I become light in American comics

Chapter 443 Is it over?

Carona's whole body was not well.

Is this too much? You won't even let me die?

The last second he seemed to be chatting with the eldest sister of the Wuren family, but the next second, the descendant was back again after a sudden turn of events. When he closed his eyes and opened them again, he was still facing this silver-white devil.

Carona didn't know what to say.

When he was alive, he had used all his cards and all the means at his disposal. However, no matter what he did, the opponent would always cling to him, and in the end he still could not escape from the clutches of his light.

That's all. I never expected that I wouldn't be able to get rid of this terrifying demon even by dying!

"Don't be so frustrated. I just asked a few questions." Shen You comforted him and said, "It's just a simple question. As long as you answer it, I promise to send you on your way. I always keep my word, okay?"

Carona: "."

Do you think this is human language?

He was Calona, ​​a man of immortal life who once had the power and knowledge to be at the apex of the universe. In the end, even if I wanted to die, I still had to get permission.

But he should have thought of it earlier.

Carona only reacted now. The white light is the light of life. Although it is not like the black light of death that can make people unable to live, it can make people unable to wish for death. The white light can directly inject vitality into people and create life. In theory, it can even bring the dead back to life.

But although it can be done in theory, there seem to be some limitations that have never been clearly stated. From the Blackest Night to the Whitest Day, there were indeed a large number of heroes and villains who should have been dead for a long time and were reborn under the power of the white light.

But at the same time, when more than one person who gained the power of the white light in the original work tried to take the initiative to resurrect the living, most of them failed.

The specific setting was not explained, but Shen You speculated that it might be related to the natural laws of the universe.

Just like the Dark Walker, the God of Death, has the power of death. With its power, it can kill even Darkseid instantly, but it cannot just harvest lives that should not die according to law. Even though the white lantern has the power of resurrection, it cannot arbitrarily resurrect people who should not be alive based on preference. At least that's the norm.

But there are no absolutes. The Flash once used the power of the Death Walker to kill Darkseid. The rules cannot be changed and cannot be used. Shen You felt that maybe there was a correct way to turn on the white light, but it just needed further research.

Now he might as well be using Carona to experiment with new abilities.

It would be very difficult to resurrect someone who has been dead for a long time, but it seems easier to resurrect someone who is dying or who has just died. Shen You didn't know if it was because the underworld hadn't gone through the settlement procedures yet and it was easier to operate. In short, he just tried to drag Carona back with a little bit of life.

So in essence, this should be a super nanny skill whose effect is far superior to that of blue light. I'm afraid it's not easy to want to die while being nursed by Bai Leng.

It's just that even the spirit of existence may not have thought that the first thing someone would do after getting the first healing skill in the universe is not to use it to heal people, but to use it to break people's mentality after repeated deaths.


Carona said weakly and gave Ganser a cold look.

"For many centuries, the Guardians, my former compatriots, have been presiding over the affairs of the Green Lantern Corps." Carona said coldly, "This is a mistake, and I am here to correct these mistakes.

Your words should be understood better than others, old friend. "

Gunther remained silent.

Indeed, he had already realized that the Guardian had gone astray. This is why he always holds different opinions, which is why he was kicked out of the Council, lost his identity as a Guardian, and is now outside the Legion.

"I discovered a long time ago that these people of mine are flawed." Kalona said lightly, "You may think that I want to correct these arrogant people who call themselves guardians and let them recognize their mistakes. Then you can do better from now on.

No, that's not the case. I have long since given up such thoughts. Because I know that even if you didn't choose to delete your emotions and make yourself so ruthless, you still have a fatal weakness.

That means your emotional capacity is insufficient. "

Gunther frowned and said nothing.

"I discovered many years ago that I am the only gifted one among my kind. Only I can feel huge emotions, and only I can control the spectrum. You may be a little better than the others, but your talent only goes so far. ."

"So what is your purpose, Carona?" Gunther asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, let these incompetent guardians be removed from their posts." Carona said coldly, "They have proven that they are not worthy of trust. And after I gained my freedom, I secretly accessed Oa's database. After reading the development history of the emotional spectrum over the years after I was gone.

From there I found two Lanterns I thought were worthy of my trust. Tal Sinestro and Hal Jordan were once considered by you to be the greatest Lanterns, and they were indeed far superior to you.

But during subsequent observations, I discovered that Sinestro has strong emotional aptitude, but does not have the heart to control that talent, so he is of no use to me.

Only Hal Jordan”

Kalona paused and lowered his voice.

"He perfectly meets my criteria. I have never seen a creature that is as closely connected to the spectrum as he is, and I have never seen such a powerful and pure will."

Ganser understood: "This is why after you snatched away the Ion Shark, you let Lantern Jordan go even though you had the chance."

"Yes, because I want to watch him for a while. I want him to regroup and come back to me so I can see his potential better.

Then when I subdue him, I can tell him that the Guardians are wrong and that I stand for justice. Until then, I'll use 'Evolution Bandage' on him. "

Gunther was shocked: "You want to use the evolutionary bandage on Lantern Jordan?"

"What is that?" Shen You asked.

"Let these Guardians become the old immortals they are now." Kalona sneered, "I want them to evolve into new Guardians to replace you incompetent people. The Green Lantern Corps is led by Hal Jordan I will shine a hundred times brighter than in your hands."

Shen You nodded slightly.

Only this time, he felt that what Carona said was not unreasonable.

But there is no need to evolve the bandage into a guardian or something. God knows if these little blue men had their brains damaged because of this bandage thing. Hal's brain is not very good in the first place, and it would be bad if this thing breaks it too.

"But after I visited the Earth once, I quickly discovered that you are still there, but unlike Jordan, I can't understand you." Kalona looked at Shen You and frowned, "Hal Jordan is a complete will user. , and you? You are connected to all spectrums.

You have a powerful power that is inconsistent with the laws of the universe, but I don’t know anything about it.”

His eyes flickered, and there was an urgent desire to explore on his face.

"What the hell are you?"

It felt like a dying request, like there was no way I could die without getting this answer.

Even Ganse and the other lantern beasts behind him all looked at Shen You curiously, as if they were looking forward to the answer.

"As I said, he's just an ordinary Ultraman." Shen You said seriously.

Carona: "."



Whatever you say is what it is.

Ganser coughed and said, "Then there is another question."

But he didn't have time to finish.

I saw a beam of red light falling from the sky, like a pillar of hell flames falling at the speed of light, suddenly engulfing Carona's figure and instantly burned him to a crisp.

Atrocitus flew in the air, the red light ring outputting all its power, and shouting at the same time.

"Die, die, die! Pay for your crimes with your life, villain!!!"

Everyone: "."

A moment later, Atrocitus finished venting his anger, and Carona had turned into a charred corpse again.

Ganse and Shen You looked at each other.

"Are we still asking?"

"Ask, why not?" Shen You shrugged.

As he spoke, he punched Carona again.

White light ripples, and the holy light turns.

A few seconds later, the charred Carona suddenly opened his eyes again.

This time he started to curse even before he could sit up.

"It's too much!"

"Is it over yet!?"

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