"So, you have been in Steppenwolf's hands all this time?"

Shen You looked at Batman who suddenly appeared from the side and asked.

"The International Gang's clues lead to Deherian, but there are a lot of weird things in this place." Batman said coldly, "Deherian is usually almost isolated from the outside world. If there is any situation, if you want to obtain information from the outside, just It’s harder.”

"So you decided to go deep behind enemy lines and find out the situation from the inside." Shen You understood and nodded.

It's very Batman-like.

Comic fans are already familiar with the famous scene where the seven giants are joining forces to fight in a team. But if you look carefully in the picture, there are only six of the Big Seven. Only true fans know that Batman is slicing the back row.

With Zheng Lian's luxurious configuration, there are not many regular villains who can defeat them head-on. If they could briefly review the main reasons why the team was wiped out at the beginning of every major event, the first one must be because everyone is thinking, "Look how this lineup of six gods can lose?", so everyone is thinking about this. I was left lying down and someone came to C, so I often lost the team inexplicably after a wave of bronze operations.

As for the second reason, it is definitely inevitable that we will suffer from the enemy's darkness and our own light. To be honest, even if the basic configuration is there, it is really not easy for ordinary people to plot against them. The villains who can succeed often have some special and weird methods, and everyone is easily killed at first sight when they are idle.

Therefore, the importance of old silver coins is reflected at this time. Batman is often able to C, partly because he has the blessing of his own son's aura, and partly because Lao 6 is always using his skills to defeat his teammates. While his teammates were being beaten in the front, he was stealing from the back row, and it was not entirely unreasonable for him to lead the team to a comeback.

"But you lurked deep enough and didn't even tell Alfred?" Shen You asked.

"Deherian is isolated from outside signals. I have satellites, but the Apocalypse people monitor this area and cannot take risks." Batman said coldly, "It also took me a while to win Steppenwolf's trust and find out. His ultimate weapon and countermeasures."

"It's already pretty impressive." Shen You said.

Batman glanced at him sideways, expressionless and silent.

But most of my heart is thinking about each other.

Compared with his exquisite operation of going around the back, stealing people, stealing equipment, and pulling to the limit, it seems that Shen You went straight through the front entrance and penetrated here, which is more impressive.

Although Shen You feels that Batman doesn't necessarily trust him (but he doesn't think this is targeted because this guy does this to everyone), their previous cooperation experience does not seem to be unhelpful. Otherwise, this awkward guy would never have said so much to an alien before.

While the two were talking, they were also monitoring the madman, the only new god left in the palace. This new god is not as stubborn as Steppenwolf. Seeing that the situation is not good, he flashes the French military flag at the speed of light and expresses his willingness to cooperate with the organization in an all-round way.

So he is now contacting all war zones through the highest command channel, asking all units to give up resistance, and remotely paralyzing all Apocalypse Technology weapons.

As the war zones of all parties operated in sequence, a war was nipped in the cradle before it had time to fully erupt.

"Okay, now is the last area." The New God said with great cooperation, "Once this is done, the threat will be completely eliminated. Huh!?"

The madman suddenly paused when he said this, his pupils shrank, he covered his head and screamed. I saw a chaotic energy bursting out from his body, and some kind of invisible mental fluctuation burst out.

Batman's right hand was carefully buckled on the belt under his cloak. But Shen You stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Wait, it's not what he is doing, but something happened."

"What do you mean?" Batman frowned and looked at him.

The madman held his head and said in pain: "He's coming, he's coming! That adult is coming!"

"My lord." Batman repeated the name.

The madman held his head and rolled on the ground in pain: "Sorry, great. I didn't betray, just uhhhhhh!!!"

The madman's pupils contracted, his arms trembled, and his body straightened up and twitched spasmodically.

Shen You realized something was wrong, and immediately stepped forward, grabbed the madman's body, and disappeared into thin air with a wave of space. The next moment, he had dragged the madman and appeared in mid-air.

In the millisecond of teleportation, the madman's body was burned to ashes.

The originating fluctuations exploded in an astonishing way, spreading once again across the surface of the earth. Shen You observed and recorded the entire process and data fluctuations again, and then flew back to the palace following a flash.


Batman watched from the side, silently memorizing this newly observed skill in his mind, and prepared to go back and add it to the small notebook of Ultraman's files.

"What happened?" Batman asked.

"He exploded, some kind of mental effect, maybe it was planted in his brain from the beginning."

"Is it related to the 'that adult' he mentioned?"

"It should be Pal. Is the signal shielding done?" Shen You asked.

Pal also quickly replied: "The signal in the palace has been restored. There are abnormal sound blast channel readings in the Sky Eye position, and the picture is being transmitted."

Shen You waved his hand, and the light particles condensed out of thin air, transforming into a transparent and suspended picture. It was a live broadcast of the frontal battlefield.

Then they all saw it.

The demon of destruction.

a few minutes ago.

The frontal battlefield was the first to be settled. The superheroes who separately demolished the three sonic towers gathered together and decided to collide with Dehryan's army from the front.

Before the madman disarmed and gave the order to surrender, the superheroes actually had an absolute advantage. The team here was also the fastest to surrender after receiving the order - in fact, someone had already had this idea before the command was given.

After all, not everyone can persevere in the battle with these gods, both physically and mentally.

It was while accepting prisoners and cleaning the battlefield that a sudden change occurred.

What first appeared were endless black clouds, entrenched in the sky like giant beasts, forming a huge dark vortex, like an invisible giant hand controlling the chaotic situation.

Thunder flashed in the air, like the wrath of the gods, and cut through the sky like a sharp sword that shattered the void. Under the electric light, the black clouds looked like an army covering the sky and the sun, composed of countless giant beasts from hell. They were hungry and thirsty, and they watched eagerly, waiting for the king to come.

Then the black clouds began to rotate.

It was like being pierced through a deep whirlpool, and a white but eerie light emerged with a tornado-like hurricane. The energy storm roared across the wasteland, roaring and kicking up thousands of feet of dust, as if it was about to swallow the world.

And what appeared in that storm was the demon god who brought destruction.

The dark and burly body, the scarlet eyes, and the Omega mark symbolizing annihilation, just standing on the ground are like pronouncing the end of a planet.

The God of Apokolips, Darkseid.

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