I become light in American comics

Chapter 404 Materials coming to your door

Star sector 666, Elimot star.

A long time ago, the most horrific massacre in the history of the interstellar universe occurred in sector 666. At that time, the Green Lantern Corps had not yet been established, and the Guardians of the Universe used an interstellar peacekeeping force called the "Machine Hunters" to maintain order.

But Robo-Hunter betrayed their trust. A conspiracy caused the hunters to lose control, making them decide that true order could only be achieved by wiping out all lives. So the Robot Hunters eventually went berserk and began their massacre in Sector 666.

Although the hunters' uprising ultimately failed, all living creatures in sector 666 were slaughtered. The only survivors are filled with hatred for the Guardians and embark on a never-ending path of seeking revenge.

And the best of them all, the one who is always angry and always filled with hatred, has now found his destined mission and the greatest weapon he can use to avenge the Guardians.

The red light of rage.

His name is Atrocitus and he is the founder of the Red Lantern Corps.

But now, this brand new color lantern corps has been quietly established in this sector that was once slaughtered, and its scale is steadily growing.

At this moment, the emerging red lantern members are conducting daily team building in their lantern group headquarters to enhance friendship among members.

"Go to hell, you big-headed dwarf!"

One red light roared and sprayed red-hot red light energy like boiling blood at another red light teammate.

The latter is a large suspended ball-shaped head. The round head almost occupies the entire body, and the limbs are placed uncoordinatedly around the round head.

"Try saying that again, stupid pig?" Big Head roared with a red light, "I will twist off your arm and stuff it into the back yard!"

Two red lights next to them were also fighting in a ball, cursing.

"I've been really upset with you for a long time. You're holding the horns like a dick. Believe it or not, I'll break them off right now."

"Okay, let's see which one gets stabbed first or my horn breaks off first."


Anger is like a contagious disease that spreads from one person to another. The translation function of the red lantern ring also thoughtfully translated the insults with unique hometown characteristics from members of various interstellar sectors into languages ​​that they can understand, further contributing to the spread of emotions.

So greeting each other with family members and fists and kicks became the unique legion culture of the red lanterns.

Almost no member can save his family within half a day after joining the red light family.

A majestic and tall body slowly flew out, with his hands behind his back. His golden eyes were filled with rage like boiling magma, and he looked down at the people below who were beaten to pieces.

The leader of the red lights, Atrocitas.

"Stop the fighting."

The voice was quiet, but full of energy, carrying an irresistible majesty. That sound was like magic, and all the movements under the red light immediately froze, and within a second, they became indistinguishable from each other, and stood in a group shoulder to shoulder.

The big-headed red light even had a flattering smile on his face: "A fight? No, boss, the brothers are exchanging feelings and praising the wise and wise leadership of the great Atrocitas."

Atrocitus gave him an indifferent look, as if he was too lazy to pay attention, and only said coldly.

"Get ready, we are going to Earth."


The red lights looked at each other.

Atrocitus frowned: "What's your problem?"

"No, of course not." A red lantern said with a strange expression, "It's just that not long ago, the Green Lantern Corps and Sinestro's yellow lanterns had a fight on Earth, and brothers have heard about it.

We hear that Earthlings never leave their galaxy. No, it seems like they don't even leave their planet that much. Does such a place have anything to do with us? "

"We lost a light ring, right here on Earth." Atrocitus said, "No matter whose hand it is in, we want to get it back."

Starr Island was once the private laboratory of Wonder Girl.

Karen bought the island, named it after himself, and built a series of cutting-edge laboratories on it. The main research directions are quantum tunnels and equipment related to Power Girl.

Of course, now it has been transferred to Kara, and rounded off, it has become one of Shen You's laboratories.

After all, Kara's wasn't that different from his.

At this time, Shen You was holding his chin, watching himself get a series of preliminary results with the help of instruments.

"All the light rings are operating normally, and the system has no traces of intrusion or tampering." He mused. "The energy index of the light rings is also stable, and there are no signs of abnormal behavior caused by external energy stimulation."

Kara, who came back, had already changed out of her swimsuit and put on a sky blue nightgown. She lay across the table with her head tilted, staring intently at the seven-colored light rings flying around Shen You.

"Is there anything unusual?" Kara asked.

She doesn't know much about emotional spectrum technology and doesn't know much about light ring settings.

"Of course it's not normal. There will never be multiple light rings that select the same target at the same time."

Shen You paused and looked at the seven light rings circling around him.

He didn't accept the light ring, but the light rings didn't seem to mind. They were as determined to stick to him as if they were sticky, and they seemed to be stalking him until he accepted.

"Generally speaking, if the light ring is rejected by a qualified person, it will fly away immediately." Shen You pondered, "This is not normal in any way. I am almost certain that it is related to the white light I touched, but I am not sure yet. How does it work?"

"oh oh."

Kara seemed to understand, thought for a while, and then continued.

"Then why don't we just want them all?"

Shen You gave her a strange look.

Kara said confidently: "Since they are all very good, why not want them all? These rings all look beautiful and powerful."

But Shen You shook his head.

"What I want is to study the nature of the spectrum and apply it based on understanding the principles, rather than simply using the light ring. Besides."

As he said this, he grabbed the two rings of green lantern and yellow lantern floating next to him and put them on his hands at the same time.

The two rings immediately bounced away as if they were electrocuted.

"Emotional conflict. Access denied."

Then they faithfully returned to their respective tracks, circling around him.

Kara understood: "Can't we use them together?"

"It seems so." Shen You reflected on himself, "Perhaps my research so far has only emphasized the conversion between different spectra. I can freely switch light spectra, but for the time being I cannot make the two conflicting spectra Apply simultaneously.”

He has already tested these light rings floating beside, and each one seems to be willing to be driven by him when worn alone. But as soon as he tried to put on the second one, they immediately bounced away like an electric shock.

It's like saying, you already have it and you still want me?

However, even so, Shen You seemed reluctant to let them leave after popping up, so he could only continue to follow him around like brown candy.

Shen You also tried to make them stop following him temporarily. Catch them one by one and put them on the table, and they will stop temporarily.

But once Shen You got up and left them about twenty or thirty meters away, all the light rings would explode again, and they quickly caught up with him and continued to circle around him, as if they were afraid that he would throw them all away if he turned his head. Already.

Of course Shen You can get rid of them. If he really wanted to run, the set speed of the light ring would really not be able to catch up, and that would be without the need to move instantaneously.

Yes, but not necessary.

After all, it was research material delivered to my door by myself.

Ding dong.

Kara's hair stood up: "Hey, it's the doorbell. It's strange, why would anyone come to the door on this island?"

Shen You followed the direction of the doorbell, activated the perspective and scanned outwards, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

That one standing at the door looks like... a red light?

Atrocitus, the famous grumpy man in the universe, and his many grumpy boys, actually stood at the door and rang the doorbell.

This scene is quite novel.

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