I become light in American comics

Chapter 435 Decisive Battle with Oua


The unparalleled and shocking explosion instantly attracted the attention of the whole audience even on this battlefield where the lights were rampant.

In the center of Oa, the guardians' main stronghold is located. First, a beam of blue light shot down from the sky and penetrated into the foundation of the building. But just such a ray of light is really inconspicuous in this scene full of colorful figurative objects, so no one noticed it immediately.

Until an even more exaggerated wave of light burst out from the bottom of the fortress, like thousands of wild beasts awakening from the ground.

Powerful energy spread along the air, and the heat and brightness of the explosion covered up the brilliance of the stars and eclipsed the colorful spectrum of the sky. It's like the sun rises early, dyeing everything into a deep blue color.

The indestructible fortress was evaporated instantly under this force, and the huge green light mark fell apart. The crystal fragments of the energy barrier, the tempered Euro-Arab alloy, the solid structure and even every particle of dust, everything that built this majestic building rose up at this moment. The scorching heat erased everything, like an entire fortress being wiped off the face of the earth with an eraser, leaving only a billowing cloud of black smoke.

"Guardian's Fortress"

One Green Lantern looked at it in surprise.

"Impossible, no attack can leave even a scratch on the fortress."

There was a yellow light looking in that direction and he was also confused: "I heard Sinestro said before, shouldn't that thing be indestructible?"

"Nothing is indestructible."

Gunther took the time to speak while waving his palm to blast out green light rays to fight.

"It's just that you haven't come into contact with beings that are that powerful before."

After repelling several Green Lanterns who were attacking him, Gunther couldn't help but take a moment to look in the direction of the fortress. At this time, the entire fortress and the top-notch defenses that the guardians were most proud of had evaporated out of thin air, leaving only an exaggerated big pit under the black smoke.

"But having said that, no matter how many times I can't adapt, this guy is really a monster who can't see his limits."



Kalona crawled out of the pit with a disgraceful face and shock written all over his face.

He had already verified how strong this fortress was. And after taking over the fortress, Kalona personally transformed the defense facilities and injected the majestic energy he obtained from the six-lantern beast into the defense system. At this time, every wall and window of the facility under his control was filled with abundant spectral energy. It was no exaggeration to say that even if the entire planet Oa was blown to pieces, this fortress would most likely be safe and sound.

How much energy is needed to evaporate such a fortress and even the shield buildings to the point where nothing is left?

At this time, lightning flashed, and afterimages fell from the sky. In the blink of an eye, the red and silver body flashed in front of Carona with lightning, and the dust stirred up under his feet.

"We meet again." Shen You said.

Kalona looked solemn.

He didn't know if it was a misunderstanding. They hadn't seen each other for only a day, but he felt that the feeling he felt on the other side had changed inexplicably from the previous time.

Although even he thought it was ridiculous to say this, he just felt that this person seemed to have broken through to a new realm in just one day.

At this moment, Oa underground.

The drill bit with green light flew around with a rumbling buzz, continuously exploding soil chips and broken rock fragments. Both hard minerals and boulders are as fragile as tofu in front of the green light structure. The green and blue light interweave to build an extremely huge tank. Hundreds of people fit in this underground tank and dug holes all the way forward. .

Those were the Blue Lantern Corps led by Saint Walker, and the Green Lanterns who had been purified and released from control by blue lanterns in previous battles.

"Light ring, how far is it from the central battery of the green light?"

"780 miles from target," Saint Walker's blue light ring reported.

"Speed ​​up, Lanterns!" Kilowog shouted, "There is an entire legion waiting for us to save!"

At this time, almost all of Kalona and the brainwashed Green Lantern Corps were fighting in the sky over Oa. Their opponents were the yellow and purple lanterns led by Shen You, Ganser, and Parallax, as well as the red lantern army coming for revenge.

All attention is drawn to the frontal battlefield, so that the group of green and blue lanterns have the opportunity to go around and steal the house.

Calona has an endless supply of Green Lanterns at his disposal, assuming he also controls the Central Battery. In this regard, Gunther proposed a tactic, saying that as long as they could manage to send the blue lights to the central battery, and use their light rings to fire at the central battery, all the controlled Green Lanterns could be awakened in one go.

Green Lantern and Blue Lantern are the best partners in the spectrum, so this group of Green Lanterns was naturally assigned to escort them. While the frontal battlefield attracted firepower, they broke through from deep underground. The energy released by all the Lanterns was superimposed to build such a huge underground tank, which burrowed and shuttled through the underground at an astonishing speed.

"Two miles from target."

Green Light Instructor Kilowog shouted with his loud voice: "It's right in front, we're here! Work harder -"


The last layer of wall was blasted through, and the Lanterns broke through. Everyone looked around and saw that what they saw after rushing out was an incredibly wide and huge facility. Even the Green Lanterns don't know that there is such a huge factory hidden under their headquarters.

Complex instruments, heavy industrial equipment with unknown functions. There is a huge pool in the center, and the pool is filled with green light.

"That's the place where the light rings are forged." A Green Lantern quickly recognized, "Green Lantern rings were all born here."

Everyone continued to go deeper and soon saw more shocking things.

There are mechanical body parts, and the only ones that everyone recognizes are the parts of the Robot Hunter. But apart from that, it turned out that there was more, a large number of mecha and robot designs, all of which were models that had never been adopted and they had never seen before.

There are also a bunch of petri dishes filled with green solution, each one filled with twisted creatures. The huge glass cage contains some indescribable creatures that make people's hair stand on end just by looking at them. There were big round eyes floating in a certain tank of solution, looking at each of them coldly.

"Thousands of secrets, thousands of failures." Kilowog said solemnly as he flew between these uncomfortable things. "The guardians never mentioned these shameful deeds to us."

Blue Lantern Sheen said: "It is indeed the result of many failures, and there are also many dark secrets, perhaps accompanied by sacrifices. But I think at least their starting point is to do good."

"You guys with blue rings always only see the good side," Kilowog muttered.

"found it!"

Rising up from a hole, the lower half of an extremely huge green ball of light came into view. It is so huge that only the tip of the iceberg can be seen in this huge space, and the larger part is connected to an unknown place above.

"The core of will energy, above this should be the central main battery of the green light."

Kilowog looked at the blue lanterns.

"You guys can handle it, right?"

"I believe so." Saint Walker waved the lantern ring, "Blue Lanterns, it's time to do our work!"

"That's not okay."

A hoarse and gloomy voice sounded, and at the same time, a domineering energy impact sent everyone flying away.

Several short but majestic figures appeared in front of everyone surrounded by green light.

It's those guardians of the universe. However, only the leader seemed to be able to speak, and most of the others had blank eyes, as if they couldn't figure out where they were.

"We can't move any further from here."

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