I become light in American comics

Chapter 584 It’s all fake

Half an hour ago, Ultron hijacked the Iron Machine Legion designed by Tony. Several steel robot warriors rushed into the banquet and began to say some unclear and harsh words about wires and networks.

Twenty minutes ago, these machines were smashed into pieces by Thor, leaving only the words "I am finally free after breaking free from the wires."

Tony knew immediately that Ultron had escaped.

It was originally just an AI, a thing without a fixed shape or body. The Internet is its playground. Although Tony currently has no clue where this Ultron came from, if it is as powerful as he imagined, then it will be almost invincible in this information age.

The scariest of all Iron Man's nightmares that Tony has never told anyone.

That is, people in the future will look back on the past and realize with horror that the most dangerous existence in this heroic era is none other than Tony Stark.

Just as all the weapons he invented in the past have been abused, maybe one day in the future Iron Man will also. Even a better masterpiece that surpasses Iron Man will become a threat for some reason.

Just like now.

At this moment, the Avengers immediately realized this.

"Ultron deleted everything!"

Banner quickly checked the data in front of the computer and said nervously.

"He's on the Internet now! He's everywhere!"

"If that's the case, then he can do anything."

The speaker was Maria Hill, Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who was also invited to the party.

Wait, Hill is also at the party?

Tony thought that he didn't seem to know her very well. He didn't feel like he would invite someone from SHIELD to a party. And he tried hard to remember, but he couldn't remember who invited Hill.

Instead, I started to feel a little headache.

No, that's not the point right now. Now he had far more troublesome issues to consider.

“I can’t even check my email!”

Hawkeye complained, shaking his phone.

"He also changed our passwords."

The widowed sister also showed her mobile phone, which read "Locked after too many attempts."

"Uh and Ultron turned off the entire television system."

Colonel Roddy turned on the television. The background was a blurry screen, with only a Q-version of Ultron's head left in the center, laughing like a child who had succeeded in a prank.

Tony felt more and more violated.

It was his worst nightmare come true, but everything seemed out of place.

"This is all your fault!"

Thor stepped forward menacingly and picked up Tony.

"Televisions around the world are down! How are we going to watch Game of Thrones now?"

Everyone: "."

Is this the point of Brother Hammer?

Tony felt more and more that something was wrong. But what's even worse is yet to come.

"My phone almost turned into a brick. You know what's the most unbearable thing?" Banner shouted, "The Internet is also down, we can't even use Wifi!

Ahhhh! No Wifi makes people cranky! "

As he spoke, he immediately began to deform, and his clothes were instantly torn by the green and swollen skin. Within seconds, Banner transformed into a crazy green hunk, smashing the wall with a punch and roaring angrily: "Hulk wants Wifi!"

Said and screamed strangely and ran out. The widowed sister hurriedly chased after her, shouting: "The sun is going down! The sun is going down."

One ran and the other chased, and soon they disappeared with the sound of smashing things.

Tony: "."

Well, now he was convinced that there was definitely something wrong with this style of painting.

"Jarvis, give me Veronica," Tony said.

It was a satellite equipped with the "Hulkbuster Armor" that Banner helped him develop. It was specially designed for the situation where the Hulk lost control. Although he certainly didn't imagine that Hulk would one day go on a rampage due to disconnection from the Internet when he designed it, it seems like it's time now.

But Lao Jia's voice did not come, instead a screen popped up in front of his eyes. On it is a Q version of Jarvis with his eyes spinning after being beaten violently, and next to him is a Q version of Ultron laughing with a crowbar in his hand.

"Okay, of course Jarvis has been taken care of. Okay, then I have to summon it manually."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a series of sharp sounds outside the window. Turning around, I was shocked to see a red and gold satellite falling from the sky, spinning around and falling to the ground, smashing into pieces with a loud bang.

"Hahaha" Ultron's voice sounded in the building, "Do you think I don't know about Veronica, old guy?"

"Uh ok, looks like we'll have to get a new one then."

Anyway, I have plenty of money.

But then he got a call, screaming that the company had just gone bankrupt. Tony had just inexplicably incurred tens of billions of debts.

"That's really evil." Tony raised his eyebrows.

"That's enough, we need to find Ultron."

Rody stepped forward, arms spread wide, as if summoning his armor.

"The war machine is ready to go."

But nothing happened.

A few seconds later, a gray helmet rolled over and stopped at his feet.

"Ha! You think I'm not wary of your fancy armors?"

The Q version of Ultron appeared on the TV again, making him laugh out loud.

"By the way, Stark, your armor has also become scrap metal."

At this moment, Nick Fury suddenly appeared out of nowhere and pointed at Tony: "Stark! What have you done!?"

"Honestly, it was what I originally planned to do." Tony raised his hands innocently, "I swear I didn't do anything yet."

"I knew you would do something wrong one day, I've known it for a long time."

Fury put his hands into his pockets.

"Fortunately, I have already made a plan. SHIELD exists for this purpose, and now my floating carrier has begun searching."

Before he finished speaking, the Q version of Ultron spoke up again.

"Are you talking about this floating carrier?"

Everyone turned to look out the window and immediately saw a huge battleship falling from the sky on the other side of the city, dragging black smoke and screaming as it crashed into the streets and alleys of the city. It rumbled and smashed several buildings, and explosions of fire shot into the sky. rise.

Fury: "Fuck Fuck."

None of this is true.

Tony was starting to notice.

Is it some kind of hallucination? Or

The scene in front of him suddenly spun, and the scene of Avengers Tower disappeared before his eyes. In his ears, he could still faintly hear Fury saying "Mother Fuck", and then Captain America's "Watch your language" echoed, but they had faded away for a moment.

The next scene is in a certain city.

A city has been turned into a battlefield, with buildings collapsed and streets blown to pieces. A large number of copper-skinned and iron-framed Ultron robots were flying all over the sky, and civilians fled in panic on the war-burning streets.

Then he was even more surprised to find that the city was flying in the sky.

Some kind of anti-gravity engine, located at the core of the city, turned the entire city into a floating carrier with incredible thrust, and its altitude continued to rise.

It rises, only to fall.

It turned into a meteorite that exterminated the dinosaurs and fell from an altitude of 10,000 meters, causing an impact that was enough to sweep across the earth's surface.

For some reason, Tony seemed to know the name of this city in his mind.

This is called Sokovia.

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