Gotham, HISHE Cafe.

"Come on, face the camera and say CHEESE~"


Barry held up the camera and pressed the shutter, and let go at the moment the camera took the picture. He ran to the seat reserved for everyone on the sofa and sat down, leaning on Hal's shoulder and making a "Yes" gesture.

The camera took the picture and the picture was frozen. The moment the picture was taken, he quickly got up and ran back. The camera didn't even have time to fall before he took it back firmly in his hand.

"Look, it's a pretty good shot."

Barry handed the camera over, and everyone passed it around to check the results.

Having just experienced a fierce battle to defend the earth and won a great victory, everyone seems to be in a good mood. Everyone in the photo is smiling. Except Batman.

Batman looked unhappy.

Yes, he usually looked unhappy, but he seemed especially so today. But obviously this is probably related to the fact that he was forcibly dragged here by Superman to participate in this post-war celebration.

He doesn't like group activities.

And if there was anything that made him even more unhappy, it was that Alfred was here too.

A few minutes ago, Alfred drove the Wayne family's car to the coffee shop, and brought a special dessert when he entered.

Batman was a little surprised: "Penny, how could you...?"

"I think there's no need to use a code name here. We all know each other." Shen You smiled, "I called you here. Alfred once asked me to help find you. Now that the order is completed, you must give it to the parents." Explain it, right?"

Batman narrowed his eyes at him, as if he wasn't very happy.

But Alfred looked cheerful. Although his expression was not obvious, his eyes were clearly filled with relief.

Shen You thought that on the one hand, he must have learned that the young master was safe and sound, and a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. On the other hand, it was probably because the young master finally made friends and joined a small club.

Although these friends are not normal, after all, his young master is not normal to begin with. How can he ask for more?

Alfred began to distribute small snacks to everyone: "This is my hand-made, with a little thought."

"It's really delicious, thank you Fu." Superman smiled.

"You're welcome, Master Kent." Alfred smiled, "I know you have taken good care of my young master before."

Batman was displeased: "In fact, I'm taking care of him."

But Alfred ignored him and said with a smile: "Please take care of me in the future."

Hal couldn't help laughing and whispered in Barry's ear: "I understand, this is called the 'Bat Parent'."

Barry couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Okay, we really should introduce ourselves to each other." Superman said, "Some of us may not be familiar with it yet. Let's start with myself. My cousin and I are both from Krypton. The radiation from the yellow sun gives We superpowers have probably all seen it before."

Barry: "A bolt of lightning went through the chemicals in my lab and hit me, and I woke up connected to something called the Speed ​​Force. That allowed me to change the flow of time, or become something special. quick."

Hal: "This ring comes from a group of immortal people called the Guardians of the Universe. It gives me the power from the emotional spectrum of the universe, allowing me to harness the energy of the spectrum to change anything I imagine. The Guardians said it is the universe The most powerful weapon in the world."

Martian Manhunter: "I am a Martian, the last survivor of Mars. The talents of our race are mainly telepathy, enlargement and shape change, phase change and virtualization, penetrating objects, and also have certain super strength and super speed."

Shen You: "I come from a place called the Kingdom of Light. I am just an intern scientist among the 18 billion people in the Kingdom of Light. I have not yet become a full-time employee.

Abilities. Ability to grow bigger or smaller, energy projection, super strength, super speed, teleportation, etc. I also know a little about the Speed ​​Force, I also dabble a little in the emotional spectrum, I can also absorb a little solar radiation, phase change penetration is okay, and I also know a little about telepathy."

Everyone: "?"

Everyone looked at him with a somewhat strange look.

Everyone present had cooperated with him to one degree or another, and had seen some of his abilities. Think again of Darkseid's performance when he was blasted earlier today.

It felt like what he said seemed to be true.

There was a brief silence in the store.

Even Batman has begun to consider the necessity of establishing a list of abilities for Ultraman.

Everyone else's files can clearly list their abilities, such as strength, speed, reading minds and walking through walls. As for this stuff.

Instead of wasting unnecessary space, just one word.


Until Superman took a sip of coffee and said, "Ha, let's continue telling our stories."

Everyone has something to say. Each of the Zhenglian elders has their own origin story, and almost all of them have unique adventure stories in different fields.

Kara looked at Hal with curious baby eyes: "So, you work like a cosmic criminal?"

"Yes, the earth belongs to sector 2814, and this area is under my control." Hal proudly raised his chest and waved the ring in his hand, "This is the most powerful weapon in the universe."

"It's really like in a comic book!" Barry said excitedly. "I loved superhero comics when I was a kid. In the book, a group of the greatest heroes on earth formed an alliance."

Having said this, he tilted his head, remembered something, and looked at Wonder Woman.

"Wait a minute, you said you fought in a world war?"

"Yes." Diana nodded.

"Wow." Barry said a little strangely, "I don't know if this is some wonderful fate. But you have a shield with stars on it, you participated in a world war, and you have an ex-boyfriend named Steve. And he died flying the plane in the end.

do you know? I read a comic when I was a kid, and it was very similar to your story."

"Wait, what did you just say?" Superman interrupted.

Barry said: "I mentioned that there is a comic book in which the protagonist also carries a shield to fight a world war, and finally flies a plane."

"No, go a little further. You said an alliance?"

"Uh yeah."

"It's what I thought." Superman said happily, "The invaders may come back, and there may be more threats. Think about it, we have so many talented people, if we gather together, we can What an achievement!”

Everyone looked at each other and seemed to be seriously considering this proposal.

"Whatever, I'll join." Barry was the first to express his opinion, then looked at Hal, "Now I can join the alliance faster than you. From now on, you have to call me senior."

"Hey, that's not fair." Hal yelled, "I just decided in my mind to join, you just shouted faster than me."

"Sounds interesting!"

Kara tugged on Shen You's clothes.

"Should we?"

"If you're interested, you can give it a try. I'll forget it." Shen You smiled and shrugged, "There are some special rules where I come from. Our laws stipulate that we must interfere as little as possible in the private affairs of other people's planets."

Although the Justice League was established due to the invasion of foreign enemies, one of its main functions is to fight crime. Sometimes it is inevitably involved in international affairs, which obviously conflicts with the principles of the Kingdom of Light.

"Okay." Kara was a little disappointed.

"I'll forget it." Batman said calmly, still with a cold face, "I'm not interested in the club."

Superman nodded: "Okay, Batman will join us too. Anyone else?"

Batman: "."

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