I become light in American comics

Chapter 271 Fair and Open Election

The moon is dim and the stars are sparse. On time, Shen You and several other "blood cultists" arrived at the location designated by the leader, an abandoned swimming pool.

The storm approached silently, and the broken door groaned, seeming to tell its story every time the wind blew. Weeds spread all around, like a ghostly hand, trying to reintegrate the once prosperous place into the embrace of nature.

The believers, all dressed in black robes, gathered at the door and waited patiently.

But no one could have guessed that among these seemingly sneaky believers, there were hidden two Kryptonians, a Martian, a DC son, the most powerful Green Lantern in history, the creator of the Speed ​​Force, and Number 1. Warrior of light.

When this lineup was revealed, it was no exaggeration to say that even the gods had to turn around and run away.

"You know? I've fantasized about this scene more than once before." Barry was still a little excited.

Hal looked at him: "What? Are you fantasizing about being a madman who captures people for sacrifice?"

"Of course not." Barry poked his waist with his elbow angrily, "I mean, being in the strongest team like this, and then everyone goes out together to perform various tasks. .Infiltrating espionage is one of them

how? Have you never thought about it that way? "

Hal shook his head: "Disguising and sneaking in is not my style. I generally prefer to convince people directly."

Barry laughed: "I think so. That's why Batman said to put out your ring."

Hal held his head high and said, "Oh, he dares to try."


".Kara what are you doing?"

Superman on the side looked at his cousin strangely. At this time, his cousin, who looked like a high school girl, was swaying from the left to the right, and then from the right to the left, constantly doing various poses.

"Oh, I'm taking a selfie." Kara said excitedly, "This is the first official planned action of our Justice League. Let's take a photo as a souvenir. Come on, smile."

After hearing this, Superman quickly put on a sunny smile, and after the filming was over, he put away his smile and said seriously: "We are not playing, Kara. This is a very important task, and we have to focus."

"Anyway, waiting now is just waiting. The last one, just one."

Kara jumped up to Batman: "Take a photo?"

Batman's face was expressionless and he cast a disapproving look.

Kara shrank her head and whispered, "If you don't want to shoot, I won't shoot."

"somebody is coming."

Shen You interrupted his teammates' pre-war entertainment.

His super senses cover his surroundings and he can sense anyone approaching within the realm. But he was sure that Superman and Martian Manhunter should be the same.

Another man in black robe came, dressed exactly the same. The man didn't say a word when he came to them. He just nodded, then leaned against the wall and waited.

After a short wait, two or three more people came one after another.

They were all dressed in black robes, and they were all members of the Blood Cult. Shen You calmly scanned with Ultra sight, and was sure that he didn't bump into another undercover agent this time like he did with Batman, and that the ones who came back were all serious blood cultists.

It looked like this was the teammate assigned to them for this operation.

The commander also came.

He glanced at everyone and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, everyone is here. As I said before, this is a joint action mission organized by the archbishop, which is very important. In principle, all believers are assigned to small teams to perform tasks according to their original establishment, and you are here Everyone is in a special situation. You are all survivors of the sacrifice of the original team in various missions, so you have been formed into a special team."

Everyone understands.

To put it simply, everyone present is an orphan in the organization, and they are all retail investors who have broken away from the original establishment.

"You don't need to know too much about the details of this mission. Other branches will be responsible for other parts of the mission. We only need to know the part we are responsible for."

He said showing a photo.

That's a woman.

She has sculptural features, slender and curved eyebrows, dark skin, a determined expression in the photo, and warrior-like eyes.

"This woman, her name is Adriana, is an archaeologist. She has something very important in her hand, and our mission is to snatch it.

She has a convoy from the Sky Eye Society responsible for escorting and transporting her, so there may be a little trouble. But other teams are responsible for the troublesome part, and our main responsibility here is to provide insurance. If the team in front misses and the target and cargo escape, we will be responsible for intercepting them. have you understood? "


To put it bluntly, he is hiding everything. If the plan goes well, he may not participate in the operation at all.

Of course, having said that, since a few of them have been roped in to find out, the plan will probably not go smoothly.

"Very good. However, I will have other tasks by then and will not be able to personally direct your actions. So you need an on-site commander."

The commander put his hands behind his hands and said majestically.

"So, this means that you have to select an on-site commander, and the selected person will have priority opportunities to be promoted to higher levels of the organization."

Everyone looked at each other.

Good guy, are you here to vote?

The eyes of several true believers immediately became intense, and they were all gearing up, as if they were extremely looking forward to this promotion opportunity.

Of course, they don’t know that sometimes something that seems to be a fair election is actually decided long before the vote.

In the next half hour, each of the believers worked harder than the other. They all delivered impassioned speeches, praising the great Lord and sparing no effort to express their determination to contribute to the organization. They almost pulled out a knife to gouge out their hearts on the spot. Come out to show your loyalty.

However, after an absolutely fair and open voting, Shen You still won the position of operational command with an overwhelming advantage.

He even declined repeatedly, saying that he was not worthy of the appointment and was afraid of failing to live up to the expectations of the organization. But the voice of support for him was so loud that he asked the brothers below him to do nothing. In desperation, he took the leadership position half-assedly.

The commander saw this and was secretly surprised. He didn't expect this boy to have such prestige. He must be a man of outstanding faith and piety. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but nodded slightly, feeling that I had found a talent that could be made. If I have the opportunity in the future, I must support him so that he can better serve the Lord.

If he can achieve something in the future, he will have to take part in his contribution.

The true believers who lost the election began to lower their heads and reflect on whether their speeches were not infectious enough or their faith was not strong enough, and why they could not compare with others.

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