"Stupid alien!"

What was roaring angrily was a skull with a burning head, its whole body was burning with flames, and the skull's head was roaring sharply.

"I can analyze your body composition, I can make the blood in your veins evaporate in a second, and I can even extract your DNA! I, I. Why the hell is my ability useless!?"

He looked at his burning hands and couldn't understand.

His name is Deathstorm, and from his appearance and abilities, it can be seen that he is Firestorm's counterpart on Earth 3. He was a crazy physiologist who didn't care about ordinary ethics. He conducted a large number of illegal human experiments. Finally, he merged with a dead corpse and became what he is now. He gained the ability to rearrange subatoms similar to Firestorm, and his ability was very effective against Organisms can also be effective.

However, Shen You has studied Fire Storm's ability. On the surface, it seems that he can rewrite any substance, but in fact it is not without limitations. The "Fire Storm Matrix", the source of Fire Storm's ability, is like the central control computer for their operations. When they decompose and rewrite any matter, they must first go through the Fire Storm Matrix analysis.

And if it is something that cannot be parsed or calculated by the Fire Storm Matrix, Fire Storm's ability will be ineffective against it. This was explained in Firestorm's personal magazine.

For example, Shen You's own Ultraman light does not belong to the entire DC universe system.

Death Storm, as the peer of Fire Storm, has a similar principle. Therefore, Shen You had already designed a strategy to deal with him.

As long as he is completely wrapped in light and drained of all the substances he can transform, the power of Death Storm will stop.

In fact, less than half a minute had passed since the door opened. As the syndicate members came out one after another, none of them could last more than two seconds in his hands.

Most people on the Justice League side have accepted this rhythm and slowly gotten used to it. Batman, who stood behind Superman, remained silent the whole time, but observed more intently than anyone else. If you look closely, you can see that the Dark Knight has quietly activated the camera function in his helmet at some point.

At this time, he was taking notes furiously in his "Thousand Ways to Destroy the Justice League" notebook, learning advanced targeting experience from Shen You.

The last one to come out was the Super Queen.

There is something interesting about this setting. If the Crime Syndicate and the Zhenglian correspond to each other, she will take the position of Wonder Woman. Her abilities are basically the same, and she has a noose in her hand that can make people surrender.

But her true identity is not Diana Prince on Earth 3, but Superman's real girlfriend Lois Lane. So Super Queen is equivalent to Wonder Woman and Lois combined.

From the name and the noose that looks like thorns and is covered with barbs, you can imagine that this is the role of Queen No. 1 Fan Laman. She has a curvy figure and a beautiful face. The black uniform looks like a tight leather jacket, and the whiteness on her chest is as deep as the Mariana Trench.

However, this person is by no means a light-hearted person. According to public information, she has had an affair with Superman, Batman, and Luthor from Earth 3. There may be countless more that have not been disclosed.

Shen You will not be merciful to this kind of guy.

Snap, snap, snap.

First, he punched that beautiful bridge of the nose. The Super Queen retreated on her back, blood flying from her broken nose, and she naturally and instinctively punched back in the direction of the attack. She had only handed half of her arm over with her fist before it was taken back. The joint technique was accompanied by a crisp "click" sound, and her arm was completely destroyed.

What followed was a heavy kick to the back of the knee that disabled her legs and feet. Shen You moved half a circle around her at high speed and delivered a series of intensive critical blows to her cheeks, shoulders, lower abdomen, and joints.

The Super Queen only poked half of her head out of it, and was immediately beaten into a pig's head by a fist with a speed of more than a hundred times the speed of sound.

There is no way, the Super Queen corresponds to Wonder Woman, which means there is no targeted weakness at the root of her abilities.

Without targeted weaknesses, Shen You had no choice but to seize on general weaknesses.

As a wise saying once said, if you are killed, you will die. As long as you beat him hard enough, even the gods will kneel down. This is an unchanging truth in the multiverse.

The Super Queen was also beaten to the ground by the speed of light. Shen You clapped his hands, turned around and looked at the portal for a while. After waiting for a few seconds, no one appeared again.

"It looks like it's the last one. It's almost done. Let's turn it off first."

He actually briefly thought about going to Earth 3 directly through this door. After all, the universe ruled by the Syndicate is also a very suitable place for spreading light. The effect is definitely not worse than the disaster-ridden Earth 2. No, maybe it will be better than Earth 2. Earth 2 works better.

But when he thought about the Earth 3 setting after the New 52, ​​he decided to play it safe first.

If it is Earth 3 in the New 52 comics, then in that universe lives one of the most terrifying beings in the multiverse.

He once successfully destroyed the ultimate villain of the DC multiverse in the epoch-making masterpiece "Crisis on Infinite Earths", single-handedly promoted the first "universe reboot" in the history of comics, and also created the concept of "big events" in the history of superhero comics. Cosmic demon.


In the New 52 setting, the Criminal Syndicate actually sneaked into the main universe to escape. The entire universe where Earth 3 is located has actually been destroyed by the anti-monitors, and they are the survivors.

If anti-surveillance is really on the other side, then there must be nothing left on Earth 3 to save. And although Shen You has been strengthened many times now, he has not swelled due to this. It is still unrealistic to face the Anti-Monitor directly.

The Anti-Monitor has been confirmed in the current updated story to be the son of Perpetua, the goddess of creation. He is already a multi-level god in the creation class. He is older than the entire DC multiverse. And the nature of its abilities is largely related to the legendary "Anti-Life Equation".

Among all the powers and knowledge Shen You has obtained so far, the one closest to being promoted to that level is the power of white lanterns.

The white lamp is the light of life, but it essentially belongs to the system under the "life equation" of the light of creation. If we follow this path based on the white light, we might be able to find the correct way to open the equation of life.

And once anyone can touch the equation of life, there is no doubt that they have entered the realm of multiple realms and reached the level of the anti-monitor.


"Okay, the cleaning that needs to be done is almost done."

Shen You turned around and drew the divine power ring wrapped in white bubbles again, letting it float in front of him.

"I have a lot of questions next. We can find a quiet place to talk alone."

Firong: "."

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