I become light in American comics

Chapter 279 Beating up my teammates

Six hundred years, to Ultraman, is just a fleeting thing. In just the blink of an eye, it passed immediately, and even the memory is as fresh as yesterday.

Now, Shen You only has about six hundred years to break the demon's barrier and stop them from consuming light. Otherwise he will be in danger

No, his clone is in danger.

The barrier of the demon trio over there only took shape for less than a second, and Belial felt bad.

Or to be more precise, it just hasn't felt right since before the game started.

"By the way, do you feel that our barrier is of no use to him?" Belial communicates through telepathy, and it only takes a moment of thought to transmit information.

"Fart, that's impossible." Tisak said confidently, "This is no longer his territory. Our home court, our true identity, and it is also the absolute boundary of Merisak.

Even the gods would be paralyzed instantly in this barrier, how could he?"

Tisak finally didn't finish his words.

Although telepathic transmission is fast, the other party's actions are even faster than that.

He only said half of the words before the afterimage in the barrier drew a string of lightning and flashed in front of him.

Afterimage threw an ordinary punch.

The barrier collapsed.

It was like a mirror being blown to pieces by a boulder, with countless transparent fragments flying everywhere. The shock wave enveloped the fragments of magic and spread, and the domineering punch blasted through the barrier unabated. The aftermath shocked Tisak and sent him flying backwards.

Salaka was stunned: "It's really broken."

That is a barrier that even gods cannot escape!

Doesn't this guy have no limits?

And the next moment, the afterimage had flashed in front of it. The devil was startled, and barely had time to cross his arms to protect his face before the lightning-flashing punch landed. The moment Mach's heavy punch hit, the demon could hardly feel his arms, and his body began to move backwards uncontrollably, crashing through boulders and obstacles and disappearing.

"I knew it, I knew it." Belial's lips kept trembling.

"Stop nagging, let's go shoulder to shoulder!"

Tisak, who was the first to be blown away by the aftermath, roared, spread his wings and flew back at full speed. The demon's body speed is not slow, and it is blessed with the power of dimensions. On the attribute panel, it is estimated that it can even compete with Shazam and Black Adam.

Of course, in terms of speed, this invincible speed force has never conquered anyone.

Tissac flew towards the food like a flying eagle, attacking with his claws in front. But Shen You moved a few meters sideways, and the devil's claws immediately missed him.

Tissac shouted, turning around without stopping, his sharp claws dragging the cracks of black magic that tore the space. Shen You dodged sideways, and accurately hit the opponent's black claw's wrist with a slap with his left palm, knocking his sharp claw off course with a circle of transparent impact ripples. Shen You stepped forward, took advantage of the situation and cut inside, with a light elbow strike. A milky white shock wave suddenly erupted from the demon's chest, and he groaned and took two steps back.

At this time, Belial on the side finally plucked up the courage, showed a tragic expression of "fighting", roared and rushed forward.

Salaka also spread out her wings like a fallen angel and flew back at full speed. She flapped her wings violently and broke the sound barrier almost as soon as she took off.

The two demons both stepped forward, surrounded Ultraman's clone and fought with all their might. But Shen You was calm and calm, and his body was as light as walking in a courtyard, and he shuttled easily between the claws of the devil's shadows in the sky, and lightning flashed around them.

Tissac shouted, enduring the severe pain in his chest and also stepped forward to pursue him. Cracks of black magic are constantly leaving in the air, and the domineering magic power continues to impact the space. But the warriors of light surrounded by them always had a relaxed posture, and it seemed that it took no effort at all to shuttle between them.

And he hasn't used all his strength yet, all three of them can see that.

The opponent was able to maneuver between their attacks with ease. Maybe it's rare to find a sandbag who can fight back and want to test the limit of his ability, or maybe it's rare to meet the devil himself and want to try the power of the descendant of Sannomiya to collect data.

Or maybe both.

But no matter what, this fact is extremely shocking and extremely terrifying to the devil.

Even if Thunder Shazam, who was guarding the dimension, was here, he would have been able to survive being beaten by the three of them if he didn't normally explode.

As a result, this guy was one against three. Not only were they unable to touch a single human hair, but the humans even had time to test and collect data!

What a monster this must be! ?

"I said it, I said it a long time ago"

Belial continued to move mechanically, with a sad face.

"I told you we couldn't afford to offend you, but you just didn't listen to me and kept laughing at me. It just didn't stop."

After a few rounds, the data Shen You observed was almost the same.

Generally speaking, these demons are not weak. They not only have a strong basic panel, but also have many magical methods. If I could be dragged to the main world, it would really cause a lot of trouble.

Of course, being strong or not is relative. It's not a big trouble for him now.

For Shen You, what he is more concerned about is collecting the unique magical ability data of San Gong's descendants, which may also be helpful when facing San Gong's deity in the future. Although Sangong's abilities are definitely completely different in magnitude from those of these incompetent sons, after all, their abilities come from the same source, so they may have reference value.

However, I have collected almost all of them in just a few days.

After the observation, Shen You suddenly took action. A blurry afterimage suddenly broke out from the demon's surroundings. The afterimage cut out like thunder, and his right palm violently grabbed Belial's face.

What more can be said? After all, this is the person I know best.

I always feel that Belial's face has some kind of inexplicable affinity, which makes people want to attack it first.

Belial was horrified, but even if it was the devil itself, at such a speed it could only see the afterimage of the movement, and it was completely helpless to react.

Shen You grabbed its head and hit it hard with a knee strike. The air ring exploded, making Belial's head tilt up and his body began to spin in the air uncontrollably.

The other two demons took advantage of their teammates to attract fire and roared as they attacked from the left and right.

Shen You's thoughts accelerated and he glanced to both sides from the corner of his eyes. Salaka's mouth slowly opened, and the demon's mouth seemed to be brewing with domineering black flames. In the opposite direction, Tisak's fingertips were gathering current. A magic circle engraved with complicated words was rotating at a slow speed, like some kind of precise mechanical structure, bit by bit, directing the dark current towards it. He pushed over.

Belial turned slowly in mid-air, opened his mouth wide, and his screams were stretched out in the slow time and space, and his long and sharp tongue swung back and forth in his mouth with the long scream.

Shen You had enough time to respond.

He extended his palms respectively, activated his telekinesis, and with the increase of the speed force, it turned into looming blue lightning that extended to the left and right, capturing the figures of the demons on both sides.

With a hook of his left palm and a move of his right hand, the devil's offensive was immediately redirected. Then he shrank back and floated seven or eight meters lightly.

The next moment, Belial screamed and completed a super gorgeous turn with a difficulty level of 5.0, landing on his face. Salaka's black flames blasted Tisak's head, and Tisak's lightning blasted Salaka far away.

Beat up my teammates.JPG.

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