I become light in American comics

Chapter 456 It’s almost done

"Sorry to bother you again"

When Jay Garrett opened the door and walked into the cafe with the shiny "HISHE" signboard, he heard the quarrel between an old man and a young man inside from a distance.

"Teddy bear, seriously?"

Helena looked at Thomas Sr. in disbelief.

"This is the first time we plan to give a gift to a dad who is not a dad, and this is the best thing you can think of?"

"He may not show it on the surface, but if he is like my Bruce, he will definitely like it." Thomas was full of confidence. "He skipped class once when he was a child and disappeared. The patrol officers of the Gotham Police Department searched most of Gotham. Eventually we found him sitting in a shop grinning at the teddy bear behind the window."

Helena was speechless for a while: "So is it possible? How old was my dad at that time?"

Shen You, who was on Earth 2, listened with interest for a while and said with a smile: "Actually, I think it's not necessarily a bad idea."

What's the saying? The more truly macho, the better he can get Fu Rui's romance?

Besides, for superheroes, a profession where parents are at high risk, the more childhood memories are, the more precious they are, just like the little monkey’s stuffed toy is of extraordinary significance to Barry.

After hearing this, the two bats, one old and one young, looked at each other, speechless.

"Okay, a teddy bear is a teddy bear, I don't care." Helena waved her hand.

"This is a limited edition." Thomas said plausibly, "Parallel worlds may not exist."

"So, even though he was like that back then, you didn't buy him that teddy bear?" Helena rolled her eyes at the old man.

Thomas smiled and said, "No, I bought that store that night."

Helena: "."

Inexplicably, the scene where my father said coldly, "I bought a bank" with a serious face when facing the reporter from Planet Daily came to mind. Suddenly, for the first time, I felt that my father was still similar in at least some aspects. Grandpa's place.

Jay, who seemed to feel that he had entered by mistake, hesitated for a while, and then couldn't help but ask: "Um, are you discussing who you want to give something to?"

The two glanced at him.

"To my father." "To my son."

The Flash, who often comes to the store, has also blended into the circle of "his own people". Everyone's heroic identities have long been no secret to each other, so naturally there is nothing that cannot be said.

Jay blinked twice.

"You mean that Batman? But isn't he already?"

"Oh, it's from the next universe." Helena said casually, "It's from another earth. We're going to have a meal together tonight."

Jay: "?"

He suddenly felt that he didn't understand.

The universe next door? Like a parallel world?

So why do you sound like you're visiting a friend's house across the street?

"Calm down." Alan, who appeared from behind, also patted his shoulder, "It's a small scene."

Jay: "."

There is a saying that those who are close to Zhu are red. Maybe those who are close to Zhu are more likely to become Gubi, and they can always make some outrageous remarks inadvertently.

"But speaking of which, if you were planning to spend time with your family today, it might be ruined." Shen You turned around and said, "On the other side, the Justice League said they were going to have a meeting, and that Batman said he had something very important. If I expected If it’s true, there’s a high probability that he won’t go back for dinner tonight.”

Alliance members came to the coffee shop one after another. The old wizard enthusiastically served his latest dessert to everyone. Although no one refused, everyone had a slightly subtle expression when they saw the indescribable ball of food.

Firestorm made some subtle adjustments to the atomic structure of the thing on his plate with a sneaky gesture while others weren't paying attention. Afterwards, he looked around like a thief, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he was sure that no one had seen his little move.

Shen You saw it, but he just smiled and didn't say anything.

It won't turn into a "this superhero, you don't want your little action just now to be discovered by others" development, right?

"Let's talk."

Kara came close to Shen You and pointed to a fire hydrant on the roadside outside the door strangely.

"What's that doing?"

Shen You turned around and looked. With just one glance, he recognized that it was not a real fire hydrant.

"There were absolutely no fire hydrants there before!" Carla said firmly.

The super brain makes it impossible for her to remember things incorrectly. The premise is that she has the heart to remember instead of letting her brain idle away every day.

And as long as you notice something unusual, you can use your super vision to scan it and you will find that it is a person with abilities.

Some kind of guy with the ability to shape-shift, similar to Martian Manhunter, can change his body shape into different material forms, and can take on the appearance of any person or object.

For ordinary people, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between true and false, but for people with super vision and the ability to see the world from a more essential level, superficial changes cannot fool their eyes.

"An enemy?" Carla became nervous and lowered her voice in Shen You's ear, "Could it be that our whereabouts were exposed and someone discovered that the Alliance often likes to meet here?"

Shen You smiled half-heartedly: "I don't think so."

"Then what are you doing? You're obviously spying on us, right?" Carla was alert.

Seeing her reaction, Shen You couldn't help but nodded in relief.

Okay, okay, my vigilance has improved, and I have actually started to learn to use my brain. It seems that her size and cup size are not the only things that have grown rapidly over the years in the store.

"If you want to know so much, why don't you try it yourself?" Shen Youyou said.

Kara couldn't help but be suspicious.

A shape-shifting man squatted like a fire hydrant at the door, which seemed suspicious no matter how you thought about it. But Shen You's attitude seemed to indicate that this was not a threat.

But Kara still felt that she couldn't let go of the doubt like this. Even if it was just out of curiosity, she wanted to find out what was going on.

So she thought for a while and tentatively threw a small stone at the fire hydrant.

The rock hit the fire hydrant in the head with a bang, but the fire hydrant didn't move at all, just like it was a real fire hydrant.

Kara thought for a while, then picked up the waste paper left by the old wizard when he developed dark cuisine from the kitchen trash basket.

The paper ball was thrown, but under the attack of this "biochemical blessing", the latter remained as unresponsive as a truly conscientious fire hydrant.

Pretty good at pretending.

Kara thought for a while and hugged Stritch directly this time.

"Go and slap that guy's face!" Kara ordered.

Stritch looked resentful and said that I am not a dog, how could I do such a lack of quality?

"Add a pack of dried fish." Kara said.

"Meow!" (No problem, I'll make sure he can't eat and walk around because I'm peeing yellow)

Stritch immediately jumped out of her arms and crawled toward the fire hydrant.

Then the fire hydrant finally couldn't hold it any longer and jumped back a lot, and a mouth actually appeared on its body.

"Hey! That's almost enough, peeing is too much!"

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