I become light in American comics

Chapter 517 Defense Comes

One hit.

As Shen You imagined, the Black Lightning that appears most of the time seems to be the product of some kind of concept, or a program within the Speed ​​Force. It will only follow the program to complete the task. Although it has extremely exaggerated speed and energy, its combat awareness and skills are not very good.

Shen You simply cheated and created a flaw in his movements, easily gaining the chance to kill.

He was not sure whether physical attacks would be effective, but the white light of life and the power of death should have a mutually restraining effect.

In fact, the white light was indeed effective. Shen You's knife penetrated Black Lightning's chest, and the light of life eroded inside. The holes that penetrated its body corroded around at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At least that was the case for a while.

But soon, lightning flashed in Black Lightning's eyes, and the dark lightning all over his body surged. His body suddenly vibrated until it blurred into an afterimage. Shen You alertly noticed that something was wrong, and immediately drew away his hand. With a flick of his fingertips, a light bullet shot towards Black Lightning's eyebrows.

However, he saw that Black Lightning's speed suddenly increased a lot, and he dodged the white light bullet with his upper body, and at the same time, he struck at Shen You with a claw at extremely high speed. Shen You struck his wrist with his palm at an extremely fast speed. The light of the white lamp and the physical power contained in it broke the hand's claw from his wrist on the spot, revealing a blackened bone at the break.

Fortunately, Shen You has excellent combat awareness, and when he instinctively senses danger, he attacks with light bullets. Black Lightning first dodged his light bomb, and the attack rhythm was slightly delayed. Only then could Shen You use his anticipation and speed to interrupt its attack and inflict heavy damage.

But it was clearly still in the white light field, but its speed suddenly recovered.

Shen You observed the changes of energy in Black Lightning's body through clairvoyance, and made some calculations in his mind.

Although the white light field can slow it down, it is only for a short time. After all, Black Lightning is one of the manifestations of the God of Death, and he also has this quite powerful power of death in his body.

At this time, Black Lightning retreated away from Shen You, and the severe injuries he suffered began to heal quickly. The big hole in its chest was first filled with the dry, bloodless flesh of a rotting corpse at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then even the damaged armor grew back.

The same goes for a broken arm. Its arm grew back from the break, first with blackened skeletal claws, then with rotting flesh and uniform. Purple-black lightning enveloped its body, and its empty eyes seemed to have a hint of fierce light.

The electric light appeared, and Black Lightning's figure flickered, turning into an afterimage and disappearing again.

But Shen You knew clearly that it had not left, but was still waiting for an opportunity.

Black Lightning mostly appears to take away the lives of speedsters. It had just killed Selkirk, but it had no intention of leaving, and instead launched an attack again.

In other words, its target is either Shen You or Barry.

Just in case, Shen You had already wrapped Barry in the white light force field. Because Black Lightning attacks so fast, even he is not confident that he can react. With this layer of protection, you can at least buy time to escape.

Shen You increased his vigilance by twelve points.

Using another timer flash as Black Lightning approaches will briefly slow it down. However, the kill must be completed in the moment before its speed recovers, otherwise it will regenerate rapidly once it escapes from the influence of the white light.

At this moment, Shen You's gaze swept across this huge temple.

There are some murals carved around the temple. Simple lines carved the shape of little figures on the walls, and the shapes of palaces and altars can also be vaguely discerned. In the center of the altar, it looked like a man was tied there, surrounded by a circle of small people holding spears. Lightning fell from the sky, fell on the tied man, and then radiated in all directions centered on that man, connecting to all the little people around the altar.

Shen You thought.

He recalled Selkirk saying that this was the temple of the Speed ​​Force and the altar of ritual. According to his original plan, the Flash should parachute here after being sucked into the Speed ​​Force, and he had already prepared the ritual to take away the Flash's speed.

The rapid operation of the photon brain allowed him to browse the contents of the murals in the temple in an instant, and connected them with his existing knowledge of the speed force.

Then a bold tactic occurred to him.

After a moment of waiting, Bai Leng's perception made him aware of the approach of death.


Shen You touched his chest with his fists again, and the surging light energy was activated, and the timer flash of white light energy burst out to the entire temple.

The mighty light was like layers of waves, covering the entire area in an instant. As long as the black lightning rushes into the scope of this temple, it will definitely be slowed down by the interference of life force.

But no one.

Shen You looked around and saw that there was indeed no ghost figure at all, not even the fleeting afterimage he had glimpsed before.

Could it be that I made a mistake in my perception?

No, he was confident in his perception of the white light. Especially for something as full of death as Black Lightning, it's impossible to go wrong. He could feel that the death energy in the temple was extremely strong, but he could not determine where the black lightning was.

He thought about it and suddenly had a guess.

Is it possible?

Shen You turned around suddenly, and suddenly saw Selkirk's mummy, which had been hung in the palace, with a purple-black electric light suddenly appearing on his body.

over there!

Shen You realized that he might have underestimated Black Lightning's combat awareness. Having no skills does not mean that there is no fighting mentality. At least it even has the ability to think about tactics and countermeasures.

It already knew that the white light released by Shen You would slow down its speed in an instant, so it was not in a hurry to launch an attack. Instead, it hid in the corpse and waited for the body's paralysis to ease before launching an attack.

At this time, the afterimage had flashed out of Selkirk's body and was running towards Shen You!

But Shen You remained calm.

Black Lightning didn't seem to notice it at all, but he had already made arrangements and was already standing where he needed to be.

The response deployment to Black Lightning has long been completed. Although Black Lightning actually had the consciousness to hide in the corpse and drag out CDs, which surprised him a little, it was not a big problem and did not affect his tactical plan.

And now there is only one thing left for him to do.

The light in the body was fully transformed into the Speed ​​Force, and the speed of Shen Yu reached the extreme, but it was not to fight back against Black Lightning.

Instead, he extended his arm and grabbed Barry, who was fixed in place like a stone sculpture under the high-speed attack and defense of the two.

And he lifted Barry in front of him, blocking the trajectory of Black Lightning's attack like a shield.

Defense is coming!

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