was a little bit sour.

Before long, the car finally stopped at the gate of No. 1 High School.

The murderer actually came to school?

Xie Yao frowned: "What do you mean, why didn't you go in?"

Ke Nan shook his head: "If you can't find it, the trace left by that person will be broken here."

In other words, the lunatic of the Lu family who learned the forbidden technique hid in the school?

Unexpectedly, going around and around, finally turned back to the original place.

Xie Yao's heart suddenly trembled. The first thought was whether the guy was crazy. The first high school was about to have three C-level bosses gathered, and the principals of the three high schools would all be there. He was hiding here to find his own way.

But after another thought, I found that the No. 1 High School was the best hiding place.

No one knows who the murderer is, and in this three-school entrance exam, the entire high school is a mixed bag, and the water is very mixed. There are stinky shameless guys in their twenties and thirties who pretend to be high school juniors.

That person hid in the school like this, as long as there is no more moths, who can catch him?

"It seems that your millions of bonuses are going to be in vain." Duan Kun said.

As soon as he finished speaking, his expression froze immediately, and he faced Xie Yao and Kenan's murderous eyes slightly stiffly and said: "Uh, ha ha, ha ha! Don’t get me wrong, I’m worried that the murderer will not be found, and the boss will be very anxious. There is absolutely no meaning of gloating."

Xie Yao: "Oh, the young man keeps his mouth shut."

Ke Nan said in a cold voice, "Beware of disasters coming out of your mouth."

"..." Duan Kun was very angry, but kept smiling and did not dare to refute.

Xie Yao thought about it for a long time and suggested: "I suggest you stay in school next. I suspect that the person also came to take the joint entrance exam for the three schools as an impostor. Maybe there is still a chance to find out the culprit."

Ke Nan nodded and said: "I have this intention, I need to report back to the Ministry of Urban Defense first, and I will look for you tomorrow."

When he said this, he paused suddenly, and said suspiciously, "Why don't you take advantage of me to take advantage of the reward?"

Xie Yao said displeased: "How is it possible, Brother Conan, in your eyes, am I the kind of person who sees money open? I am not for money at all, I am trying to find the real culprit, and I want to give the victim justice! "


This guy's tone was too sincere. Ke Nan found that even with special abilities, he could capture the most subtle movements with a pair of eyes, and he did not find any flaws in Xie Yao's expressions.

If it weren't for you to say that you don't see the money, I would almost believe it!

Suddenly, Ke Nan's voice suddenly rose, and he shouted abruptly, "Xie Yao, I'll ask you something."

Xie Yao's heart shuddered, but his expression remained motionless and said, "How do you say?"

Ke Nan looked fixedly, the lightning on his eyebrows was extremely bright, and his eyes were deep as if he could see everything: "You were assigned to the team with Wang Xu, Jian Biluo, and Song Wenhu that day. Do you know what happened to Wang Xu and the others?"

Xie Yao calmly asked, "I slipped first, how did I know, if you ask, are they dead?"


"What's the matter, are you dead?" Xie Yao asked.


This guy asked too suddenly and too naturally, and Ke Nan was speechless for a while.

‘It seems he’s okay, no one can lie with my face unchanged under my gaze. Jian Biluo lied that day, but it’s harmless. As for the traitor under control, it doesn’t seem that Xie Yao did...’

‘It’s right to want to come. He belongs to the police station. It’s too late to hide when he meets the picket group. How can he deliberately offend him because he has not been targeted and has not been investigated? Haha, I have been worried...’

Ke Nan had a care in his heart, and he pondered for a moment and said: "Ah, it's okay, I'll come here early tomorrow."

After speaking, he left in the car.

Xie Yao watched him leave, waited for the car to disappear at the corner of the street, and finally let out a long sigh and found that his back was soaked. By the way, he let go of his 3-017 hand.

"This elementary school student is crazy, turning his face faster than me, suddenly asked this to startle me, I thought I was exposed, and almost immediately arranged for him to declare his death..."

Xie Yao had a false alarm, rolled his eyes secretly, and then returned to his room in the hotel.

Pee, shower, wash your face, brush your teeth.

Immediately pounce on the single bed that is too soft, resulting in insufficient elasticity, which is easy to cause problems such as stiff pillows or bone soreness when waking up.

The action was done in one go.

In the middle of the night, it's not too busy, it's true that I made at least 200,000 cash.

This money is too fast, this is the reward that can only be obtained by killing at least a D-level mid-term demon seed.

Real estate business is really profitable... Xie Yao slowly closed his eyes, relaxed and put himself into a deep sleep state.

Nothing happened overnight.

Woke up the next day, refreshed.

Xie Yao faced the sun, clicked on the golden egg, and gently pressed the word sign in: "Sign in!"

The golden egg slid around, and the seven-layer ring above had already lit up four layers.

"Daily check-in is successful, you will get a gift enhancement point *1!"

"Seventh sign-in progress: 4!"

Looking at the pitiful strengthening point that thunder could not move, Xie Yao sighed and continued to persevere, adding to the potion talent.


"The strength of the pure physical body has almost broken three thousand catties..."

The heat flowed all over the body, Xie Yao felt that his body had become more powerful again, and every gesture was explosive power.

This benefited from the bonus of the pinnacle of physical skills, the foundation of which was the cultivation base of the condensed energy level, as well as the bonus of potion talent.

"It's a pity that each family is too conservative in their own unique skills. I have opened four of the original eight doors, but the other four lack the corresponding attributes. I don't know how long it will take to collect all of them. By then, all eight doors will be opened. With a skylight that opens with awe-inspiring energy, there should be a qualitative change in the concentration of Yuan Li.

Xie Yao let out a long sigh, sorted his clothes, and opened the door.

With a creak, the man facing the door just woke up.

Xie Yao saw that he was an old acquaintance, it was Yu Jun.

"Ms. Yu is early, did you not sleep last night? You don't look good." Xie Yao said hello.

"Well, I can't get used to the bed outside."

Yu Jun's eyes were dizzy, and it took a long time to focus on one spot, and his voice was dull: "Good morning, Teacher Xie."

With that, he limped on his right leg, slowly leaning on the stairs, ready to go down for breakfast.


"Teacher Yu, what's wrong with your foot?" Xie Yao suddenly walked up and grabbed his shoulder.

"That's the case, then if you need help today, please call me anytime."

"Okay, thank you."

Xie Yao let go of him and watched Yu Jun go downstairs from behind, still with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes gradually narrowed.

It's like a cat dozing off in the afternoon.

His right leg was injured, it seems to be the ankle...

Could it be him?

Xie Yao took a deep breath, the murderous intent disappeared from his face, but there were two very deep footprints left where he had stopped.

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