I become light in American comics

Chapter 477 Pandora’s Box

Bellerive Prison, the world's most secure prison, is designed for the most dangerous and vicious criminals.

The heavy door slowly rose, and Superman and Wonder Woman walked out side by side. Soldiers standing guard on both sides saluted them.

"This place is impregnable," Superman said. "They've prepared a special cell for the Elemental Man. He won't cause any more trouble."

Wonder Woman frowned, "Maybe, but we also know the ability of the elemental man, and he may not be able to escape. If this really happens, what should we do?"

Superman didn't hesitate: "Then let's catch him again."

Wonder Woman sighed, "You know, there's a reason I don't have a long list of villains like Bruce, Barry, or even you. When it's time to take them down, I take them down."

Superman frowned: "I believe that when you use the word 'clean up', you are not referring to private executions. Maybe some people deserve to die, but it should not be decided by us. We need the process of trial..."

Wonder Woman interrupted: "Sometimes we have to."

The two of them had flown away from the prison as they spoke.

"Remember that time in Saudi Arabia?" Superman pondered briefly, and then said, "We found that innocent people were wrongly convicted of terrorists and sent to death row."

Wonder Woman's face was expressionless: "So, this is what you are worried about? As long as you have the mantra lasso, you won't."

They landed on a rock, overlooking the brightly lit city below. Speechless for a moment.

After getting along for such a long time, the two have already become teammates who can support each other. But despite this, there is sometimes a subtle tension between them.

They are allies and friends, but often disagree when it comes to moral issues. They have very different views on how to treat criminals. Superman stands up for what he believes in justice and fairness, while Wonder Woman is more direct and decisive.

They stood on the rock overlooking the city below. The city shimmers with warm light at night, but in the eyes of these two people, these bright places also hide darkness and chaos.

Wonder Woman turned her head and looked at him: "Sometimes, our world is not fair. We can only do our best."

"I know." Superman nodded slightly, "It's just that sometimes, we need to remember what makes us different from criminals."

"Of course we are different from criminals. Maybe we should change the topic." Diana waved her hand.

Superman said no more.

The two were silent for a few seconds. Then Diana turned around sharply.


It was a silver-haired girl wearing a bright red robe, holding a golden skull-shaped object in her hand. This object seems to be attracting all the vitality around it, making people feel an indescribable sense of oppression.

Diana immediately became alert. She quickly and skillfully drew out the sword in her hand, and pointed the tip of the sword at the girl who suddenly appeared: "Pandora?"

Superman turned around curiously and looked at the girl: "Pandora? Are you the Pandora in Greek mythology?"

At this time, Diana's eyes were full of vigilance and hostility: "What are you doing here? What is your purpose?"

Pandora's voice was very calm, as if everything was as expected: "Don't be nervous, God King Diana. I am not here to trouble you. I was involved in this chaos, and I also believe that, It was one of you who implicated me in the first place.”

Superman looked at her and frowned: "We don't think this is a good idea, Pandora. You'd better get out of here."

Pandora smiled softly, her laughter as sweet as a silver bell: "You are right, Superman. I am indeed cursed. Because of my existence, humans have the ability to do evil. But maybe, I I can work with you to restore the world to the way it should be."

Diana frowned: "We all know what myths are like, Pandora. You opened the box that no one should open."

Pandora shook her head: "That's because I was deceived. It was one of the Greek gods in the past who asked me to open the box. I released the seven deadly sins out of curiosity, and I also paid the price for that curiosity."

Superman took a deep breath: "This is ridiculous. Human evil can have many reasons, but it can never be because of a magic box."

Pandora looked at him, tears flashing in her eyes: "I know I was wrong, Superman. I am just a cursed girl, and I did not want to harm the world. I was just deceived and forced to perform a terrible Task."

Superman looked at her, feeling an inexplicable surge of complicated emotions in his heart. He tried to keep calm, but the sadness and helplessness of the silver-haired girl made him feel a deep sympathy.

No, maybe it's magic. He shook his head.

Diana also looked at Pandora, her eyes still full of vigilance: "I can't completely believe what you say, Pandora. What do you want to do?"

Pandora didn't speak, she just looked at them with a sad look.

She thrust the golden skull box into Superman's hands.

At that moment, the box seemed to be given life.

A dazzling red light, an unsettling brilliance. Superman felt his body begin to shake uncontrollably. Fear and uneasiness, as well as countless voices whispering in his ears, as if the box touched his soul at that moment.

"You have to help me, Superman." Pandora's voice seemed to come from a very far away place. "Only you can open this box. Only you can seal all the evil in the world. No, it must be possible."

Superman's body began to tremble. His eyes turned blood red and he let out a hoarse roar. His body seemed to have turned into some kind of carrier, and red lightning began to overflow.

"Superman!" Diana yelled, "Are you okay?"

no respond.

But a third eye opened on his forehead.


With a violent roar, Superman suddenly turned around and punched. Diana, who was already on guard, dodged back and skillfully avoided the punch.

"Carl, you need to calm down!"

But Superman didn't stop. He continued to rush forward, seemingly losing control.

"What's going on?" Pandora asked in horror, "This shouldn't happen! He is Superman! There is no evil in his heart!"

"What did that box do to him, Pandora!?" Diana shouted, "Take the box off his hands!"

Diana jumped up and hit Superman accurately in the abdomen with a side kick. Superman is kicked out and a wall collapses behind him. He slipped down, hitting his head hard on the ground, and the golden magic box rolled aside from his hands.

The red magic chain immediately wrapped around the magic box. Before Superman could reach out to grab it, Pandora had already pulled the box back into his hand.

"It shouldn't be like this."

Pandora murmured and backed away holding the box.

"Superman is closer to humanity than I thought."

The third eye on Superman's forehead seemed to struggle unwillingly for a while, and finally closed slowly. He breathed heavily and tried to stand up, but failed, teetering on the verge of falling.

Diana hurriedly rushed to him and supported him.

"Are you OK?"

Superman shook his head, trying to free himself from his confused thoughts. He looked at Diana with doubt in his eyes: "Where is Pandora?"

The two of them turned their heads at the same time, only to see that the girl with the golden skull box had disappeared into the night, soundlessly, like fine sand in the breeze.

"she left."

Superman struggled to stand still. He felt as if he was in a huge whirlpool, and gravity prevented him from gaining a firm footing.

It was only when he spoke that he realized how weak his voice sounded. The world in front of me is also a little blurry, as if it is shrouded in a thick layer of fog.

"Are you okay?" Diana frowned.

"I'm not sure, Diana."

Superman looked at his hands in confusion.

"I felt like something was wrong."

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