I become light in American comics

Chapter 597 Beat him half to death first

Dinosaur island, volcano.

Black smoke billowed, lava rolled, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of sulfur. In the darkness, only the red light from the magma illuminated the surroundings, and the rolling lava was like a boiling river. The mountain walls became twisted and deformed under the high temperature, as if they were constantly trembling and groaning.

Batman grabbed the grappling gun and continued to descend with the help of the rope. The irritating gas seemed to assault his senses, and the black smoke obscured his vision. This is a harsh environment that ordinary humans can no longer tolerate. All instruments and technological equipment have been disturbed, and the only way to continue descending is through willpower.

Ultra-high temperature lava, and ancient traps. The magma below is like a living creature, jumping restlessly when it senses the intrusion of outsiders. A powerful force spurted out and turned into a twisted fire dragon, attacking him from time to time.

Several times he was put in dangerous situations, but he avoided them.

He successfully reached the designated location on the mountainside and found what he was looking for on this trip. That amulet, a shard of silver kryptonite.

The moment he reached out and touched the thing, Batman felt dizzy. His senses were thrown into confusion and his body sank in darkness. I don’t know how long it took before there was light in the darkness.

Silver, beautiful and gorgeous light weaved into countless scenes, pouring into his mind like endless memories.

"Bruce? What's wrong with you kid?"

In a scene with a silver crystal filter, Martha Wayne half-tilts her head at the window of the Wayne mansion. She looked much older than Bruce remembered, but still beautiful, and she was smiling gently at him.

"Why do you have this expression?"

"Come here, mommy, my little sweetheart."

Thomas Wayne walked out of the depths of the manor, Alfred standing upright and respectfully behind him.

"Ha, you are here." Thomas smiled, "Hurry up, you don't want to miss the start of the show, right?"


The scene changes. It’s still the beautiful crystal filter, but it’s changed to night. Gotham's dark night, a rooftop he was familiar with. In front of him was Selina Kyle, Catwoman, wearing the tight black leather that he was very familiar with, almost perfectly outlining those proud curves that were rare in the world.

It was also the way he remembered seeing it for the first time.

"What's wrong, Bat? Are you suddenly shy?"

Catwoman giggled.

"Come here and let me love you."


No, these are hallucinations.

He shook his head to free himself.

Normal humans should not even be able to tell that this is an illusion and the temptation of Silver Kryptonite. But Batman received spiritual and spiritual training when he traveled around the world, and his willpower is unparalleled.

But what I see in front of me is so realistic.

Just like the real thing. All his desires, even his reasons for being Batman to fight, are within reach of a dreamlike reality.

Even if you know it's an illusion, so what?

Anyone given the choice would fall for it without hesitation. Even if he knew it was an illusion, even if he knew that what he saw was not real, it didn't matter.

"Stay, Bruce." He heard someone whisper in his ear.

Stay on this island and never go out again. He could run away from the fight, from reality, and all the pain and suffering, the Dark Knight's curse, could be a thing of the past.

But then an S came to his mind.

He has never admitted it personally, but Superman is a rare friend in his life and the person he feels most worthy of admiration. And now Superman is trapped in the curse of Silver Kryptonite.

If he had chosen to escape here, Clark might never wake up.

So he said "no" to this illusion of perfection.

Half an hour later, breathing heavily, he climbed out of the crater again, with the silver kryptonite already in his omnipotent belt. He leaned against the mountain pass and panted violently, feeling that the airflow from the outside world made him wake up a little.

so close.

Even he barely had enough willpower to get rid of the stone. And the people from that tribe said it was a relatively easy one.

I just hope things go smoother for Shen You.

Following the guidance of the native, Shen You quickly found a forbidden land among the islands. Sure enough, as the other party said, there was not even an ant in the large area nearby. It seemed that there was some kind of powerful existence entrenched here, and no other creature dared to step in at will.

After continuing deeper for a while, a dark cave soon appeared in front. I saw that the outside was overgrown with weeds, and it was a mess that had not been repaired for a long time, concealing the small entrance.

Of course, it is not a problem for Shen You. Under his insightful sight, there is no way to hide in any cave, no matter how hidden. He quickly pushed through the weeds to find the entrance and followed.

Get into it.

Wet stone walls and a little running water. Following the water stain all the way deep, it turns out that there is a cave at the other end of the passage.

He began to sense the signal from Kryptonite.

Shen You quickly understood. Dinosaur Island is a strange space, and it is not an independent space. This is equivalent to the entrance to another subspace. The Dragon King's true body is hidden behind it, as is the kryptonite.

Therefore, the presence of the kryptonite signal can only be sensed when passing through this channel, because it was blocked by space before.

But before he had time to penetrate deep into the Kryptonite, he felt hostility.

There was a strong collapse sound, and the rocks on the roof of the cave rumbled down. With the roar of stones falling to the ground, dust began to fly in the cave.

The roof of the cave collapsed and a huge creature emerged from the ground. The skin was rough, the eyes flashed with fierce red light, the body was twisted and twisted, and it made a shocking roar.

An earth dragon.

With the help of telepathy, Shen You learned that it acted like a gatekeeper. This is the realm of the Dragon King, and any outsider who intrudes will be killed. Therefore, all creatures that will appear here are of course the younger brothers of the Dragon King.

"Don't get excited."

Shen You tried to communicate.

"I don't mean any harm, I just came to pick up something for a friend."

"So why don't we put down our weapons and have a good chat? You tell me where the things are and we can negotiate peacefully."


The earth dragon roared angrily, swooped forward, and opened its bloody mouth as if to turn him into today's extra meal.

"Okay, the negotiation broke down" Shen You was helpless.

It seems that he has never been successful in trying to convince people with reason so far. Fortunately, according to experience, the situation usually gets better after he moves out of "physics".

Of course, this place also belongs to an original ecology of its own world, and he has no intention of destroying the balance of this place. Although the little thing in front of him looks quite fierce, there is no need to kill him directly.


Just beat him to death first and then ask questions.

He didn't even transform. He maintained his human body and calmly extended his right hand to the earth dragon that was charging straight towards him.

A flick of the middle finger.


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