I become light in American comics

Chapter 577 The Fastest Lantern

"I do not understand."

Hal held the joystick tightly with both hands, controlling the fuselage and continuing to move forward steadily.

"You are really the father, but am I because of the traces left by the New God? Or is it the potential ability of the Lantern Ring?"

"I don't know much about your things, but I think it's a gift. I don't know what it looks like to you, but it does to me."

Martin Jordan closed his eyes gently.

"I know you've always had this problem, Hal. But it's comforting to know that watching me disappear in flames didn't make you depressed or lost."

Hal pondered for a few seconds and said: "Actually, it was precisely because you passed away like that that I made this choice. I chose to fly, even despite all the dissuasion. My mother could not forgive me for doing this until she passed away."

Hal let out a heavy breath.

"I wanted to prove to myself that I'm not afraid of flying, I'm not afraid of anything. I told myself that I was following you. Do you remember? You always told me, 'It's my job not to be afraid.' .”

Martin nodded: "Remember."

"I've been saying this to everyone over the years." Hal said softly, "Sitting in this position, holding the joystick, I discovered that many things are different from what I imagined.

I was so young when that happened, and there were so many things related to you that I had no chance to understand, but flying was the way I chose. I hope this is a way to understand what kind of person you are. "

Martin smiled softly.

"I bet it's more than that. You must have also discovered that this is a great opportunity. I mean, if you're a fish, you have to swim, and if you're a pilot, you have to fly, right?"

Hal smiled heartily.

"Yeah, I guess you're always right, Dad."

Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt like he was getting faster.

The green light aircraft had quietly exceeded the speed limit at some point and was slowly exceeding the upper limit of the warp channel.

Before he knew it, he had become the fastest Green Lantern.


At this moment, in front of this energy trail, the New God's Light was galloping at full power. The Supreme Father of the New Creation Star is following him in a golden ball of energy.

Omega rays are chasing them.

"I seem to have captured a flash of green light." The Supreme Father frowned slightly.

The light, which was flying at full speed in front, said without looking back: "That's impossible, Heavenly Father. No creature can catch up with our current speed, not even Green Lantern."

"Maybe." Heavenly Father said solemnly, "Besides, in front of what we have to deal with, a Green Lantern is just a drop in the bucket."


"I see the guy you're talking about, twelve o'clock." Martin Jordan said from the back seat, "But they are really fast, it looks like we have to work harder."

"I'm trying."

Hal struggled to hold the vibrating joystick, and the green streamer flew back out of the fighter plane's window.

"It's true that I have stepped on the accelerator before, but never as hard as today." He said while trying to stabilize the direction of the super-light fighter, "What we are chasing is a cosmic god. Who knows? They said Even among the gods, he is the fastest."

"Maybe, son, maybe." Martin didn't take it seriously and smiled, "But you are from the Jordan family."

He gave a thumbs up.

Hal couldn't help but smile with relief.

They were still increasing their speed, and the fighter was gradually catching up with the speed of light.

Martin looked out the window at the rapidly rewinding sky filled with stars, and was lost in thought for a moment.

“I never thought I could see the stars at such a close distance,” he said. “People like us are so lucky to be able to dance in a ballroom where God has given us birds and angels.

It's in your blood, kid, I know it's there.

I'm not saying it's because your dad is a pilot, I'm not saying you got this from me. Although you seem to feel that you have been following in my footsteps and that I gave you these things to achieve what you have now, I know that is not true. Because if that's the case, then your brothers should have it too. "

Hal glanced at him unexpectedly.

"I mean, it's in your body, you're born with it," Martin said. "Humans used to be cavemen, but we just knew we were born to fly."

He paused and smiled at Hal.

"But even so, you can't lose sight of the ground. It's true that sometimes you have to challenge your limits, I understand. But you can't do your best every moment."

He said, leaning forward and placing his hand on Hal's shoulder. Hal even seemed to be able to feel the warmth from that hand.

"You are Green Lantern, but don't forget, you are also Hal Jordan." Martin smiled. "You find a way to balance the sky and the earth, and no one can defeat you, no one."

Hal: "."

"Listen to me, Hal."

Martin looked out the window, carefully studying the plane embodied by Hal's will, as if he was intoxicated by its structure and aesthetics, as if he wanted to burn everything about it into his heart.

"You have a job to do and someone thinks you can't do it. You know how I look at that? I think they're ridiculous.

You can prove them wrong and prove that you are still the same person who can do anything. You can always go beyond your limits, just like when you tried flying before, just like every time someone told you it was impossible.

And you don't need me to do this, you don't need my help. "

Hal lowered his head and asked the question that had been lingering in his mind for most of his life.

"Seriously. Dad, have you ever been scared?"

no answer.

Hal turned his head: "Dad?"

The back seat was empty.

Once again he was alone on the plane.

"All right."

Hal took a deep breath, and the light ring shone brightly.

".I love you, Daddy."

He pressed the accelerator to the floor.

The concrete fighter plane began to tremble again, cracks appeared everywhere, and parts were torn off from the fighter plane, being drawn into the endless tunnel behind, and being chopped into pieces.

"Warning, the speed exceeds the maximum limit allowed by the channel structure." The light ring warned again.

"Leave the trash talk to other pilots!"

Hal didn't listen at all and continued to accelerate. At the same time, he spared no effort to pour all his will into the shining light ring, quickly repairing and supporting the concrete existence.

"Warning, please reduce speed before complete channel collapse"

"Warning, the possibility of the Speed ​​Force singularity is rising."

Hal's body has begun to appear as a double shadow, as if there are several shadows overlapping on the driver's seat. But he was still accelerating, and at the same time gritted his teeth and said with difficulty: "That sounds like a challenge!"

Golden light shuttled between the stars, and Omega continued to pursue behind him.

"You are beginning to tire, Ray," said the Father.

"No." The red-haired New God gritted his teeth, "I can fly like this forever."

"You can't. Even as gods, we have limits." Heavenly Father said.

"But I'm the fastest!"

Ray shouted.

"No one else can get you safely out of omega rays. No one else can"

"Then you're really lucky, Redhead."

A leisurely and even a little voice sounded above their heads.

Ray: "!?"


At such a speed, something could catch up with him and talk to him from the side?

The two new gods looked up together, and they saw Hal Jordan sitting in his cockpit, smiling and making a salute gesture to them.

"Captain Hal Jordan reporting to you."

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