I become light in American comics

Chapter 568 Unknown Battleship

"Slow down, man, who are you? What crisis do we have?"

Hal frowned.

"In case you haven't noticed, we are the Green Lanterns and we have the entire universe under our control. There's nothing we can't handle."

"I know who you are, Green Lanterns."

Orion shook his head.

"But this isn't your usual petty squabbles, or your colorful light show wars. I'm talking about a real threat, and you can't help."

As he spoke, he looked away and muttered to himself.

"The Almighty Heavenly Father sent me to this universe to find the secret of 'origin', but why? I don't see anything special about this universe. People who contact the origin will really be in this kind of place."

Guy looked at Hal with a strange expression: "Give me some hints, boss. What is Heavenly Father?"

"New Genesis? Are you from New Genesis?" Hal was surprised.

"Oh? Do you know the New Creation Star?" Orian said.

"Of course." Hal said, "I have seen some files sealed by the Guardians, including the parts they previously classified as top secret. I know that New Creation Star is the opposite of Apocalypse, fighting for life and peace in the universe."

Since the Guardian stepped down, Hal has made some serious changes to various settings. He saw an introduction to the new protoss, which the guardians called "an extremely rare race that is even more ancient than us" in the archives.

The most well-known representative of the New Gods in the universe is Darkseid, so he often gives people a stereotype of evil and destruction. But in fact, some of the New Gods also yearn for peace.

New Genesis is such a place. That place is led by Heavenly Father, fighting to stop Apocalypse's evil expansion of hegemony. The war between the two sides has lasted for countless centuries, but they have always been unable to do anything to the other side. Finally, when the disasters and losses caused by the war reached a critical point for both sides, they signed an armistice agreement.

It continues to this day.

"Since you can see those files, it means that your status in the Green Lantern Corps is definitely not low." Orion looked Hal up and down, "I hate to say it, but I need your help, Green Lantern.

Heavenly Father sent me to this universe to find the connection to ‘origin’ that is the key to help us survive the coming disaster. And you, the Green Lantern Corps, are the most familiar with this place. Take me to meet your leader, Green Lantern.

Those guardians know us and I will speak to them directly. "

Hal and Guy looked at each other.

"Uh okay. About that."

Before Hal could finish speaking, Guy crossed his arms and said, "It seems that your information needs to be updated. The Guardians have finished playing, and you are now facing the new leader of the Lantern Corps."

Orion was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Hal again and again with some suspicion.


"it's me."

"A human?"

"Looks like it."

Orion showed an incredible expression.

It seems that their intelligence is indeed lagging behind by more than a star and a half. As far as they know, humans are still a backward species trapped in their own little mud ball, and the Green Lantern Corps has never recruited humans in its history. Orion was secretly surprised when he first saw that there were actually two human Green Lanterns. But he didn't expect that one of them would actually become the leader of the Green Lantern?

"Well, we never liked those little blue men anyway."

Orion looked strange.

"But I have to say that it seems that the earth has changed a lot without us paying attention."

Harxin said, brother, you must have not been to this place for a long time. Such a small thing makes such a big fuss. If you were to go and take a look at the current Earth in person, you would probably be shocked.

At this moment, the two Green Lanterns' rings triggered an alarm response again. There was also an alarm-like response on the operating device of Orion's skateboard.

"Here it comes again, similar to the signal from the sonic blast channel just now." Hal frowned and immediately looked at Orion, "Your companions? What do you want to do? What does it have to do with the destruction of this galaxy?"

"No, it's not our companions." Orion shouted hurriedly, "It's those guys! They are coming."

Needing no further explanation, the two Green Lanterns soon saw it too.

It was some kind of battleship.

Different from the traditional battleships they knew, it had no sharp edges, no obvious propellers, and had a mysterious and weird spherical shape. Its shell is dark black, as if it has swallowed up all the surrounding light. But that shell is covered with various colors of fluorescence, which are constantly changing, flowing and flickering on its surface like a living thing. From dark blue to golden yellow, from dark purple to bright red, the light of various colors interweaves to form various lines and patterns.

"who are they?"


Orion was already flying into the air on his skateboard, shouting.

"A believer dedicated to the most evil existence in the multiverse, a betrayer of all life!"

At this time, the battleship had opened fire, and a powerful energy beam was fired. The three of them avoided each other and used their own methods to fight back.

Gai summoned a huge green light hammer and blasted it away, but the green light structure only smashed into pieces on the invisible protective layer. Hal launched two Green Lantern jets from opposite angles, but the missile bombardment and ramming had no effect.

"Lamp ring, analyze the defensive force field and load the cracking method." Hal ordered.

"Failed. The command could not be executed."

"What? Why!?"

Ollie shouted: "That's God's technology, the power of metal. I said these are beyond your capabilities, Green Lantern! Your little lantern ring toys can't do anything."

Gai cursed and rushed forward, his body covered with green light constructs.

"I am Guy Gardner, I don't care if you are a god or not."

Seeing something bad, Hal hurriedly shouted: "Guy, be careful!"

But it's too late. A dazzling beam of light, like a star penetrating through the stars, blasted straight from the direction of the battleship, instantly engulfing Gai's figure. All the structures were crushed instantly, and the green light was immediately extinguished. An unconscious Guy Gardner floats powerlessly in the universe.

Hal hurriedly shot out the green light force field to protect it, took the cover and turned around to retreat with Orion.

"I've called for reinforcements."

"I said it's useless no matter how much reinforcements you bring," Orion said. "You've also seen that Green Lantern is completely useless in the face of that kind of power."

"Don't underestimate Green Lantern."

Hal paused and said.

"Besides, who said the reinforcements I call have to be Green Lanterns?"

At this time, the light-emitting mechanism behind the battleship has locked their direction, and the dangerous red light is flashing.

"Watch out!"

While Hal shouted, a green light shield formed in front of him. Then they saw two domineering beams of red-hot light shooting towards them from the battleship.

However, just when he was about to touch the shield, he suddenly turned around and bypassed the shield in a very unscientific way. He even bypassed Hal's entire body and drew a Z-shaped path towards Orion behind him. Attack!

"Omega rays!"

Hal was astonished beyond measure.

This battleship can shoot omega rays!

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