I become light in American comics

Chapter 450 Living a disgusting life

Although the orange lantern demons are all souls captured by the orange light agent and entered into the legion, they all retain their own memories, abilities and personalities before they were captured. Therefore, even if they belong to the same orange lantern demon, there will be great differences in individuals.

For example, this orange lantern demon was a well-known pirate in his own galaxy during his lifetime. Its experience, knowledge, combat capabilities, and tactical thinking were naturally different from those of the previous cat-like creature.

But precisely because of its ability to think, it can feel more shocked at this moment than its simple-minded companions.

Because it seemed to vaguely guess what was happening.

The small orange lamp that flew next to it looked like a flying creature. It was one of the two cannonballs he had just fired!

The other party used some strange means to capture the orange light emitted by him, and even successfully "persuaded" him to surrender. Then the bullet he fired became the leader, turned around and pointed out its hiding coordinates to the other side. Can you believe it?

You must know that the orange light it emits is simply light, just like arrows and bullets, and is not a concrete orange lantern demon like it transformed into by the soul captured by the orange light.

As a result, it now seems that the other party has brainwashed its "bullet" and given the orange light a concrete form like a bird, leading the way to retrieve the orange lantern demon's face.

What kind of weird development is this?

In fact, it's not as complicated as the Orange Lantern Demon thought. Shen You just slapped away the first burst of orange energy and injected life into the energy.

The orange light injected with the power of the white lamp spontaneously took on the form of a bird, and driven by simple instinct, it flew back to its owner. By tracking and positioning this ball of light, Shen You successfully locked the opponent's position.

The Orange Lantern Demon immediately felt an instinctive warning of danger.

It lost the image and position of the enemy, but knew that its position had been exposed, so it suddenly accelerated with a sixth sense of danger. Orange light enveloped its body like flames, and the orange lantern demon flew away with all its strength.

Almost at the same moment it flew out, light penetrated through. The dark star field was briefly illuminated, and the cosmic rock where the orange lantern demon was hiding was easily penetrated by the beam of light like a paper window. There was a series of silent explosions in the vacuum, and the debris was swallowed up by the expanding fireball.

The orange lantern demon's alertness saved his life. Even though he dodged in anticipation, his chest was still scratched by the light. The orange light shield was scratched, and the splashing light spots were like gushing blood.

So strong.

This was the first thought in Orange Lantern's heart.

Now it realized how stupid its attempt to ambush was. In the face of such a huge gap, no matter how good the tactics were or how perfect the layout was, it was all in vain.

Must retreat, run away quickly


The turbulent light, like a mighty tsunami, swept over the left half of its body, taking away one of its arms, one leg, and half of its body.

The orange lantern demon, who could only stand on his own, was floating in the universe. He blinked twice and looked down at half of his body blankly.

It lost one arm and one leg, no, it was two legs. Even the little brother was not immune to this attack. Of course, that is not important. It is just a representation anyway and it doesn't seem like it can be used in the future.

Now the question that scares it is——


It felt as if the light that I had just avoided turned around and came back from behind?

It turned its head blankly and saw the moon behind it.

Then he woke up.

It's a reflection. The luminous line flew past him and flew to the moon, and reflected back on the moon's surface, just like a bullet "ricocheting" when it hits the wall and the ground.

But to achieve such an effect, the frequency characteristics of the beam rays emitted by the attacker must be controlled to a millimeter. It seems easy to say, but in fact, only as a lantern ring driver who uses "light" as a weapon can he understand how technical this method is.

If I must say it, it is like some fancy stunts in martial arts that are extremely difficult to master.

The light transformed into a cage and restrained only half of the orange lantern demon. The latter only stared blankly at Shen You flying over, without any resistance at all.

It just looked at Shen You with a touch of sadness in its eyes.

"You blew off my arms and legs." It paused and emphasized, "Both legs."

"Don't be sad." Shen You comforted, "You don't even have a life anyway, so it's useless to ask for it. You will grow back."

The orange lantern demon looked at him resentfully.

