I become light in American comics

Chapter 445 Arrest of Parliament


"I've told you everything I know. There's really nothing more to say."

"so now."

Kalona opened his eyes from a mass of charred flesh and said weakly.

".Can I finally die?"

"Of course." Shen You smiled and waved.

Atrocitus looked happy and clenched his fists.

"I have always dreamed of revenge. I have imagined hundreds of ways to execute you in my sleep, Carona."

The big red guy said excitedly.

"But there is no situation where I would have imagined that I would be lucky enough to kill you for the third time."

Kalona closed her eyes.

It doesn't matter, just hurry up, hurry up.

Now he just wants to go back to hell and report.

"Don't worry." Shen You said with a smile before leaving, "If the secret order doesn't work, or if we encounter any other troubles, I will come back to you again."

Carona: "."

boom! boom! boom!

The bombing sound of the red light sounded again, followed by waves of earth shaking.

But this time, Carona finally got what he wanted and died completely.

After the dust of the war settled, the eyes of the Green Lanterns all involuntarily fell on one person.

Tal Sinestro.

The worst traitor in the history of the Green Lantern Corps. After joining the Yellow Lantern, he once extinguished the Central Battery. He once formed the Yellow Lantern Army to oppose the Green Lantern and united his allies to fight against the Earth.

And this guy who was supposed to be on death row was standing between them, wearing a green light ring like all of them.

"Did I read that correctly?" A Green Lantern veteran asked, "Sinestro? Wearing another one?"

"It seems that the lantern ring is not always wrong now." A Green Lantern said.

Kilowog was also an action person among the wild men. He was eager to step forward: "Don't worry, I will pull the ring off the wrong mouse's hand."

"Not now, Kilowog." Green Lantern Khan, who is also a veteran, stopped him. "There are more important issues to discuss now than Sinestro."

All Green Lanterns looked up.

Kalona was dead, and the guardians naturally got rid of their control and slowly fell down one after another.

At one time, most Green Lanterns trusted them, and any orders given to them would be carried out without hesitation. But obviously after today, that is already a thing of the past.

At this time, they appeared again, and all they faced were doubts.

Why was he betrayed by the light ring in his hand?

What mentality did the guardians have in the first place to leave deadly backdoors in the weapons of their most loyal warriors?

And more importantly, how many other secrets like Kalona's are they hiding?

"This was a disaster," one of the guardians said. "The disaster has passed, but it has left us with more problems. We still have a lot to deal with, Lanterns."

"Yes." Kilowog took the lead and stood up, "For example, let's start with why our rings betrayed us."

Before the guardians could respond, a voice came from the side.

"That's no longer a problem, Kilowog."

It's the guardian Ganser who has been fired a long time ago. He flew over, confronted his former colleagues, and said coldly.

"The backdoor used by Kalona has been removed, as well as other Guardian privileges that my compatriots had set up in the Green Lantern ring."

Gunther put his hands behind his back and said calmly.

"The Guardians no longer have control over your lamp rings."


The expressions of the group of little blue men changed drastically, and they all immediately stared at Ganser.

"what have you done?"

"As I said, you no longer have control over the light ring," Gunther said. "I just made the right decision that I should have made a long time ago."

"It's unreasonable. We expelled you from the Council. We only hoped that you would stay away from the affairs of the Lantern Corps. Unexpectedly, you made the same mistake again and again." A guardian said coldly, "A force as powerful as the Green Lantern Corps must Get the controls right.”

Gunther nodded.

"I agree. That's why I have rewritten the Book of Oa. Now the leader of the Green Lantern Corps is Green Lantern Hal Jordan. He can rewrite the laws of the Legion through the Book of Oa. The leadership of the Legion has also been changed. Full handover, you no longer have anything to do with the Green Lantern Corps."


One of the guardians shouted.

"Hal Jordan is unstable and never takes responsibility for his actions. This decision will be a disaster for the Legion."

