This is a battle that almost transcends space.

From the earth to Mars, follow the flash all the way to Uranus, and it is getting farther and farther.

Well, calling it a battle is actually not very appropriate. Because during this period, rather than exchanging moves, it would be more accurate to say that Darkseid was being beaten and escaping at the same time. When trying to counterattack, we cannot say that there is none, I can only say that the effect is not very significant.

By the time we get to Jupiter, Darkseid can still have seven points of offense and three points of defense, but by now he is overwhelmed with defense alone and has no time to counterattack.

Of course, he didn't forget his own Omega who glared at everyone to death. In fact, he has used it more than once.

And this is the scene that made the great Darkseid even more shocked and puzzled during this invasion.

His omega rays, which nothing in the universe can block, were actually caught.

And what’s special is that it’s done with bare hands!

He doesn't use the speed to travel through time, nor does he have any fancy special skills. He just relies on his bare hands. Shen You extended a single palm, as if making a "stop" gesture, and slapped away Omega's impact.

At that time, Uncle Da's head was really shut down.

Slap Omega away?

Are you still a human being?

No, should I say you are still a god?

"This power is so strong." Even Superman in the dark room couldn't help but marvel again, "Is this your energy too?"

"No." Shen You smiled, "This is yours, you just didn't realize it before."

What can fight against Omega is naturally the power of origin. That is Superman's innate power, but it has always been an almost invisible passive skill on him.

Shen You actually only has a vague understanding of the origin, but thanks to the recent opportunity to observe the origin fluctuations released by the deaths of several new gods at close range. Although it is not strong, it is enough to help him have a preliminary understanding of this form of energy.

Being of one mind with Superman gave him the first opportunity to personally try to mobilize the power of origin.

In fact, it's not a subtle use. If you want to compare it, it's just as simple and crude as Barry's use of the Speed ​​Force in the early days. While this experience provided Shen You with more data experience, it also made him realize that his research on origin energy was not even an introduction, and there was still a long way to go.

Of course, it is more than enough to offset the Omega energy of a mere Uncle Da's clone.

"No, it's impossible." Darkseid was already scarred and half-kneeling on the ground, staring at him while bleeding all over his body, "What the hell is this?"

This is an opponent he has never encountered before, and is completely incomprehensible to him. It is also the first enemy that makes him feel that he may be more dangerous than the New Gods.

But got no answer.

Shen You's figure rushed out again dragging lightning. Darkseid's condition has seriously declined all the way here, and he can no longer keep up with his speed.

Shen You first faced him head-on and then gave him a combo of hooks and swings. Then he lifted him up, his whole body was wrapped in the rising electric light and he soared into the sky, leaving Uranus in an instant.

The current rushed into the twisted vortex of space, and an interstellar jump rushed out of the solar system.

Darkseid is the best among the New Gods, and the chain reaction caused by killing him is not the same concept as that of other New Gods.

In the major event "Darkseid War", one of Darkseid's strongest clones in the multiverse faced the "Anti-Monitor", the destroyer of the multiverse. The final result was that Uncle Da was defeated, and the death of that clone caused the balance of the universe to be broken and reality to collapse. The vacancy was temporarily filled by all the members of the Justice League who were present at that time, and they each sat on a new god's throne.

Shen You evaluated the Darkseid he was facing now and felt that he was not as strong as his clone. According to his current research on the laws of the DC universe, killing him would not lead to law collapse.

But to be cautious, he still had to choose a place far away from the solar system, or preferably away from any place that might affect innocent melon-eating civilization.

So from another angle, it can also be said that he is choosing a grave for Darkseid.

During this period, from the perspective of certain civilizations in the galaxy he passed through, the scene was quite terrifying.

Of course, low-level civilizations like Earth that don't even care about their own backyards can't even discover it. However, some of the more advanced civilizations could barely keep up when Shen You borrowed roads from the relevant star fields, but they could still detect it.

Just like Almeric.

The observer on duty for deep space monitoring was originally yawning, but when he noticed an abnormality in the star field through the instrument, he was completely confused. After rubbing his eyes to confirm, he hurriedly jumped up in fear.

"Sir. Sir!" He immediately answered the emergency line.

"What's wrong? Did you get chased by the Parallax Monster or something? Are you so panicked?"

"It's the God of Apocalypse! The God of Apocalypse is here!"


The commander immediately panicked.

"Wait a minute, he seems to have just passed by and is gone now."

"Huh?" The officer was stunned.

God of Apocalypse, you have nothing to do, so you just come here to brush your face and pass by?

"What didn't he do?"

"He was very fast and appeared for a short while. But according to computer calculations, the posture looked like...sort of"

Xiaobing looked at the scene of Darkseid being carried by someone like a chicken in his hand and passing by at the speed of light in the intelligent recovery screen of their super computer, and felt a little hesitant.

"It's a bit like being paraded through the streets."

Chief: "?"

After another pause, the officer instinctively asked: "Who is he parading on the street?"

At the same time, I wondered in my mind what kind of unlucky guy actually had such an honor and could trouble the universe to be frightened by the news and parade him through the streets in person?

What did you have to do to get this kind of treatment?

"No, no," the gangster stammered, "it looks like the gentleman is being paraded through the streets."

Chief: "???????"

Similar situations occurred not only in Almeric, but also in multiple civilizations passing along the way.

Many civilizations have seen this scene.

A giant whose whole body glowed like a moving sun, holding the legendary Dark Lord Darkseid in his hand, ran across countless galaxies with sparks and lightning, as if in a demonstration.

It is conceivable that the civilizations who were lucky enough to witness this scene were stunned.

That was Darkseid, a well-known natural disaster in the universe, almost synonymous with darkness and destruction, the ultimate darkness that no one can resist.

And what did they see today?

Light defeated darkness?

Why do I have such a dream?

Who is that glowing interstellar giant?

After rushing out of the galaxy, Shen You finally picked an open space and let go of Uncle Da, who was bruised and swollen.

He opened his arms and golden light flashed all over his body. The golden arc pulsed, and the majestic energy flow poured into the arm.

As if realizing that the situation was over, Darkseid no longer resisted and only stared at him coldly.

"I remember you, all of you."

He said coldly.

"I will return."

"I am waiting."

Shen You said lightly.

Then the arms formed a cross.

Giga Specium!

A blow that penetrated the stars was accompanied by gorgeous golden light and lightning, like a waterfall of energy. The body of the new god was instantly swallowed up and annihilated into interstellar dust.

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