I become light in American comics

Chapter 259 Are you coming to try too?

Shen You strode through the capital and the palace, looking like he was taking a walk after a meal. He didn't even bother to do anything. He walked to the deepest palace, his body shrank in a flash of light, and he fell straight in.

There are also guards placed inside, who are also elites armed with various apocalyptic equipment. Most of them are armed with energy weapons, some are equipped with strength-enhancing equipment and some are equipped with acceleration equipment. Many of them are also driving thick exoskeletons and three- to four-meter-high heavy armors, fully armed and waiting for the enemy to arrive.

However, no one could clearly see the enemy's shadow.

Even the door they had concentrated on locking didn't open at all. The afterimage penetrated directly through the door panel, like a disembodied shadow. A ghostly shadow flashed out, rolling through the hall like a red and silver storm.

No one saw how they were knocked down. But when he came back to his senses, the entire team's defense had collapsed. The elite warriors fell on their backs, and the thick mecha turned into debris and metal debris everywhere. It was like a typhoon that came and went without a trace, roaring past, leaving only chaos everywhere in the blink of an eye.

Finally, there is the throne, where Steppenwolf lives.

But the moment he walked through the door, the afterimage stopped abruptly. As if he appeared out of thin air at the entrance of the hall, lightning from nowhere surrounded Shen You from all directions, binding him in place like some kind of iron chain.

His body was rigidly fixed, but it still maintained a ghost image and surrounding current that seemed to be moving at high speed. It looked a bit weird, like the moment a figure in high-speed motion was frozen into the camera lens.

"Ha, I told you this would work!"

The new god called Madman was overjoyed and laughed.

"This is a speed trap specially designed for those of you who like speeding. It can only be activated when the movement reaches a high enough speed. It is a speed trap specially prepared by me."

"Stop talking nonsense, madman!" Steppenwolf shouted, "Fire!"

The two new gods were holding a huge cannon-like weapon together. When the device was operated, the space they were in seemed to be distorted. A small black ball was erupted in a spiral shape from the black hole of the gun, and hit the immobilized Shen You head-on in the chest.

The red and silver body was immediately blasted backwards, crashing through the wall and building continuously and flying straight out of the building. Then it exploded in mid-air, creating a black hole. The boundless gravity pulled him in, and then he whirled and shrank into a point in space, disappearing without a trace.

"Successful!" the madman laughed, "I just said, my design has never made mistakes. Astronomical rays will open a singularity, which is a space where even light cannot escape, no matter how strong or fast it is It’s impossible to escape!”

Before Steppenwolf could say anything, Shen You's voice sounded behind the madman.

"Oh, it sounds pretty powerful. But the energy frequency of the shot just now seems not very stable, and there is a risk of losing control. And this shot is the limit, right? The power module will be burned. It looks like a disposable weapon? It doesn’t work.”

The lunatic didn't realize anything was wrong, but when he heard the academic and technical issues, he subconsciously said: "Oh, this is because time is short. You also know that the idiot Steppenwolf asked me to research a method to counter that Ultraman in the past few days. , but that freak has too many abilities and too many obvious weaknesses. I have limited resources and am in a hurry."

"Idiot leaders, I understand, it seems that all leaders in the universe are the same." Shen You nodded in sympathy, "But to be honest, the black hole trick is a bit uncreative, I don't think it will work.

I once had a friend who also encountered a black hole, and its name was Bachumon. As a result, my friend stabbed him to death with a spear in his hand.

I also have a friend who encountered a black hole, which also has a name, called Sophia. In the end, the black hole was exploded by his ray of light."

"No shit, how is that possible?"

Only then did the madman who was addicted to academic research react after catching a glimpse of Steppenwolf's wide-eyed and shocked expression.

Wait a minute, he and Steppenwolf are the only two here, who is speaking behind?

The madman turned his head, and then his pupils immediately shrank, staring into the same copper bell eyes as Steppenwolf.

He saw Shen You.

That red and silver body, which seemed to have steel skin, was clearly the figure that was blasted out of the door and shot into the singularity by his astronomical ray just a few seconds ago.

At this moment, not only was he standing here safe and sound, but he was also discussing academic issues with him so calmly.

What kind of outrageous development is this?

What about the promised space where even light cannot escape? You obviously watched him being sucked in with your own eyes, so why did you turn your head so fast that he came out again?


The madman couldn't help but feel his heart tremble when he thought of the few lines that the other party just said casually, which seemed careless but were actually off the mark.

Using a spear to poke it with your bare hands or rubbing light with your hands to blast a black hole, this sounds like pure nonsense to anyone with a little bit of brainpower.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems quite outrageous that one second the person was still in the black hole and the next second he was refreshed behind his back.

Is it possible that those nonsense words just now are actually true?

These seemingly careless words suddenly turned into a display of muscle and an extremely terrifying threat in the eyes of the madman.

The most terrible thing is that this threat is particularly convincing when proven by the other party's actions just now!

Of course, Shen Youyou was telling the truth, but he just casually complained about the unscientific performance of many of Ultra's seniors.

But he didn't do anything like shooting a black hole just now.

In fact, Shen You had already seen the trap arranged in this room through perspective before entering the door. What I just rushed in to eat this set of combos was just another high-speed afterimage.

"For Darkseid!"

Steppenwolf roared and pulled out his great axe. He pounced fiercely and crashed down with great force.

It looks very fierce and powerful, and to those who don’t know better, it may even look like a brave lion. But madmen can see otherwise.

He knew Steppenwolf. From the twisted face and the roaring voice, he could hear fear.

Sometimes the roar of a beast is not for demonstration or intimidation, but simply an instinctive reaction when it is overly frightened. Just like the barking dog on the roadside, in fact, it is just shouting this sentence in a very fierce tone——

——Don’t come over here!

Shen You didn't even look back, and punched behind his back as if his arms were on a spring.


There was a heavy blow and the transparent air wave almost lifted the roof. The terrifying impact lifted up all the floor tiles in the house and crushed them into pieces. Steppenwolf crashed through the wall and flew backwards, disappearing completely.

With a casual punch, Shen You retracted his fist, shook his hand, and glanced at the madman: "You want to try one too?"

The madman was staring at the exaggerated wreckage and the hole that was blown out in shock. Hearing this, he quickly shook his head.

"If it doesn't work, I won't try." He forced out a smile, "Let's continue talking about black holes."

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