I become light in American comics

Chapter 465 So arrogant?

Shen You finally discovered that his vest was poisonous.

He began to feel more and more that it was becoming more and more difficult to fathom what kind of state General Chaka was in before. It was as if from the moment he put on this vest, everyone looked at him with a thick filter.

Although he had never seen the previous General Chaka, judging from these reactions, Shen You estimated that this must be the reincarnation of Earth 2's Prime Minister Cao. Being able to imprint one's personal quirks so deeply into one's genes and leave such a label-like stereotype on others is a skill.

So he was inexplicably dragged to her home by this beautiful wife, who served her her tea and water and asked her after her.

Shen You responded casually with words such as "um", "oh" and "ok" while quickly scanning the entire house with his Ultra vision.

Most places are nothing special, generally just a larger family residence. The only thing that can be called a secret is that there are some whips and candles hidden in the bedroom, and there are also kidney-tonifying medicines.

Miraculously, there is no sense of inconsistency when these things are put together.

But there was still something that aroused his suspicion.

Study door. On the surface, it is just an ordinary wooden structure, but it is actually a superficial disguise. The interior is made of material that does not exist on Earth and is specially reinforced.

If you look closely, you will find that a force field is released centered on that point, covering the entire study, filling the reinforced concrete structure of the entire room. This made it difficult to break into the room from the outside, but it almost told Shen You that there was something fishy inside.

"General Chaka? General?"

The lady's call brought Shen You back to his senses.

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about something." Shen You turned around and asked, "By the way, did your husband say when he would be back when he went out?"

The young wife's face suddenly turned red when she heard this. She lowered her head and whispered, "I didn't say it. But I think I won't be able to go back for a while. There is enough time."

"That's good."

Shen You stood up.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, it might hurt a little."


The lady crossed her arms and her heart was beating fast.

Although I have heard of the other party's name, I still didn't expect him to be so direct? Just go straight in and cut straight into the palace?

She blushed and whispered, "It's okay, I'm not afraid of pain."

"That's good."

Shen You nodded, and in a flash, he swayed behind him and fired the knife straight to the back of his neck.

The young woman's vision went dark, and she collapsed to the ground limply.

Shen You stood up and walked straight through the living room to the study. The door is naturally locked.

"Pal, can you open it?"

"It will take some time." Pal said.

"Then no need."

Looks like maybe Apocalypse's security protocol, non-native technology. You can hack in, but you don't have to. Shen You's body swayed, vibrating at high speed until it blurred into a ball, and went straight through the wall to behind the door.

"Connect to the host." Shen You said, "Let's see what good things he has hidden."

It still takes some time to crack the host, but it's not too difficult. There was a little resistance from the local security protocol, but not much, and soon it was as if it had been stripped naked and the door was wide open in front of him.

There are indeed a lot of interesting things recorded here. For example, the list of hidden secrets within the World Army, such as what other hidden ability users they can currently mobilize, what abilities they have and how to contact them.

In addition, Shen You found relevant records to prove that Apocalypse did seem to have temporarily withdrawn from the earth. Currently, most of their small actions on earth are caused by the remaining human traitors. Most of them firmly believe that the Apocalypse people are just retreating for a temporary rest, and will inevitably come back - of course, that is mostly true.

And when their invincible Lord arrives, they hope that all the preliminary work has been done.

"V50 plan, the project is in progress, the data has been deleted"

Shen You frowned slightly.

Was it because Commander Kahn's awareness alerted these people? Actually, a lot of the data here has been deleted.

"Trying to recover." Pal said.

After about ten minutes of trying, Parr tried his best, but most of what he could recover was just garbled codes and some information related to the plan.

For example, the files of the original Dark Superman were retrieved from the results related to the V50 project.

"Superman's clone?"

Shen You frowned and looked through the files, but most of the follow-up instructions were explanations of Dark Superman's mental condition, ability values, and daily maintenance methods, without explaining the project content in more detail.

"Does V50 refer to the Superman cloning project?" Shen You thought, "The project is still in progress, which means they are trying to clone more Superman?"

It is actually reasonable to make such speculation. However, now that Apocalypse has mastered the technology of cloning Superman, it seems a bit strange that only one Superman was sent in the previous war. If it could be done that easily, if a whole army of supermen were sent out, not to mention the earth, even the New Creation Star would have a big problem.

But his intuition told him that this plan might not be that simple.

Apart from this, the only key information left is the name of the facility.

"A place called 'Factory'"

This facility appears more than once in the restored archives, and may be the more critical facility in this plan. But there is no mention of the specific location, nor what kind of facility it is, or what it is used for.

Shen You stood up.

"Has the data download been completed?"

"All the data available in the host has been downloaded," Pal said.

"Okay, then let's go to the 'factory' and try our luck. If we're lucky, we might get a warm welcome."

"But sir, I don't think we have obtained the coordinate data of the 'factory' facility." Pal reminded, "Or is there any information that I have missed?"

"No, you didn't miss it."

Shen You's body shook vaguely again, he walked out through the wall, returned to the living room and sat back on the sofa.

"But I think Mr. Fritz will be back soon. I don't think he will refuse a friendly invitation from a colleague."

"I suppose so, sir."


The wait didn't last long. Soon there were footsteps, followed by the sound of keys clinking on a keychain. After the magnetic card passed the security verification beep, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Kyle Freeze returned home with a tired look on his face. While changing his shoes, he muttered: "It's been a rough day today. Sorry, there are too many things. I'm too tired, honey. I need to wash up and go to bed early."

Then he froze when he looked up and saw the situation in the living room.

At a glance, he saw his young wife, who was in disheveled clothes and unconscious, and General Chaka, who was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.

"Finally home."

General Chaka drank the red wine that seemed to be Fritz's collection and raised his glass to him with a smile.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Fritz's eyes suddenly widened.

No, old guy Chaka.

Have you become so arrogant now?

It's okay if you secretly do something while I'm not around. What do you think you mean by waiting for me after you finish it?

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