I become light in American comics

Chapter 469 Everything will be fine

"Let's start with you, Batman knockoff."

Yamo Zhuo snorted and swayed lightly in front of Batman at super high speed.

"I have forcibly terminated the operation of Clayface's ability module and terminated the operation of the process. Your little compound can only interfere with Clayface's ability. As long as you shut down that part of the program, it will pose no threat to me."

He came to Batman and raised his fist.

"And you? So slow that you don't even have time to realize your own death."

One punch.

The Iron Fist penetrated Batman's chest with lightning simulating the Speed ​​Force, and exited from the back. What spewed out from it was naturally not blood or human tissue, but wires, sparks, and metal parts.

Yamo Zhuo withdrew his arm, looked at Batman flying backwards in slow motion, and sneered.

"What tactics and wisdom are all empty talk without strong enough strength to support them. The so-called Dark Knight is a joke. The real Dark Knights in the outside world have all fallen, and fake people like you"

As he spoke, Ya Mo Zhuo suddenly seemed to realize something was wrong. He turned his head suddenly, and suddenly saw that in the space-time that was supposed to be slowing down at high speed, the big "S" was almost touching his face, and the huge fist was flying towards him like a bombardment.

A punch to the face. The force of the fist exploded on his metal face, and the huge impact caused him to stumble back.

But as a machine, Yamo Zhuo couldn't feel the pain. As he retreated under the inertia of the impact, he was only filled with doubts.

Why does Superman seem to have become faster even though he is in Speed ​​Force mode?

Before I could figure it out, I just heard a sound breaking through the air from the side. He glanced sideways and saw that Wonder Woman had also come around to the flank at some point, yelling and slashing with her sword.

Ya Mo Zhuo had to raise his arms to resist. His body is always in superhuman ability mode and has a biological force field protection similar to superhuman. But the sword in Wonder Woman's hand also simulates the magical properties of the real Wonder Woman weapon.

The copycat Vulcan Sword successfully broke through the biological force field of the copycat, and cut off one of Ya Mo Zhuo's arms on the spot. Electricity surged from the broken part, and the impact it carried drove him away.

As he stepped back, Yamo Zhuo keenly caught a glimpse of Superman's face turning slightly green, and his mental state seemed not to be very good.

It took him a moment to figure it out.

It's that Batman trap again!

It's not that they're getting faster, it's that they're getting slower.

Batman used anti-Clayface compound to disrupt his abilities, and then predicted that the target of Yamozo's next attack must be himself. He knew full well that his own abilities could not cope with Yamo Zhuo's attack, so he made preparations for the attack with the determination to die.

It was kryptonite, and he had the kryptonite in his mouth.

Because it is a one-to-one replica of the real Batman's belt, and the real Batman will definitely carry kryptonite at all times. He took out the kryptonite in advance, held it in his mouth, and used his own body as bait to lure Ya Mo Zhuo closer.

Superman's ability is the strongest and most comprehensive ability he has ever copied, so it can be predicted that Ya Mo Zhuo must maintain the operation of the superhuman ability module most of the time. As long as this program is still running, his mental state panel attributes will drop off a cliff when he is close to kryptonite. The energy output level will drop and it will also interfere with the operation of other abilities. The efficiency of the simulated speed force will be damaged, and his movement speed will also be greatly interfered with.

So it's not that the opponent is faster, but that he is slower, so Superman and Wonder Woman succeed.

Superman was a little farther away, so he was slightly slower to be disturbed, but he only had time to punch Yamozo before the kryptonite also affected him.

The dying Batman fell against the wall, spat out the kryptonite from his mouth, and temporarily put it back into his belt.

After suffering this secret loss, Ya Mo Zhuo immediately shut down the superhuman ability mode. Even if he doesn't use Superman's abilities, he still has a dozen abilities that can be used. Fighting with the side effects of eating kryptonite is not cost-effective for him.

And since he has shut it down, the kryptonite will only be effective on teammates and cannot be used anymore.

Fortunately, this Batman is a machine and not a real person. Even though his heart was ripped out, it was not fatal, but his movements were severely damaged. The shocking hole in his heart was filled with engine oil and electric light. He couldn't stand up for a moment, but he still commanded: "Take advantage of the moment.

Even if he terminated the program, it would still take a while for the energy levels to return to normal. "

Needless to say, the two teammates had already stepped forward and surrounded Ya Mo Zhuo to fight.

But Yamo Zhuo remained calm, and fired a right hook from the air, hitting the heroine from a long distance. It seemed that the distance was not enough, but when he punched out, green light suddenly erupted from his fist, transformed into a fist and flew out of the air, hitting the heroine's abdomen hard in the air.

