I become light in American comics

Chapter 413 Lost Sector

I don’t know how many years ago.

This was one of the oldest civilizations in the universe. The huge transparent spherical dome covers the city like a glass cover, and the cover is filled with blue light, as if the night sky with bright stars is artificially woven.

Urban buildings have unique designs that have never been seen in most civilizations today. The light and strong outer alloy can freely change shape and color, making the buildings throughout the city look strange. Metal flying vehicles shuttled back and forth in the air, and from time to time a vehicle disappeared out of thin air with a burst of space ripples. That is the image effect left by a short space jump, a convenient teleportation device that anyone can use.

This could have been a great civilization.

The blue-skinned man stood on the top of a steeple, looking at this dreamy and mysterious city with no warmth in his eyes.

"Do you still think emotions are essential to life, Carona?"

Someone asked behind him.

The man slowly turned around.

His name is Kalona. Tens of millions of centuries later, the immortals of their race would be known as the "Guardians of the Universe," the creators of the Robot Hunters and the Green Lantern Corps.

But Carona was not one of them.

Because in the future, he will be the worst and most terrifying traitor in the history of the Guardians. At this moment in the past, he was facing fellow guardians who came to question him.

"I still believe that emotion is life, Gunther." Carona said coldly.

"Then you are still taking the chance that you are about to join the ranks of the Guardians of the Universe." Gunther said.

"But isn't protecting life the cause that the self-proclaimed 'Guardians' devote themselves to? Their statements are contradictory." Carona said solemnly, "You are my friend, Gunther. You always give me Support, and I need your support now more than ever.

I will soon be able to look back in time and witness the birth of the universe, thereby unlocking the secrets of the emotional spectrum. That's one of the most powerful energies in the universe, I'm sure of it. That will open new doors for our science and our understanding of the world.

We don’t need to be afraid.”

"No fear, no fear." Ganser lowered his head and said solemnly, "Fear is forbidden."

"Come on, Gunther, you should understand the best of all."

Carona stepped forward and pressed his best friend's shoulder.

“You are different from them, don’t deny your heart like they do.”

But Gunther didn't look up at him.

"Our hearts are filled with chaos, Carona. We are to bring order to the universe with, and only with, our reason. Order requires clear intellect to maintain, while emotions only bring chaos. I'm sorry."

He pushed Carona away, took a few steps back, and stepped aside.

Carona's pupils shrank, and he was shocked to see that he was surrounded by the so-called "Guardians of the Universe" at some point behind him. Following behind him were the guardians' robotic eagle dogs, and those ruthless law enforcers called machine hunters. .

His friend, the only person he trusted, Gunther, betrayed him.

At that moment, Carona's expression was twisted and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Yes, Gunther." He said coldly, "You will all be sorry for this."

Many years later, now.

Sector 666, on a remote planet.

Two men walked side by side in a deserted woodland. Ancient alien trees tower into the sky, their branches and leaves blocking out the stars. The moonlight could not penetrate the top layer of the forest, and only a few pale light spots scattered on the ground, making the forest appear darker.

The wind blew through the woods, making a shrill cry. Each tree seems to be telling its own story, and the bark and bent trunks that have been eroded by time seem to be telling a chilling legend.

"I said," one of the green-skinned short men looked at his companion, "are you scared?"

The other tall man shook his head repeatedly: "We are the fearless warriors selected by the tribe. We will die for the tribe without blinking an eye. Why should we be afraid?"

The short man said: "Then why are you holding my waist all the time?"

"Ah, maybe it's because the world is so cold. Only this warm waist can give me some comfort."

"Oh, is it so?"

The short man lowered his head and looked at his companion who was supposed to be a head taller than him: "In that case, can you stand up and walk?"

The tall man's legs were weak and trembling on the ground, with a sad face: "Do you think I don't want to?"

The two are from a tribe called the Crusels, indigenous people on this planet. Their civilization is at the bottom among the stars, and its rating is even worse than that of Earth.

But it is said that there was a glorious civilization on this planet in the past, but it was wiped out in a catastrophe in ancient times. Krusl scholars have put forward various hypotheses about the catastrophe. Some say that there was a world-destroying flood in ancient times, others say that the sky collapsed, and theologians said that God was angered and sent down divine punishment.

There are different opinions, but there is still no conclusion.

There have been a series of strange phenomena happening in this area recently. People from nearby tribes continue to disappear in the woods and mountains, and some claim to have seen undead souls or strange monsters that should have been dead.

None of these claims have been confirmed, but there is no doubt that someone is missing. The two warriors were the most valiant and skilled elites in the tribe and were sent to investigate the situation.

"No, what about your self-consciousness as a warrior?" The short man looked disgusted, "Where is your promise to be fearless of death?"

The tall man beeped softly: "I am fearless of death, but fighting enemies is one thing, ghosts and undead are another thing entirely. Who knows?"

As he spoke, he glanced to the side unconsciously and was immediately petrified on the spot.

In the forest that was supposed to be empty, a third person seemed to appear out of thin air.

The terrifying gray-green skin was covered with lines of corruption. The body seemed to have been rotting for many years. White bones could even be seen through the flesh, and a cold light shone in the deep-set eye sockets. The lower part of its legs seemed to be covered in a layer of black smoke, looming, but it looked like it had no legs at all. It's as if its body has no mass and is just floating in the wind.

"Ghost!!!" the tall man screamed.

"What are you doing? What's all the fuss about?"

The short man muttered, followed his gaze, and then suddenly froze.

"Ghost!!!" The short man also screamed.

The thing stretched out its long and thin hands, exuding a dark aura, like the messenger of death, floating towards it bit by bit, as if it had a somewhat ethereal and distant voice, vaguely like saying: "I hate it so much" Na~"

But the next moment, the ghost suddenly screamed, holding its head and struggling in pain.

A green light from the sky.

The sacred light rushed straight into the forest, shining down like the sun, with a human figure surrounded by green light wrapped in it.

"Don't be nervous, this is the Green Lantern from sector 2814. No, he should be called Ion Man now."

Hal slowly flew down, hovering above the two stunned natives, and smiled.

"I just got promoted and haven't adapted to it yet. I'm sorry to understand."

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