"Maybe." Gunther said gloomily, "But if you don't do this, it will be a disaster for the whole universe. After so many sacrifices and so many mistakes, don't you still feel nothing after what happened to Carona? Are you here?"

The Guardians began to quarrel, and the Green Lantern who was eating melon below couldn't help but look at each other in shock at the huge amount of information.

"Hal Jordan?" A Green Lantern was confused, "He will lead us?"

"The Green Lantern Corps has always been the leader of the Guardians, and has been so since its existence." A Green Lantern struggled, "I don't know, maybe this is not a good idea."

In fact this is true for many Green Lanterns.

The betrayal of the Guardians chilled them, but even so, "being led by the Guardians" was engraved in the hearts of many Lanterns as a matter of course. They never considered the possibility that someone else could lead the Legion.

When Hal flew from another battlefield, all eyes naturally focused on him.

He already knew what Gunther meant and knew that this moment was inevitable. So he stopped and took a deep breath.

"When Ganser said this to me for the first time, I said he was crazy. This was completely impossible." He looked at the crowd and said seriously, "I am not a leader. People who know me You know, I'm more of an activist than a leader.

but now."

He glanced at the guardians indifferently.

".I think we all already know that the Green Lantern Corps has not done well enough under the leadership of the Guardians in the past. There have been disasters, there have been sacrifices, and there are more unanswered questions.

So if someone has to step up and take this responsibility, if this is my destiny like encountering this green light ring, then so be it.

I don't think I have the ability to make the Legion better, but I will at least try not to make it worse in the future. "

"Absurd." One of the guardians said, "You don't have that ability at all, Lantern Jordan."

Hal gave him an expressionless look: "But I will do my best, just like every mission I take on after getting this light ring."

The Green Lanterns looked at each other, seemingly at a loss for words.

He followed Kilowog and flew out.

"Damn it, I accidentally climbed on top of me as a rookie like you." Kilowog cursed, but flew in front of Hal and faced all the other lanterns, "But count me as one, I agree."

Kilowog is the chief instructor of the Green Lantern. Every Green Lantern is a soldier under him before receiving the badge. He naturally has great authority in the Lantern Corps. In addition, Halben was a legend praised by the Green Lanterns. After a brief hesitation, some Green Lanterns also flew off the ground and joined Kilowog.

"Count me in."

"Me too."

Then came Khan, Han Nu, and Thomas Ray. Those senior Green Lantern warriors, who played the most roles in comic stories, were brothers with Hal through life and death.

As more and more high-level lanterns join, each one will naturally bring more followers. Gradually more and more Green Lanterns joined in and took a stand on this transfer of power.

"Sark?" Kilowog looked at Green Lantern Sarlac, who was still hesitating.

That is the Green Lantern who is most loyal to the Guardians and the secretary who is directly responsible to the Guardians.

".I thought I would follow them no matter what."

Sarak sighed softly.

"But before committing my allegiance to them, I swore to defend peace and life, and the ideals that the Legion represents. I don't want to go against them, but"

Sarak shook his head and waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter. I will only do my job well. As long as the Legion is still fighting for the right things, I don't care who is at the top."

"Thank you, Sarlac." Hal said seriously.

"It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable!" A guardian shouted loudly, "We gathered all of you, and we established this legion. And do you want to rebel now?"

"No, Guardian. Maybe you gave us the Lantern Ring, but we didn't gather together for you." Hal turned around and said, "We gather for the Green Lantern Corps, to eradicate evil and help the Green Lantern Corps." The concept of justice, and when we joined, we were all ready to fight evil at the cost of our lives. Even if evil is the founder of the Legion.

If after all this, everyone still agrees with the future of Green Lantern and believes in the possibility of the light of will and courage, then as the leader of the new generation of Green Lantern Corps, I hereby issue the first order of the new Corps."

He raised the light ring, pointed at the guardians, and said coldly.

"Arrest the former Guardian Council."

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