I become light in American comics

Chapter 467 The Three Machine Giants

"Hit me."

Batman said with a deadpan but serious look on his face.

"What?" Superman waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no. How could I stop saying stupid things? I won't hit you Bruce."

Batman said no more, but his eyes followed Wonder Woman.

Diana tilted her head and thought for a moment, then punched Batman with a bang on his face. The latter tilted his head, turned twice involuntarily in the direction of the punch, and staggered back.

Diana retracted her fist, and when she turned her head, she met Superman's strange gaze.

"What?" Diana raised her eyebrows, "Don't pretend that you're not thinking 'I've wanted to do this for a long time'."

The big blue man seemed to have his secret revealed, and he avoided her gaze and looked away with some embarrassment.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Batman really needed a beating sometimes. It's hard to be with this person for a long time without having the urge to beat him up.

But when Batman turned his head, both of them couldn't help but look shocked.

His face fell off under Diana's punch.

Yes, it fell off, not the mask, but the mask and the entire face underneath. In other words, his helmet and face were actually one piece, like a simulated shell. Now that the outer shell has fallen off, what is exposed underneath are complex circuits, flashing lights, and cold steel.

"Batman is a robot!?"

Superman was shocked. He activated his super vision and scanned it, and immediately found that there was no flesh and blood under the shell of "Batman" in front of him, it was all cold metal and complex circuits.

He was a robot from the beginning.

"But that doesn't make sense." Superman was confused, "Why didn't I find out?"

"Because you are programmed to ignore these facts, as if you have never noticed the abnormalities in Metropolis." Batman paused and said, "You are the same as me."

Superman pondered for a moment, then reached out and pressed the side of his face.

With a click, his entire face fell off, and there were also circuits and metal underneath.

"By the gods." Diana next to her muttered, "My companions were turned into robots without knowing when! Whose conspiracy is this!"

Batman glanced at her and didn't say a word. He just stretched out his hand and touched the side of her delicate face.

With a click, Diana's face also fell down. As expected, there was also a machine underneath.

Diana nodded: "Oh, I'm a robot too. That's okay."

Superman put his face back in place: "So what's going on?"

He said looking at Batman.

Apparently even as a counterfeit, his way of thinking is the same as the genuine one - just ask Batman if you have anything.

"We are not the real Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman, it's just that someone programmed us to think we are." Batman said, "Maybe it's to collect combat data, maybe it's for research and the real relationship between these three It is impossible to determine the specific countermeasures for individual battles.

From our link, I only found one project codename, the V50 plan. I guess this should be the name of the entire project, but there is no more detailed record. I don’t know the details of the project or what its purpose is. "

Wonder Woman also put her face back into place, and it clicked back into her face. After the whole face is fitted, it fits tightly, and not even the tiniest gap can be seen. The skin feels equally soft and lifelike, and there are no traces of forgery visible from the outside.

"If you can do this, then the opponent's technology is very strong." Superman muttered, "So who designed all this?"

Batman said: "Regarding this, I have just conducted a comprehensive examination of my body. Guess whose technical characteristics I discovered?"

As he spoke, he connected himself to the main control computer, and lines of garbled codes of apocalyptic symbols quickly appeared on the screen.

Superman said in a deep voice: "Apocalypse."

When they were programmed, the personalities, memories, and basic cognitions of the Big Three were entered, so they naturally recognized Apokolips.

"This city is also fake, it's not a real metropolis, that's why there's no one there but us." Batman continued, "In fact before coming here, I tried to drive the Batmobile to the border. Explored.

Outside the metropolis is a void, nothing. Anything that leaves the boundaries of this city will be annihilated and decomposed in the void, leaving nothing behind. "

"A fake world for simulation." Superman crossed his arms, "Then I guess we know what we should do."

Diana nodded: "We must destroy this place, along with the data. We must not leave the data here to Apokolips."

"You should know." Batman said coldly, "We are just consciousnesses programmed in this virtual world. Once this space is erased, we will all disappear."

Superman nodded: "Of course I know. But think about it, if we were the real Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, how would they choose in this situation?"

Robot Batman raised the corner of his mouth and showed a rare smile.

"Just making sure you're mentally prepared."

As he spoke, he turned around and tapped a few times on the main console behind him, and the screen quickly followed everything. What is shown this time is a majestic mansion situated on a metropolitan street. It is mainly made of glass and steel structure, but it has a different sense of technology from the surroundings. The sharp top seems to pierce the sky, and the exterior is filled with LED lights.

"I don't remember such a building in Metropolis." Superman frowned. "It's strange. I've flown by it several times before, but I never noticed it."

"If the purpose is to collect data, we must have a transmitter on us. I intercepted the signal emitted from myself and located the location of the receiving source, which is this place."

Batman looked at the two men.

"So this is probably the central control area of ​​the entire experiment."

"Very good." Superman nodded, "Then it seems we all know how to choose."

The Big Three are on the move again. Only a few moments later, they arrived at the building Batman pointed out.

All the super criminals who had fought with them before had gathered here and stopped in front of them as if they had predicted it.

No one spoke, and no words were needed as the three men charged towards an entire squad of supervillains.

They all knew what kind of fate awaited them after this battle.

If they fail, the fate that awaits them is to be destroyed and scrapped - for machines, they are not even sure whether they can apply the concept of "death" to themselves.

And even if they succeed, they will perish. Their own existence is based on this virtual world for testing, and what they do is tantamount to self-destruction.

For themselves, this is a battle with no future. Success or failure, there is a dead end ahead.

But even so, their fighting spirit remained unwavering, and there was no confusion in their eyes. Because as this robot superman said, this is a multiple-choice question that is so simple that no momentary hesitation is required——

——What will the real Big Three do?

The answer is self-evident.


General Zod received a punch from Superman, and his whole head was blown away. The broken head was buzzing with electricity, and it turned out to be the same robot as them.

"Sorry Zod," ​​Superman said to himself, "I know you're not serious, but I'm still sorry."

That was the last enemy standing in front of them.

The three of them looked at each other, nodded to each other, and immediately walked out of the robot wreckage that was scattered with electric sparks everywhere, and entered the central control building.

"This is it."

The last security door was unlocked, and Batman walked into the control room first. He took out the decryptor from his universal belt, and the cable popped out of the machine.

"Can you handle it?" Superman looked at him.


The latter said coldly.

"Because I'm Batman."

As he spoke, he crouched down and prepared to connect the cable to the host.

But it was at this second.


There was a dull blow, an invisible attack, and even Superman and Wonder Woman couldn't see clearly what was happening.

Batman groaned, his cape fluttering, and he flew out like a leaf in the wind.


Superman exclaimed, hurriedly flashing over and helping him up.


Diana quickly pulled out her sword.

"It's really unexpected that you experimental subjects can find themselves here. Tsk tsk. Sure enough, even if it's mimicry, the Trinity should not be underestimated. But..."

A pair of blood-red eyes lit up in the darkness.

".I'm afraid your little rebellion ends here."

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