After thinking about it carefully, I feel that what the other party said is indeed reasonable.

But being comforted like this made me feel even more depressed.

"What a surprise."

A moment later, on the planet Oa, Hal Jordan looked at the orange lantern demon captured by Shen You and said in surprise after visiting the Oa data center to search for a match.

"Its name is Raiga-Ken, the interstellar pirate who was once infamous. About seven million years ago."

"Seven million years."

Shen You looked this orange lantern up and down. When the latter heard this, he put his remaining arm on his waist and looked a little proud.

He brought the orange lantern to Oua, firstly, to use the Oua database to learn the origin of the orange lantern to confirm his identity. The second is to find out if the Guardians still have records about the Orange Lantern Corps.

Although Shen You had downloaded Oua's data before, the content was mainly research-related information that he was interested in. As for the transactional content that the little blue man had accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, he had neither the time nor the energy to study it slowly. Moreover, he could always come to Oua to check it when necessary, so he did not download it.

There was a time when Oa was a military restricted area for outsiders, and the guardians did not allow anyone to set foot on Oa territory. But now that the Guardians have fallen, Hal has taken over the Green Lantern Corps. Now Ou'a Chenyou naturally wants to go if he wants to. If he has nothing to do, he can have a meal and a sip of tea and no one will have any objections.

"It is a symbol of a lamp ring, but I have never seen such a strange symbol." Hal frowned.

"It's not just a representation. Orange lanterns are all creatures killed by orange light agents. They have complete memories of their lives, but they are bound by the spectrum and cannot be reincarnated."

Hal, who heard the orange light information for the first time, was shocked: "Is there such a bad spectrum?"

"Yes. The Greedy Light does not allow the holder to share anything with others, even a light ring to recruit members. So every member of the Orange Lantern Corps is 'owned' by the Orange Light agent." Shen You He pondered, "I can't even say whether they are alive or not."

"Don't you already have a white light?" Hal looked at him strangely, "You should be the most authoritative judge in the universe."

"Is an object alive? From the definition of white lights, no. Orange lamps are dead things from the perspective of life. I cannot perceive life energy. Their form of existence is simply a concrete object of spectral energy that can think independently. That’s all.

But at the same time, they firmly believe that they are the same person they were before, with memories and emotions."

"I understand." Hal understood. "It's just like they were always discussing before. If all the memories of a person's life are downloaded into an AI, will that AI be considered 'alive'?"

He looked thoughtfully and looked at the orange light again.

"Okay, I'd better prepare a cell for it first." He looked at Shen You, "But let me guess, you definitely didn't come to Oua with this thing just to ask me to borrow a cell, right? "

"Of course, I also want to ask you for some information."

Shen You was so rested that he had some time to speak.

"This is the third orange lantern elephant I have caught on Earth. I suspect that the Orange Lantern Corps is targeting me and I want to get some information about the orange lantern."

"Orange Lantern?" Hal was stunned, "I've never heard that the Green Lantern Corps knew anything about Orange Lantern."

"Of course, I think it should have been a top secret before, another dark secret sealed by the guardians. But I think the new legion leader might be able to open a back door for me, for convenience or something?"

Hal nodded: "Those little blue men are really good at hiding secrets. Don't tell me, I have only been in office for a few days, and this is already the third new secret I have heard. Okay, wait a moment." "

As he spoke, he turned his head and turned on the communication function of the green light ring.

"Salac? Are you there? Find me a file, it's urgent."

"What? No, no, I want you now. Aren't you in charge of all the files?"

"I don't care. If I can't find you, I'll find a way quickly. Anyway, I want it now."

Shen You: "."

Looking at Hal at this moment, Shen You suddenly couldn't help but say, a leader like you would have been beaten by Hal Jordan in the past.

He immediately thought of Hal, who had fought with leaders all the way from the Air Force to the Lantern Corps. Unexpectedly, he would one day become the highest-level leader through hard work.

Could it be that in the legend, one will eventually live a life that one hates?

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