I become light in American comics

Chapter 590 Kryptonite Elimination Plan

HISHE, coffee shop, VIP room dedicated to Justice League.

"Thank you again for your assistance."

Superman said sincerely.

"You know, this is really important to me, to Kara. Earth is the only home we have left, and if we have no place to live here, I don't know."

"It's okay, it's just a little effort."

Shen You waved his hands casually while operating on the virtual interface suspended on the screen.

"It won't waste any time."

This is not polite, but the truth. It was really a piece of cake for him, because the person who was accompanying Superman in his kryptonite cleaning game was also a high-speed afterimage, which did not delay Shen You from doing his daily work at the same time.

"But you may have to be mentally prepared, it won't be easy." Shen You said, "The earliest meteor shower was in Smallville before you came to Earth. It brought trouble to the town at that time. Small disaster, but also a lot of kryptonite

Of course I think you already know this part. "

Superman nodded: "Of course, unforgettable."

Details can be found in the American TV series "Smallville". It can be seen that Superman grew up with kryptonite in his adolescence. His town was surrounded by kryptonite.

"And Smallville's is only part of it. That meteorite shower was worldwide. It was the first time the earth encountered a large-scale Kryptonite fall, which was the debris that was splashed out after the explosion in your hometown."

Shen You continued.

"But that was not the only time. In the following years, kryptonite still visited the earth from time to time in the form of meteorites. Although it was not frequent, it accumulated a lot over the decades.

If we go further, it should be this time. "

He adjusted the screen, and a new interface was quickly cut out of the screen. It was in the suburbs near Gotham, a giant crater, and a small Kryptonian ship.

"Ah, that's my boat!" Kara said.

"Yes, in the same month that Supergirl came to Earth, the Earth also ushered in a large-scale meteor shower, and a lot of kryptonite fell here."

Kara stuck out her tongue, as if to say, my pot?

"So what we have to deal with is the kryptonite that has been missed and collected so far around the world." Shen You said, "Fortunately, I have studied kryptonite a long time ago. I adjusted my radar power to global coverage, and can Kryptonite’s unique radiation wavelength for detection.”

"Where's the accuracy?" Superman asked.

"At the atomic level, not even a drop of kryptonite particles will be missed." Shen You smiled, "Theoretically, if some idle villain collects and concentrates all the kryptonite atoms we missed, Maybe it’s enough for you to eat a pot.

But don't worry, good things will come to an end, and since I want to help, there will be no mistakes. I promise to help you find every kryptonite atom on earth. "

"Wow, thank you very much." Superman said.

Batman was indeed right, it was indeed a good idea to ask Shen You for help.

Sure enough, that sentence is correct.

You can always trust Ultraman.

"I have someone prepare a storage container in the Nevada desert." Batman said, "It should be able to hold all the kryptonite we collected. Once it is completed, we will destroy them all in one go."

"I'm glad to hear that you are prepared." Shen You shrugged, "But I would venture to guess that you may need a larger container."

As he spoke, he tapped on the virtual keyboard.

A projection of the Earth emerged, the Kryptonite signal marked by green dots of light. The moment the marking was completed, everyone's pupils involuntarily contracted and their eyes widened.

Because they saw a large expanse of green.

Large tracts of green light, like green grasslands, are scattered all over the world, densely packed.

Obviously, even Superman, who proposed this idea, had no idea that there would be so much kryptonite on the earth.

He had never realized how close reality was to his nightmare.

"Look, I just said it." Shen You turned around calmly, "You need a bigger container."

This is obviously a huge project.

An unexpected amount of kryptonite is spread all over this blue world, almost everywhere. Of course, this does not make Superman retreat. On the contrary, it only strengthens his determination to clean up the world.

Superman put on the suit designed by Kara, which can effectively enhance the absorption of solar energy and isolate Krypton radiation.

He only happened to be on a business trip as Clark Kent a few days ago without the high-tech suit, wearing a traditional Superman uniform that Martha had sewn for him. As a result, he fell into the trap during just one business trip.

Who would have thought that there could be real kryptonite on a movie set?

Superman took charge of the larger and easier-to-find ones, flying around with huge piles of kryptonite as big as hills all day long.

Batman is responsible for those secrets that are hard to find, which is in line with their respective character positions.

Batman raided one of Black Mask's supposedly top-secret armories and found a box of kryptonite from a secret room on the third underground floor.

He visited Arkham Asylum at night, broke into the Joker's cell, and sliced ​​open the Joker's teddy bear's head with a Batarang.

"Teddy~ You died so miserably!" the clown cried.

But Batman remained unmoved and silently took out a small fragment of kryptonite from Teddy's head, punched the Joker, and then walked away.

Superman drilled into the bottom of a mountain at supersonic speed like a drill, and discovered a large kryptonite mine two hundred meters underground. It has been lying here for years and no one has ever discovered it.

There is even a genuine kryptonite in a display case in a museum in Chicago. Batman paid a visit in the middle of the night when no one was around. When the staff opened the door the next morning, they found that the kryptonite in the display cabinet had disappeared, leaving only a dozen bills worth twice the price of the kryptonite.

Superman firmly believes that doing this is so that he can better help more people and save lives. That's why Batman agreed to help him.

And Shen You took Kara to the depths of the ocean floor, a depth that modern humans have not yet been able to reach.

The energy beam cuts through the volcanic rock formations like a scalpel, and thick dust rolls up in the water waves.

Shen You made a "rise" gesture, as if an entire mountain was suspended out of thin air by the power of thought. Dazzling green light radiated from the pit, beautiful but deadly.

A total of twenty-eight tons of super giant kryptonite is buried deep in the seabed that no one knows until today.

"It's so beautiful."

Through the protective layer of the suit, Kara flew to the surface of the kryptonite and reached out to gently touch the beautiful crystal.

Kryptonite isn't just the substance that kills Kryptonians, it's also a fragment of their homeworld. Kara thought of home and the past. This area might have come from the city she lived in before. It might have been the crust of Krypton, or it might have been the center of the earth.

Maybe she even ran on this rock as a child.

"Missing home?" Shen You asked.

"Huh? Oh, a little bit."

Kara looked at the Kryptonite, a little distracted.

"It's just. It's so beautiful. Krypton was beautiful once, with our cities, our people, where we lived and created and farmed."

She closed her eyes and shook her head slightly.

"It feels like a lifetime ago."

Shen You nodded.

"I'm not going to pretend that I understand what it feels like, but maybe we can wait until we get it back to be sad. Now is not a good time."

"Eh?" Kara tilted her head.

"I mean," Shen You looked at the dark deep sea and the approaching shadows that were impossible to see with ordinary eyesight, "we are together."

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