"You came."

"I am coming."

"You're here after all."

"I'm here after all."

"I knew you would come."

".So can you give in a little bit first?"

A minute later, Shen You looked at Maxima standing in front of him with helplessness.

In fact, he didn't really want to make it like this. They were face to face as soon as they came up, especially when Maxima's face clearly had a "story telling" expression, which could easily lead to misunderstanding.

But fortunately, at this moment, the people behind the camp seemed to be still immersed in the shock of the scene they saw a minute ago.

It was probably the most spectacular scene they had ever seen in their lives.

The giant descended from the sky, immediately raised his hand and waved lightly.

Then there was white light.

The endless white light seemed to have summoned endless sea water from the sky, and instantly flooded the entire battle situation.

The light was domineering and powerful, more fierce than any of their weapons. No matter how powerful the zombies and monsters are, they are no match for him. Almost as soon as he touches them, their bodies will disintegrate and collapse until they disappear.

At the same time, the light is soft and warm, with magical healing effects. The Almeric warriors who were touched by the white light were healed instantly, no matter how serious their injuries were. The warm current surged into everyone's body riding on the white light, quickly repairing any injuries. I don't know if it was an illusion, but even the mental fatigue was swept away, and the whole person became brand new in a second.

With just one action, he could simultaneously wipe out the enemy's army and resurrect all his own troops in full condition within one strike.

Moreover, those terrifying enemies who could not be killed no matter how hard they were beaten before, and who could regenerate even if they turned to ashes, actually immediately lay down obediently after the majestic white light swept through them, and there were no more corpses.

This kind of technology, this kind of power is simply unheard of.

Automatically distinguish between friend and foe, complete two completely opposite actions of killing and healing at the same time, and combine exaggerated destructive power with astonishing milk volume.

If someone hadn't seen it with their own eyes, if anyone told them that such an operation could exist in the world, they would definitely think it was nonsense.

However, if someone said this to Shen You in person, he would only say that he was wrong. I am just an amateur, and you have never seen a real professional.

Shen You's ability to perform such amazing operations relies on the inherent attributes of the white lamp, because the light of the white lamp already has such a powerful function, and he himself doesn't think there is anything amazing about it.

Among the compatriots he knows well, Master Gao has a better affinity with white lights. Master Gao's solar eclipse form is already capable of killing his teammates and opponents with one big move. If Master Gao had obtained the power of the white lantern, he would have been out of control by now, even if he became the next existence. Shen You, the spirit spirit, wouldn’t find it too strange.

In comparison, isn't Shen Shen just an amateur?

"This is that Ultraman."

One of the officers swallowed, lowered his voice and whispered.

"No wonder Her Majesty the Queen keeps mentioning it. She is indeed not an ordinary person."

No, that's an understatement.

This should be said to be simply magical, right?

Before Shen You landed, he could tell at a glance that the zombie wave was the cause of the Book of Darkness. Those things looked similar to what Hal had seen on the backward planet when he first discovered the Book of Darkness.

Their roots should all be the Book of Darkness.

A small amount of black light energy radiated from the book. Although it was weak, it was enough to affect the deceased near the area where it was located. Dead animals and plants, any body that once had life can be disturbed and resurrected in a form similar to the living dead.

The scientific name for this kind of thing in the lantern group is "black lantern corpse".

But these are not complete black lantern corpses yet. The real Black Lantern corpses belong to members of the Black Lantern Corps, and everyone has a Black Lantern ring. Not only are they immortal, but they can also use various abilities granted by the Black Lantern Ring.

The setting says that the Black Lantern Corpse can only be injured by combining two or more emotional spectrum powers, otherwise it will regenerate indefinitely. But now these zombies without light rings are only semi-finished products. According to Shen You's observation, it seems that they can be eliminated even with only one spectral power.

This is why Ion Hal was able to eliminate the undead on that planet before.

What he saw here was enough to prove that Shen You had found the right place, and the Book of Darkness was most likely here. However, he tried to ask Maxima several times about the book, but was blocked every time.

Her Majesty the Queen was talking happily to herself: "Look, you have helped me so much since you came here today. If you hadn't appeared today, the consequences would have been disastrous."

"It's a trivial matter." Shen You waved his hand, "Compared to this, the books that caused the disease on these corpses"

Maxima didn't seem to hear: "Oh, I owe you again and again, and I don't know how to repay it. It seems that I still have to pay with my body."

As he spoke, people had already swooped over.

Shen You had no expression on his face and used a flash of speed to bypass the queen. The latter jumped into the air, staggered two steps and almost fell down.

Shen You flashed directly in front of the officer in charge of field command behind the Queen.

Unable to communicate with Maxima, he felt he needed to find someone normal.

"This is something that started happening a few days ago."

The officer knew that in front of him was the one that His Majesty had been talking about all day. He had just witnessed his exaggerated combat power, so he did not dare to neglect him at all.

"At first, it was just an inconspicuous asteroid on the border of the empire. Nearby residents reported corpse lesions. The surrounding armies went to suppress it, but in the end, the entire army was wiped out. After being killed, they all turned into zombie forms.

That’s when we realized the seriousness of the problem.”

"Have you found the root cause?" Shen You asked.

Unlike the backward planet where the Book of Darkness appeared last time, Almerik belongs to an advanced civilization and should have the means to discover the Book of Darkness that is behind the scenes.

"Our experts also analyzed that there should be a source of infection. They used some means to locate the location where the source of infection initially appeared, but when our people rushed there, it was already a step too late."

The officer said coldly.

"Merlock announced the discovery of that thing and claimed that their organization was responsible for the recent zombie phenomenon. He requested direct negotiations with the royal family. If his request was not agreed to, he would use that power to transform the entire Almeric."

"Merlock?" Shen You repeated this unfamiliar name.

"They are the remnants of Zazo's men who rebelled before."

Maxima also came over at this time and didn't mind Shen You's behavior of avoiding the bear hug.

"They were hiding away from the royal capital before. They were already in decline. It was only a matter of time before they were captured. But now they suddenly became arrogant again and clamored for face-to-face dialogue and negotiation. I don't know what extra support they have."

Shen You felt relieved.

So, the Book of Darkness should have been picked up by these terrorists.

Maxima rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "The thing that caused the corpse transformation, that thing in Merlock's hand must be some kind of powerful artifact? You came here for it, right?"

"Yes." Shen You said.

"In that case, Almeric will definitely help you win it." Maxima patted her chest and vowed, "Don't worry, I already have a plan. As long as you do as I say, we are guaranteed to win that Whatever it is!”

Shen You narrowed his eyes and looked at Maxima with some confusion.

It's like being suspicious, do you have a plan?

It's not that he looks down on anyone, but the line "I have a plan" is a bit inappropriate when placed on Maxima's head.

But when he thought about it, after all, this was his territory. After all, Her Royal Highness the Princess has been promoted to Queen for a while, and she has countless think tanks under her hands. Maybe my rank has really improved now?

"Okay." So he nodded.

"Very good!"

Maxima was overjoyed.

"Then without further delay, come to me tonight. We have a major project involving trillions of lives to discuss!"

Shen You: "?"

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