I become light in American comics

Chapter 401 If you want to go, just go

What is a family like?

Ten years ago, Gotham on Earth 2.

There was no Darkseid, no Apokolips. This was once a peaceful planet, and Helena Wayne went to school like an ordinary girl.

That day she was walking on the way home from school with two classmates, chatting anecdotes about Batman as they walked.

"Have you heard? Another madman was caught by Batman," said one of the girls wearing a dark blue hairpin.

“My mother said that when she was my age, she didn’t even dare to walk out onto the street during the day,” said a girl carrying a purple backpack. “She said it’s all because of Batman now.”

"But my dad said that there weren't that many crazy people when he was young." Dark Blue Hairpin said, "He said it was also because of Batman. Without him, there wouldn't be so many crazy people."

The girl with the backpack was displeased: "But Batman is taking them down. As time goes by, things will definitely get better. You also have to say something, Helena."

Helena Wayne only smiled and made no comment.

None of the three girls seemed to notice that not far behind them, a sinister man with malicious intentions was slowly approaching. The shadow of the peaked cap obscured his face. He lowered his head and slowly took out the sharp dagger from his arms with his right hand.

But the man could never touch those three girls.

Because just as he was following a few girls through an alley, a leather-gloved hand suddenly poked out from the shadows of the alley and pulled him into the darkness with astonishing strength.

In the alley was a man wearing a three-point hood, tall and strong, dressed as if he was preparing to rob a bank. He is very powerful and his shots are quick. One blow knocked the man's dagger down.

The masked man kicked the sinister man's leg bones and then punched the man's ribs into his lungs. After receiving a lot of punches and trying all the ways to beg for mercy, the sinister man fell in a pool of blood and cried: "Brother, I just want to have some fun with them! We have no grievances, why does it have to be like this?"

The masked man picked him up and was furious.

"Because you're messing with my granddaughter, you scumbag."

The next punch knocked out one of his teeth.

seven years ago.

Time flies, and on the outside Helena Wayne has grown into a tall and graceful girl. She is the daughter of Gotham who often appears in Gotham Fashion Weekly. She is always at the top of the list of the richest women in the dreams of bachelors around the world.

And secretly she has become Robin, a good assistant to her father in fighting crime.

That night, she disobeyed her father's orders and sneaked out of the Batcave behind her parents' back to pursue clues on her own. She wanted to prove her ability to her parents and was eager for quick success, but she fell into a trap.

She was careless and was captured by a criminal gang. Her hands and feet were tied behind her back in a locked hut, while the criminals were discussing what to do with her outside.

A few minutes later, she heard the exclamations of the gangsters outside. There were sounds of fighting, gunshots, and falling to the ground.

At first she thought her father had found her and rushed over to help.

But in fact Batman didn't arrive until three minutes after the sound died down.

"Who did it?" Batman asked her with a frown.

But Helena just shook her head blankly.

Who saved him? She never knew.

The mystery of that night remained unsolved for many years. Or maybe Batman figured it out and just never told her the answer.


"Happy birthday, Helen!"

Karen smiled and handed the cake to her good friend.

"伱" Helena was a little moved, "I don't even remember it myself."

Karen smiled and patted her shoulder: "Ha, I knew you wouldn't remember. That's why you need me, otherwise what would a super brain do?"

"You mean, your super brain is more or less a calendar."

"Hey, those weren't my exact words."

Karen pointed to the hanging ornament on the roof.

“Do you know how difficult it is to cut out the shape of a bat with heat vision so precisely?”

"Usually we use scissors."


The two girls were bickering in the store, as they had been used to over the years. Outside the coffee shop, in an inconspicuous corner across the street, an old man wearing a coat and a wide-brimmed hat was silently watching through the glass.

As he said, Thomas Wayne never missed an important moment in Helena's life. He was always by Helena's side, keeping a distance, but never personally involved in her life.

"Happy birthday, Helena," the old man said to himself.

But a voice sounded from behind him.

"Why don't you go in and tell her face to face?"

Thomas Wayne was startled. He turned around and saw that the young man who was supposed to be in the store had appeared behind him at some point.

"It's you." Thomas calmed down.

Helena had told him who it was.

"You know, we still have empty seats and empty plates." Shen You shrugged.

"No, I'd better just be here."

Thomas glanced at the display window again and shook his head hesitantly.

".No one will welcome me."

"That's not your decision."

Shen You smiled and led the way towards the entrance of the store.

Thomas hesitated again and again, but finally couldn't hold it back and followed him.

As expected, the meeting between the two bats, grandfather and grandson, was still quite awkward.

When they entered the door, they stood face to face and were awkward for several seconds.

"You're here." Helena could only hold back one sentence for a long time.

"I'm coming." Thomas nodded.

After sitting down at the dining table, there was another moment of silence.

In the end, it was Grandpa who made up his mind and broke the embarrassment first.

"Listen Helena, I'm sorry," he said. "I know I never lived up to my responsibilities, and I'm not the person you and your father thought I was. I let you down, and I never failed. Be with you in your life. I’m sorry.”

After he finished speaking, he let out a sigh of relief.

Helena pondered for a few seconds.

"In this case, you have to find a way to make up for it in the future. After all, the days ahead are still long."

Thomas raised his head, a trace of joy involuntarily showing on his wrinkled face.

Karen promptly brought out a new plate of desserts and said with a smile: "Today is a new beginning, in every sense. We need to celebrate.

The first day of defeating the apocalypse, the first sunrise, is also the first birthday we celebrate for you when we return to this earth! "

Helena pouted: "You'd better not mention the party you prepared for me when we were on the last Earth. It was a disaster."

"What happened to that party? It was quite interesting." Karen tilted her head.

Thomas said strangely: "Another one. Were you all on other earths before?"

The two girls looked at each other.

"Yes, for example, this Mr. O. um. Shen is from that earth." Karen pointed to Shen You, "In their world, Apokolips was repulsed within two days of its arrival.

Even the Lord of Apocalypse, whom we have never met before, came in person, but he beat him up and paraded him around the universe."

When Thomas and Alan heard this, they both had "you seem to be kidding me" expressions.

The green of all things even muttered: "I told you that thing is not a human being."

The two described their experiences on the Earth next door, which made the two natives of Earth 2 fall silent.

After all these years of hard work, it’s hard to imagine what kind of paradise is next door.

"Wait, so you're saying there's Superman over there, too, and..."

Thomas' mouth moved, but no sound came out, as if he was a little afraid to say the word.

"Batman, yes." Helena nodded, "There is Batman there too. He is really similar to his father. Of course I know they are not the same person."

Thomas seemed to be touched. He lowered his head and was silent for a while, and then couldn't help but ask again.

"That Bruce, does he have any family, or..."

"If you mean, is there you? Or mom, or me? No, neither." Helena sighed, "He only has Alfred. He is always alone."

The two bats looked at each other, feeling sad for each other.

This atmosphere lasted for several seconds.

Until Shen You, who was sitting next to him, said, "You should know that if you want, you can actually go sit in his bat cave at any time now."

The two bats, one old and one young, raised their heads and looked at him in shock.

"Huh? Don't you know?"

Shen You spread his hands with a matter-of-fact expression.

"If you want to go to a parallel universe with known coordinates, can't you go there at any time?"

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