I become light in American comics

Chapter 428 Heavy Firepower

Since linking to the blue light spectrum, the purification technique has slowly begun to transform from Shen You's initial blind spot into a unique skill. Mixing the blue light with the Ultra series purification techniques he had learned, he soon discovered that the two had surprisingly good compatibility.

And the purifying light he used borrowed the principle of blue light, but it was not entirely spectral power. That's why he can easily do things that ordinary blue lights can't do.

There seems to be a huge gap in the number of people between the two sides, but Shen You's addition has completely reversed the balance. As soon as his light line went down, a large number of Green Lanterns were purified. Those Lanterns quickly woke up after struggling for a while, and then took over the lantern ring again according to their own will, turned around and joined the Blue Lantern camp.

The Green Lanterns whose control was lifted protected the Blue Lanterns from purifying and casting spells, and the Blue Lanterns' purification lifted more Green Lanterns from brainwashing. As a result, the numbers of both sides began to reverse at an alarming speed. More and more Green Lanterns were purified and awakened and defected to the opposite camp.

"My intuition tells me that your passing by cannot be a coincidence." Ganse, who had calmed down a little, flew to Shen You and said.

"I had a fight with a traitor among you little blue men." Shen You said casually, "He calls himself Carona and has mastered the power of six lantern beasts."

Ganser was so shocked by these words that he almost fell from the air.

"Carona has obtained six lamp beasts!?" Gunther's little eyes widened.

The second half of the unspoken sentence is, isn't that already invincible? Why are we still busy with this?

"Yeah, but I was lucky enough to beat him half to death, and now I'm tracking his whereabouts." Shen You said.

Gunther blinked twice.

Wait a minute, let me figure it out.

Why does it feel like something is wrong?

No, after absorbing six lamp beasts, you are basically invincible in this universe, right? And then you beat him half to death?

Do you want to deal with such a terrible thing in such an understatement?

He saw the giant flicking another string of blue light, and a team of Green Lanterns who were charging over were caught in it and fell to the ground holding their heads. After a while, the team of lanterns woke up, took a few seconds to figure out the situation, and immediately joined their own camp.

Ganser looked at it and pondered for a while.

He suddenly realized that maybe even though he had always thought that he had guessed this person's ability in the most outrageous direction, he still seemed to be conservative.

If what he said is true, it means that this being called Ultraman can almost match most of the emotional spectrum by one person.

Even from the perspective of a guardian, it's a bit too fantasy.

"Work harder, guys."

Saint Walker completed the purification of another Green Lantern and released blue light energy to catch the falling Lantern.

"Victory is already in sight and everything will be fine."


Shen You suddenly noticed something.

"Everyone, get behind me."

Just a moment after he finished speaking, strong light fell from the sky.

The green light of destruction, a beam of irresistible energy, compared with it, all the brilliance of the Green Lanterns just now were just like fireflies in the dark night. The deafening sound was transmitted like an invisible impact, and the trees and hills trembled under the force. The green light from the sky tore everything apart. The entire planet seemed extremely small under that blow.

The terrifying energy almost exploded above everyone's heads, only being isolated on the other side by the transparent barrier released by Shen You. But even through the barrier, everyone seems to be able to feel the power of destruction. Just by watching the green light impact explode layer by layer against the barrier, they can feel the terror.

Ganser was the first to recognize where the attack came from.

"It's Mogo!" The former guardian's expression changed suddenly, "Karona manipulated Mogo!"

Mogo is one of the most important and special members of the Green Lantern Corps.

As we all know, the Green Lantern Ring’s selection criteria for qualified candidates have never been restricted by race. Any creature on any planet can be a green light candidate, including humans, animals, gases, machines and even viruses, as long as they meet the condition of "strong willpower".

Then a living planet with life, consciousness, and strong willpower is naturally among them.

Mogo is one such planet. It is the largest Green Lantern, and its willpower is "planetary will", making the green lantern energy it can control far beyond what ordinary lanterns can match.

It's just that Mogo is a peace-loving and fraternal planet, and its light rings have always been limited to the application of "non-lethal force." Therefore, its normal state is a bit like Superman. It never dares to let go of its hands and feet and uses all its firepower. Even if it exerts a little too much force, it may lead to accidental injury.

But once restrictions are lifted, it's the Green Lantern Corps' top priority.

As a planetary Green Lantern, even the most ordinary flat-A shot from Mogo can be used to destroy star firepower.

At this time, it had already opened outside the atmosphere of the planet where everyone was.

The huge planet is suspended in the universe, shrouded in endless green light, and a shining green light mark is reflected in the center of the planet.

Not only that, from the other end of it, you can also see a large group of green light radiating into the depths of the universe. It is so dense that it looks like a plane with a broken luggage compartment, and it is raining candy in the ground. .

"It's the green light ring!"

Ganser's face was quite gloomy.

"While I was still there, the Green Lantern Corps established Mogo as its second headquarters, a backup base in case Oa fell. We stored a large number of Green Lantern rings inside Mogo as a backup in case of emergencies. A backup means. At the same time, Mogo has also been responsible for issuing guides for the newly minted light rings."

In the middle of the blue light, Saint Walker was the first to react.

"Now all the Green Lantern rings have been taken over by the rebellious Guardians. Each additional Green Lantern gives him one more combat power he can mobilize."

He raised his head in surprise and looked at Gunther anxiously.

"How many Green Lantern rings are there on Mogo?"

Ganser's face turned even darker: "When I was still here, there were 20,000."

Twenty thousand spare green light rings!

Assuming that all the rings are distributed at once, and the targets are randomly selected and brainwashed, that means that Carona has 20,000 more Green Lanterns to mobilize in one breath!

"What's even more frightening is that Kalona once did something to the machine hunter, and ended up massacring an entire sector." Ganser said solemnly, "What if Kalona is so crazy that he wants to repeat history to prove my truth?" Mistake, and now he's going to do the same thing to the Green Lantern Corps."

"He's going to use Green Lantern to massacre the entire universe!"

The blue lanterns shuddered.

"Don't worry, that won't happen. The rest of the Green Lanterns will be left to you first."

At this time, Shen You had already ascended into the atmosphere.

"Let me test how heavy the Green Lantern Corps' so-called 'heavy firepower' is."

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