I become light in American comics

Chapter 430 Planet Green Lantern

Successfully invaded.

Entering Mogo's atmosphere, Shen You continued to rush in, with sparks and lightning swooping towards the surface.

But there was resistance immediately.

First is the wind. In the middle of the sudden storm, there seemed to be invisible eyes staring at the foreign intruders, bringing violent power. Trees, boulders, even mountains, nothing can stop that power. The howling of the wind caused the river to flow backwards and the sea to churn, as if the anger of the whole world was sweeping towards Shen You.

That was Mogo's will. This place is already within the atmosphere of the planet Mogo. Any intruder who dares to break into this place will face the entire planet itself.

But Shen You was not afraid at all. He sprinted in a straight line without changing direction, ignoring the exaggerated storm and everything that was picked up and thrown at him by the strong wind.

A sudden sound.

The lightning shot straight down, and the hurricane that tried to block it was cut in half in the middle!

The scene really seemed like the storm itself was being cut open, and the red and silver afterimages continued to dive like broken bamboo. The trees, rocks and giant eyes swept up by the storm were all cut open by invisible forces, and the fractures were extremely smooth, as if they were naturally like this.

The storm is followed by thunder.

Angry clouds gathered, as if coming from the end of the world, echoing in the air like the bells of Doomsday. It was like a thunder capable of destroying the world, born from the depths of the sky, like the anger of billions of years erupting, like billions of heavy hammers hitting the drum surface.

Even the giant's figure seemed extremely small in front of this heavenly power, and there was even a faint sacred green light among the billowing black clouds.

That's the power of the green light. Mogo's huge will drives the green light, and it combines the light of will with its own power to create such majestic power.

But still no use.

The flash of thunder tore the sky apart, and the light was like the hand of God reaching down from behind the dark clouds. The intertwined lightning seems to have formed a complicated network, but it is still unable to capture the red and silver afterimages that shuttle between the thunder.

No, not only couldn't he catch it, but he couldn't even slow him down even a little bit. In just a few seconds after breaking through the atmosphere, Shen You had rushed to close to the ground. He directly started to purify the light, and the soft blue light with crystal light spots fell on the land of Mogo.

Just like the drug that locked the virus was injected into the patient's body, the green light mark on Mogo's body flashed briefly, and the attack rhythm also stopped.

The thunder suddenly stopped. The dark clouds in the sky dispersed little by little, and the furious storm suddenly collapsed. The scene of world destruction suddenly disappeared, but was replaced by peace.

Shen You also slowed down and landed temporarily.

It turns out that a planet can turn the tables faster than turning the pages of a book?

"Are you okay?" He tried to establish telepathic confirmation to Mogo.

But no reply.

Something is wrong.

Shen You's mind moved slightly, and his thinking instinctively accelerated. The fallen leaves in the sky were frozen in the slow-motion view. When he lowered his head, he saw that the ground under his feet had been broken. A group of hot light was struggling to get out of the ground little by little in slow time and space, trying its best to spread its light and heat. Rushed towards Shen You.

Shen You stood up lightly and jumped back, avoiding the gap. The next moment, the surface of the earth was shattered. The earth was like a piece of paper that was easily torn. The huge crack was like a scar on the planet, going straight to the center of the earth. The red magma is wrapped in powerful green light, like a bound demon spurting out of the cracks.

The lava was as powerful as a rainbow, and even the sky seemed to have been burned with huge holes. A heat wave followed, like a roar deep within the planet itself.

More and more pillars of fire and lava shot up into the sky one after another, chasing the afterimage of Hongyin.

Shen You walked easily between the dense pillars of fire at high speed: "Not only did it not work, but it also absorbed the green light emitted to strengthen it, and then used the power of the green light to strengthen the lava ejection.

Hmm, is it because there is no hit ring or brain? "

It may be because the purification target is too large, so it is normal that hitting it from the surface of the planet has no effect. Shen You remembered that Mogo's light ring should be located inside its planet, and the location of the light ring should be its core.

"So let's try to hit the core directly." Shen You understood.

Not only the erupting lava, but also the mountains he passed began to launch earth and stone attacks at him, and the earth under his feet also began to stretch out giant hands hundreds of meters long, constantly trying to grab him under the amplification of green light.

This was somewhat new and interesting even to him. After all, even Ultraman, not everyone has the chance to fight a living planet.

However, under the Speed ​​Force, most attacks can be easily dodged, and Mogo cannot catch him at all.

Now we just need to penetrate this thick crust to locate the specific location of the green light ring.

While scanning at a high speed, Shen You's body suddenly shook and he was hit by something unknown and flew into the air. Lava and Green Light immediately followed, as if they wanted to seize this golden opportunity to strike.

However, Shen You jumped into the air and then somersaulted half a circle, moving sideways lightly to avoid the subsequent combos and stabilize in mid-air.

He was pretty sure he should have avoided any attacks or at least visible ones.

So the one that just attacked was.

As soon as he stabilized his body, he immediately felt captured by an invisible force.

The extremely huge force was suddenly pulling his body in the direction of Mogo, and it wasn't just him. When Shen You lowered his head, he saw that the entire landscape beneath his body had begun to change.

The trees first bent almost to the ground under the weight, then cracked with a crunching sound. The rocks trembled under the invisible force, as if there was an unparalleled pressure that was crushing them from the foundation to the top. Soon the hard rock mass turned into a liquid flow, like lava.

"I see, you can even control your own gravity, and even enhance local gravity." Shen You understood.

What had just suddenly knocked him away was the gravitational force that had changed its direction. At this time, what was holding him was a gravitational force that was enhanced countless times. Maybe Mogo has such ability as a planet, or maybe the Green Lantern Ring developed its potential.

But Shen You immediately counteracted the effect of gravity and stabilized himself in mid-air. He raised his hand and fired a beam of light towards Mogo.

The light shot out from his hands. But the next moment, a dark void appeared out of thin air where the light was irradiated, like a door leading to nothingness. Surrounded by pitch-black lightning, the light he shot plunged into the hole, and then disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

"Space ability? No, the essence is still the ability to control the 'unified field'. It just applies certain technical means and uses gravity and electromagnetic force to create a local wormhole."

Shen You's eyes lit up.

This Planet Green Lantern, I didn’t expect it to be more and more surprising.

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