I become light in American comics

Chapter 540 Coming over

If Ultraman's appearance only brought visual impact and alertness, then the next scene was a subversive shock.

The giant appeared from the radiance, his eyes suddenly flashed with intense light.

The huge energy is condensed, as if there is a moving nuclear reactor hidden in the human body. The readings obtained in Iron Man's armor once made him suspect that it was a sensor failure. Every cell in Thor's body instinctively sent him a dangerous signal. As a god, his instinct reminded him of the guy who appeared this time and the ones in front of him. The magnitude is completely different.

The giant slowly raised his arms, held them flat in front of his chest, and paused slightly.

Keep your left arm raised and wave your right hand slightly.

It was like a sharp blade cutting through the world, slashing with a sizzling sound that cut through the air.

The next moment, amazing energy burst out. Cut out from the giant's waving arm, the dazzling light is like a bright golden sun. In contrast, the battlefield in Manhattan seemed to be briefly plunged into darkness, followed by a dazzling white light piercing the sky. Light and heat ignite the air and illuminate every corner.

The energy field expanded rapidly, and the white light stretched like a sharp blade to the horizon. The light-like lava at the edge was churning, emitting radiant and hot air waves. The Chitauri fleet entrenched in the city was as insignificant as a moth in front of such a destructive light. Even if it was only contaminated by the aftermath, it evaporated instantly and dissipated into a point of light.

Dust and debris danced in the afterglow of light, as if in celebration. The aftermath of the light comes one after another, as if it spreads to the end of the horizon and lingers for a long time.

The Avengers, who were each in fighting postures, kept their postures for a while. They were stunned for a moment when they looked at the alien soldiers who suddenly died suddenly and turned into dregs.

Ah this

Director Nick Fury on the Aegis Mothership also looked like he had seen a ghost.

He was not surprised when Captain America was dug out of the ice. He was not surprised when Stark flew around the world wearing a high-tech iron shell. The Hulk tore apart the army with his hands, Thor fell from the sky, and the alien army entered New York from the wormhole. .He is very calm at these times.

After all, Lu Dan had never seen aliens when he was young. Besides, after getting to know Captain Marvel, who tore apart space battleships, he found that few things were surprising.

But today he had to admit that he was a little scared.

With just one blow, it looked like he was just waving his hand on the screen, instantly killing the entire alien army in the city!

What's even more outrageous is that the white light swept out by the giant actually seems to be conscious, or it is as if it is equipped with an intelligent identification system to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. The unparalleled brilliance swept across the entire city, but with uncanny accuracy, it killed only all the Chitauri.

The streets, cities, and buildings of New York within the scope of that light were all unscathed. The people, military police, and Avengers affected by the light were all safe and sound.

No, not just safe and sound.

The Avengers fighting on the front lines are the first to notice.

When the white light shone on them, the injuries they had sustained in the previous battle began to miraculously heal quickly.

And not only his injuries, but also the fatigue from continuous battles miraculously began to subside. Every cell in the body seems to be renewed, and the body is restored to its best condition in just a few seconds.

Following closely, they discovered that this was not the most outrageous thing.

Near an occupied shelter where the US team was located, a girl was crying in the arms of her fallen father, constantly crying, "Dad, please look at me," "You can't die," and the like. But judging from the exaggerated amount of bleeding under the man's body, even if he fell in the emergency room right now, he might not be able to be saved.

But just a few seconds after the white light swept through.

The man opened his eyes suddenly and stood up suddenly from a sit-up.

"Sun!" he exclaimed, "I just seemed to see your dead grandma waving to me!"

Girl: "???"

Captain America saw this scene with his own eyes, and his unwavering worldview was even a little shaken.

When Thor and Loki came to Earth and Black Widow told him that these were the gods in mythology, Captain America disagreed. He said that there was only one god in the world.

But now he was a little shaken.

With just one move, he instantly killed tens of thousands of locust-like armies in the entire city. During this period, he could accurately distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, avoid collateral damage, and even milk the entire city to full health. No, even people who have clearly died can be brought back.

Isn't it absolutely impossible for a true god to do this kind of thing?

"Odin's Beard"

It's a catchphrase Thor only says when he's really surprised.

Despite being extremely shocked, Captain America was the quickest to adjust. He said solemnly: "Avengers, don't let your guard down, the battle is not over yet."

Only then did everyone react.

Yes, the battle is not over yet.

The giant of light descending from the sky killed the entire New York fleet with just one blow, but the wormhole in the sky was still there. Until just now, these Chitauri had been pouring out from the other side of the wormhole like there was no end. Judging from the situation, those who had just rushed out might just be the vanguard, just the tip of the iceberg of the large army.

Maybe the enemy's main force is still behind.

But the strange thing is that the wormhole that had been frantically sending troops out until just now actually shut down at some point.

There was no more battleship, and a soldier emerged from behind the wormhole.

It was as if they all suddenly decided to pretend to be dead.

Immediately afterwards, under everyone's attention, the wormhole actually began to rotate and shrink.

"It's closing!" Black Widow said.

"This is a door that leads to the other end of the universe." Hawkeye said, "The door can be opened from both sides."

This is also his line at the beginning of the Avengers movie. At the beginning of the movie, Loki also activated the Rubik's Cube from the other side of the universe to open a portal, and came to Earth as a pioneer.

But now it was clear that the Chitauri wanted to escape.

Sorry to bother you, we went to the wrong place, please say goodbye.

Seeing that the wormhole is about to close, the thrilling battle in New York seems to be coming to an end.

However, Shen You moved again.

Light flashed on the red and silver body, and lightning suddenly appeared. He kicked off his steps and quickly lifted off the ground into the air. Everyone felt a flash of light and shadow in front of their eyes. When they came back to their senses, they saw that the giant's body had already rushed to the location of the wormhole in mid-air like a flash of light.

"It is initially estimated that the giant's instantaneous movement speed is above Mach 20. The specific value cannot be estimated." Jarvis said.

Stark: "."

He didn't know what to say.

A large man over fifty meters tall took off at a starting speed of Mach 20, but the incidental impact did not even shatter a piece of glass in the building next to him.

He tried his best not to think about how many laws of physics were broken in that frame.

If you think too much, you will go crazy.

"What does he want to do?" Black Widow looked at the huge body that suddenly rose into the sky, and she had some amazing premonitions in her heart.

The next moment, the red and silver giant was seen stretching out his hands towards the swirling wormhole and grabbing it hard.

It was as if brute force had been used to stop the contraction of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, he exerted force with both hands.

Although the cave was extremely reluctant and tried desperately to close, it was unable to resist the huge power.

It was torn apart abruptly.

The mysterious and unknown area behind was displayed before his eyes without any reservation.

Half of Ultraman's body poked through the wormhole, and in the starry sky behind the wormhole, the Chitauri's souls were scattered.

"Get over it, get over it!"

There were Chitauri screaming on the channel in an alien language.

"That thing is coming!!!"

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