I become light in American comics

Chapter 255 The outside world is so scary

What appeared in front of the floating screen of the operation panel was something very horrifying and indescribable.

There is no fixed shape and it is constantly changing in the picture. Looking directly at the thing gives people the first impression that it is the entity of some kind of dark nightmare. Like a ball of black gel, it has no mouth, nose, or eyes, but strangely it seems that you can feel its gaze, its breathing, and its roar. You can feel some kind of unspeakable oppression through the transparent screen.

The agent who discovered this swallowed involuntarily: "What is this?"

Without saying a word, Shen You went to the console and tapped quickly, quickly cutting out the corresponding explanation screen.

Apokolips text. Although I don’t know much about Apocalypse’s knowledge and technology system, it may be thanks to the fact that Apocalypse’s year-round battle presence has been recorded in various parts of the universe, and Shen You’s interstellar database has corresponding language records. Pal quickly helped him complete the interface translation.

This is a log.

"Experiment log, test target, code name 'Anti-life Experimental Subject 779'."

"Subject No. 779 is the first individual to successfully withstand the side effects. The target can coexist with the 'anti-life' force. It's just that the energy eroded its nervous system and made it lose its mind. But what the heck, all the experiments anyway It doesn’t have much sense left after it comes down, right?”

"Experiment log update. The experimental estimates for Experimental Subject No. 779 seem to be too optimistic. The results of the test conducted on Al-Aqsa Blue Star were not satisfactory. The strength of the experimental subject reached expectations, and the anti-life engine worked well. But the results It shows that individuals do not have the ability to obey orders. The anti-life engine makes it powerful and at the same time generates a will to resist. Once released, it is difficult to restrain.

The experimental results record that the Al-Aqsa Blue Star was destroyed. An anti-life strike penetrated the planet, and Aksalan was torn to pieces from within, leaving no survivors.

Beautiful destruction, beautiful withering, that Lord will undoubtedly be very satisfied with this power, provided we can control it. "

"Experiment log update. Steppenwolf is a reckless man. The anti-life experimental subject is far from being ready for actual combat, but he is determined to put it into the battle for this new earth. What he better bring back is good news . Otherwise, if things get messed up, don’t say I didn’t warn him.”

No signature, no name recorded.

But Shen You could roughly guess what that amorphous and terrifying thing was.

As we all know, as one of the most terrifying beings in the DC multiverse, one of Darkseid's most obsessed things is the "Anti-Life Equation".

In many versions of DC's settings, the life equation is one of the foundations for creating the positive matter universe, and the anti-life equation is the corresponding thing. It is the most terrifying weapon in the universe, but its manifestation is similar to a rule of corrosion and engulfment. Darkseid spent his entire life pursuing and studying its power.

What is mentioned in this log is probably a by-product that appeared during the research.

"Captain?" the agent asked cautiously.

"Oh, it's nothing." Shen You closed the interface and turned around and said, "You continue to execute the original plan and blow up this place. I'll go over there to investigate."

"Yes, Captain!"

The agent stood at attention and saluted, not daring to ask any more questions.

Separating from the team members, Shen You went to the outer aisle and glanced around.

"Is it down there?"

Perspective is activated, and the line of sight penetrates the thick surface of the earth and looks all the way into the depths of the underground. Sure enough, there are facilities in this base that extend underground.

An open space opened up underground, somewhere like a pool. Unspeakable monsters dwell in that terrifying place,

Shen You walked through the wall and fell directly through the thick ground.

High-speed afterimages are not just like holographic projections. This is his research and use of the space properties of the Speed ​​Force. It is similar to the fact that he can exist in two places at the same time, but his attention will be relatively concentrated on one of them. And there is no need to consume as much energy as his own clone technique. The most significant burden on himself is nothing more than a slight loss of maximum speed.

Then he saw that terrifying and twisted thing, locked behind a cage of some kind of energy.

In the chaos, eyes seemed to fall on him.

"Food. Flesh."

This is a message received telepathically.

Shen You somewhat guessed: "I see, Steppenwolf hid you here, and regularly fed you flesh and blood as food. It was a trump card that he kept in captivity, right? Once the situation on the frontal battlefield becomes tense, he would consider releasing you. .”

"Captivity? No."

The black thing began to change.

The originally twisted and shapeless body began to have structures similar to torso and limbs. The body of some giant creature, with insect-like wings, wrapped in armor with a black metal structure, as if the machine was part of the body.

Like a demonoid.

A demon-like creature that is dozens of meters tall and combines biology and machinery.

Shen You was impressed. Appeared in DC mecha publications, Apokolips uses a technology called "Anti-Life Engine" to create super demon-like creatures. Its powerful power makes it almost difficult for the Justice Society on Earth in that parallel world to fight back.

Shen You quickly used various enhanced senses to scan and analyze the monster's entire body.

He did find some energy that he had never seen before, which seemed to be the reaction called the "anti-life equation".

But luckily, it looked like nothing he couldn't handle.

"Steppenwolf is a coward."

The super demon spoke in a low voice.

"Thank you for the protection of this barrier, little one. Otherwise, your flesh and blood would have become my dinner today. But obviously it's not enough to stuff the gap between my teeth with just that little bit of flesh.

Once I get out of here, once I break free, I'm gonna devour everything, I'm gonna eh? What do you want to do? "

That kind of demon looked down at the "little one" at his feet somewhat strangely, stretched out his hand, and pressed his palm on the transparent barrier.

During this period, Shen You had already used Ultra sight scanning to analyze the energy barrier that bound the demonoids. It is not only a barrier, but also the interference of multiple layers of force fields, which can affect the form of force in this space and absorb energy impacts.

Apocalypse Technology does have two brushes, no wonder this super demon can't break free from here.

But quick scanning and analysis also allowed Shen You to find the blind spots of the cage.

Speed ​​Force resonance.

When the Flash learned the speed force oscillation wall-penetrating technique in his early days, he often found the wrong frequency to oscillate and failed. The result was that the object he was trying to penetrate would implode from the molecular level.

Later, after mastering the resonance technology, this accident will no longer happen. But on rare occasions, the Flash will still use this move as an offensive move - deliberately using the wrong frequency to oscillate and penetrate, which can cause almost any material to implode.

In the current timeline, even the Flash's technique was taught by Shen You.

When he realized that the little guy in front of him seemed to be trying to break through this cage, the super demon almost laughed out loud.

No, how many ounces of wine did you get so drunk?

I've tried so hard and I can't get this thing to open. How can you, with your small body, want to stir up a big vat with a toothpick? Whimsical, right?

Wouldn't it be funny if I could open this door for you?

What The F*ck? ? ?

For just a second, the demonoid's eyes widened in shock.

The cage that made it helpless and once thought to be indestructible, clanged in the hands of this little toothpick.

It broke.

There was a series of crashing sounds, and the ground was shattered mercilessly.

That kind of demon looked at the little one who calmly retracted his palm and was stunned for a moment.

This should have been the moment it had dreamed of.

It fantasized countless times, once it got the chance to break through this barrier and leave this cage, how it would kill and devour all the flesh and blood within sight.

And now, the dream moment has finally arrived.

The demon suddenly felt that it didn't want to go out.

The outside world is scary.

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