I become light in American comics

Chapter 500 The Balance of Life and Death

Fu Rong is the only character Shen You knows who has a deeper understanding of the emotional spectrum than Carona. So when he got this divine power ring, he originally had great expectations for the evil being sealed in it.

But as the saying goes, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

The first thing Shen You asked about was of course the ability he was most interested in in the original Lantern No. 1. That is an arbitrary play with reality and time.

Lantern No. 1's ability performance in the original work was extremely incredible. It is not an exaggeration to say that he showed everyone the new upper limit of spectral power. He rewrote the timelines of the important characters of the major lantern groups, allowing all of them to personally experience the reality that developed after the important nodes in their lives were rewritten.

For example, Hal's father never crashed, and for example, the sectors of Atrocitas were never massacred. He can easily change what has happened and then overwrite reality into a new timeline derived from that possibility. He can make people who have been dead for many years become never dead, and can make anyone who has never been born.

What's even more frightening is that to achieve this, he doesn't even need to travel back in time to make changes like a time traveler, but only needs a thought. Reality and time are like a child's building blocks in front of him, and he can put them together however he wants.

In the comics, when he appeared, he was in a weak state after being drained of energy by the Little Blue Man as a battery for tens of billions of years, so he could only let the Lanterns experience and feel the timeline he had rewritten, but he could not overturn those changes. Write into reality. But according to himself, all the changes he made could come true with just a little more emotional energy.

That is almost the strongest power that a spectrum driver has ever shown, and it is even slightly similar to the function of the legendary "Equation of Life". This also gave Shen You a hunch that this might involve a deeper area of ​​spectral knowledge that even Kalona had not touched.

However, when he mentioned the evil in the divine ring,

"Time travel? Rewriting reality??" Firong in the lantern ring was shocked, "Where did you come up with such a crazy idea?"

Shen You: "."

After repeated inquiries and confirmations, he was convinced that this guy was not pretending to be stupid, but was really stupid.

But that's right. The Divine Power Ring was something created by Firong when he first embarked on his journey to the multiverse in his early years. At that time, perhaps his abilities were far less powerful than he would be later, and his knowledge was not as rich as he would later be. And what is sealed in the divine power ring is the soul fragment of the disaster back then, so naturally there will be no subsequent knowledge.

"It's really useless, it doesn't even know how to do this." Shen You was very dissatisfied.

Firong: "."

God doesn’t even know how to do this.

Do you want to hear what outrageous questions you are asking? I'm just a broken ring, and I rewrite time to cover reality. You think too highly of me.

"Okay, then it looks like I'll just have to make do. I'll take whatever you have."

Shen You shrugged, and the white light extended out and penetrated directly into the ring.

Fu Rong was shocked when he felt his body being invaded.

"What are you going to do? I'm warning you, don't come in casually. Not just anyone can enter me.

Wait, don’t look there, you can’t look there, you can’t ah ah! "

Firong screamed like a slaughtering pig.

Shen Youxu stared.

"Isn't it just a quick look at your design and structure?"

This ring was born before all the lamp rings in the current universe, and it was made by the first lamp himself. There is still something worth learning from in terms of design. And it stores all the spectral knowledge that Firong brought with him when he left his home star. Although it is definitely not as good as what he learned when he later traveled to the multiverse, there are still many things worth learning from.

Leaving aside everything else, the most critical thing is the knowledge about the white light and black light parts.

The little blue people are really dumb. After studying for so many years, they know nothing about the two unconventional spectrums of life and death. Even after downloading the entire Oua database, Shen You still has very little available content.

But Firong had a lot of things that interested him. Such as the emotional expression of life in the spectrum, some operating characteristics and laws, these have quite good guiding significance for Shen You, who is still in the exploratory stage of white light application.

The opposite side of the spectrum, the Black Lantern of Death, is also recorded here.

"The white light gives new life to all things, while the black light gives rest to the dead. Only the spectrum of life or death is destined to tilt to one side and cannot maintain balance.

Darkness is approaching, only life can eliminate death, and only death can balance all living beings. "

Shen You relied on the combination of the speed force and the light quantum brain to perform simple quantum speed reading on the huge data, and fell into deep thought.

The balance mentioned in the records of the Bane exists not only in all things in the world, but also in the spectrum masters themselves.

When Shen You mastered the energy of the seven lanterns at the same time, the seven emotions had formed a mutually reinforcing balance, a complete cycle. But if you look at it from a more macro perspective, the seven emotions, whether positive or negative, should all belong to the "life" camp when combined.

And according to Fu Rong, a spectrum with only life and no death cannot be considered complete either.

"Life creates hope, while death maintains balance." Shen You muttered, "Where there is light, there must be shadow, and light without darkness is incomplete."

He immediately couldn't help but think of the teachings he heard in the Kingdom of Light.

It may come as a surprise to those who don't know, but even in a place called the "Land of Light", the most shining world in the universe, the Ultramans also uphold similar concepts.

Now, even in a different world and a different system, there are similarities with what Shen You learned back then.

“To truly understand and master the power of life, death is also indispensable.”

Shen You murmured and thought for a moment.

Turn around after him.


"Yes, sir."

"Adjust our spectral radar parameters and use the new data we just got." He said.

"Okay, sir. So what's the goal?"

"The frequency of the black light, we need to find 'death'." Shen You said.

The Dark Book briefly appeared in front of Hal during the Kalona Incident, but then disappeared. Because of the lack of information and data, the current search method is basically the stupidest manual investigation method.

All 3,600 Green Lanterns in the Green Lantern Corps controlled by Hal received this side mission, patrolling their respective sectors to search for clues about the Book of Darkness.

But nothing has been found yet.

But now with Firong's technical support, Shen You can upgrade his search methods.

"Starting from the Milky Way first, the range expanded to 2814 sectors in one day."

After the adjustment was completed, the radar was started. Shen You continued after personally confirming that the radar was working normally.

"Then send a copy to our Green Lantern colleagues to build a larger search equipment on Oa. Use Oa as the starting point to search the entire universe sector."

"Matching target found."

Shen You was choked back before he finished the second half of his sentence.

Only one word came to mind for the first time.


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