Immediately afterwards, electricity suddenly appeared all over Ya Mo Zhuo's body. He exploded at super high speed and ducked to avoid Superman's punch. He then made a sideways uppercut that dragged the electricity and hit Superman's abdomen. Superman took half a step back and barely stood still, but as the shadow of a fist flashed in front of him, he was hit with several more punches, forcing him to retreat.

"Don't be complacent, you bunch of fakes." Yamo Zhuo said solemnly, "Even if Superman's abilities are sealed, I still have enough abilities to deal with you.

Do you know how many abilities I have accumulated so far? From the Earth, from the New Gods, and from other star races.”

He dodged forward, so fast that it seemed to be split into two, with two afterimages pursuing Superman and Heroine respectively after they were knocked away.

"I am the ultimate weapon combining Apocalypse and Earth's technology, the terminator of Apocalypse's war!"

Superman's cheek was ripped open by him, exposing the circuit underneath. The heroine's lower abdomen was penetrated by the energy beam, and debris and sparks flew into the air.

"I can do anything so I won't be cheated by impostors."

Yamo Zhuo's mind moved slightly when he said this, as if he noticed something strange behind him. He quickly turned around and struck out with his palm, knocking away a batarang that was coming towards him through the air. The dart was slapped away by him, spun and flew to the side, exploding into a ball of flames with a bang.

Amozo looked towards the direction from which the dart flew, the Batman robot whose heart had been penetrated and whose engine might stall at any time.

"Are you still struggling like this?" Ya Mo Zhuo said coldly, "It's really ugly.

But when he said this, he suddenly paused and his eyes became sharp.

".No. If it's Superman's behavior, that's it. Your behavioral logic is copied from Batman. Even if he fights to the death, he will not behave meaninglessly. You should know that this kind of attack will hit me. It's no use either.

Unless your purpose is not me at all. "

He turned back sharply.

Sure enough, on the console nearby, an originally invisible batarang was lifting its optical camouflage to reveal its posture. It was a transmission dart programmed with a deadly virus, and it was now connected to the central control system.

Just now, Batman seemed to be sneaking up on Amazo with explosive batarangs from behind, but in fact he threw two darts in one throwing motion. One of them is a blaster dart and the other is a virus dart with optical camouflage. The fake action of the first shot was just to hide the true intention of the second shot.

Realizing this, Yamo Zhuo immediately raised his hand and fired a green light impact, and the darts on the console immediately shattered.

But it's too late.

"The virus has been uploaded." Batman said angrily, "You lost."

At this time, the cities outside have begun to disintegrate.

The entire metropolis, every street and every building, is wrapped in red data flow. Brick by brick began to decompose, being dragged into the huge data flow, just like water flowing into the sea, all turned into data and dissipated.

The data flow of annihilation surrounded it from all directions, swallowing up buildings one by one, like a flood of destruction, until it surrounded the central control building from all directions.


Yamo Zhuo looked around at the three of them, expressionless.

"Since you want to die so much, then whatever."

He took a step back.

A golden vortex opened behind him.

It's the blast channel.

The Yamo Zhuo designed by the Tianqi people also has the ability to open the sonic channel.

"You will be buried with this world."

With the last words left, Yamo Zhuo retreated and disappeared into the sonic tunnel.

The whole building began to tremble, and the data stream was swallowed up from layer to layer, rushing straight to the room where the three of them were.

The entire world turned into data, and there was only a void in front of the three people.

There is nothing, a terrifyingly silent void.

The three of them looked at the sweeping tide and waited quietly for death in a few seconds without any fear.

"I think we did pretty well today."

Superman smiled and looked at his two teammates.

"Although no one should ever know."

"You're not even close yet, Clark."

Batman's voice was cold, but he also smiled.

"But yeah, you're doing okay."

The last room was also devoured, leaving only nothingness.

They closed their eyes and waited for destruction.

But what was waiting was not destroyed.


In the void that annihilated all things, light seemed to appear.

"Uh guys."

Superman looked at his two machine teammates with some confusion.

"I wonder if my program went wrong at the last moment and I saw hallucinations?"

But without needing to answer, they soon became convinced that it couldn't be an illusion.

It was the most dazzling and warm light they had ever seen in their lives, blooming in the void where nothing could exist.

From the other end of the light, a huge silver hand protruded.

For some reason, the moment they saw this scene, they felt inexplicably at ease, as if a voice was whispering in their minds.

It's okay now.

everything will get better.

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