I become light in American comics

Chapter 246 Trojan Horse

Heroine's party went well. Shen You arrived at the party on time, and the old wizard served a table full of food. Although there are a lot of his unique new creations mixed in, it seems that he still prepared more or less regular food to take the needs of the guests into consideration.

It shouldn’t be said that although Grandpa Wizard always likes to engage in strange scientific research, the improvement in his cooking skills after serving as HISHE’s chef for so long is quite obvious. As long as he doesn't act weird, the dishes he has now actually taste quite good, no worse than some Michelin chefs.

During this period, Shen You also shared the basic information about Apokolips with everyone. About those new gods who love war and conquest, about the leader of the new gods, the ruined monarch Darkseid, and so on.

Judging from the current situation, Apocalypse and the Earth are already in a situation where a war is about to break out. It is not surprising to start a fight at any time. These days, everyone needs to keep their eyes open and pay more attention when going about their daily lives in their own circles.

After three rounds of drinking, Dachao got a call from Louise. At this moment, Louise is the golden partner of young reporter Clark, and the two of them are almost always inseparable on any mission. According to Louise, there seems to be an investigation appointment to discuss with him tomorrow.

So Clark said goodbye to everyone and went first.

As luck would have it, just ten minutes after Clark left, the terminal seized from the demonoid in the laboratory was successfully cracked.

There are some reports on human research, the technical content of demon-like transformation, and more importantly, the current mission of the demon-like team.

One of the first tasks is to capture the Martians. However, because Martians are good at mental shielding and appearance deformation, the specific location cannot be locked at present, and the search is still ongoing.

The second primary target is the Kryptonian Kal-El, Superman. The identity has been locked, Metropolis reporter Clark Kent. Task status, executing.

At this time, a demon-like team armed with kryptonite was heading towards the Daily Planet.

The party wasn't over yet when I received Parr's report. When Shen You saw this, he immediately ordered Parr to contact Superman while he was still at the dinner table.

"The signal is blocked and cannot be connected." Pal replied, "All signal frequency bands centered on Planet Daily have been cut off."

"It means they are already taking action."

Shen You stood up from the dining table.

Kara noticed his movement: "What happened?"

"Apocalypse has taken action. They are carrying kryptonite weapons and want to capture Superman."

Everyone was shocked. Kara immediately stood up: "Ah, then we have to... let's go help Karl quickly."

Diana and Ron also immediately expressed their opinions. But Shen You was faster, so he took a step ahead of everyone. He was running like lightning, and the scenery in front of him changed rapidly from the city to the mountains, rivers and lakes, and then to the city again, like a zoom, and in a blink of an eye, he had flown to the metropolis.

As soon as people arrived at the Daily Planet, they discovered that the demonoid seemed to have arrived first. When they landed, they saw a demonoid flying out from the top of the building.

However, Shen You was stunned when he saw this scene, a little confused.

He never expected that it would unfold like this.

Daily Planet a few minutes ago.

"Are you crazy, Thad?"

Perry, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet, stared at the old reporter Thad in front of him with wide eyes - a standard middle-aged man with Mediterranean hair and a beer belly, but he was wearing a ridiculous Superman uniform.

Yes, the middle-aged old reporter Thad was wearing the same blue tights and red underwear as Superman, but it was ridiculously tight because of his fat figure, and he also had what looked like a hand-knitted bag behind him. The cheap red cape that came out.

"I'm serious, editor. Because I've thought about it." Thad said seriously, "Every time a Superman report is about Lois Lane or Clark Kent, every time I get news, there are sparks all the way. Rushing forward with lightning speed, no matter how many red lights they run through, they will never be faster than them.

I thought about it carefully and then came up with a plan. "

Perry looked at his ridiculous Superman costume with an idiotic expression on his face.

"Don't tell me your plan is to make yourself Superman, and then we can interview you, right?"

"How do you know?" Sade asked curiously.

Perry: "."

"But not Superman. Look, there are so many superheroes now. Why do we have to interview Superman? Why can't we have Planet Daily's own superheroes?"

As he spoke, he proudly tried to hold his head high, but he only held out his round belly.

Perry had a dark look on his face: "So you can fly?"


"Super strength?"


"Are you fast?"

Thad's eyes widened: "How can a man speak fast?"

"Then what are you talking about?"

"But I've learned boxing for a few years!" Thad said hurriedly. "With some professional armor, it won't be a problem to fight criminals."

"When you say 'professional protective gear,' do you mean hockey protective gear?" Perry said with a dark face.

"Huh? You can read minds? How do you know that?" Sade was surprised.

"Because last month there was an idiot in Gotham who painted his hockey protective gear black and pretended to be Batman. He was sent to the hospital and almost became a vegetative state." Perry said with a cold face.

This kind of thing is really not rare in today's era. Superheroes are constantly emerging in various cities and regions, and many "enthusiastic citizens" are trying to imitate them. But the result

Let's just say that most of them are miserable.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside. Perry rubbed the bridge of his nose and decided to ignore this ridiculous reporter for the time being: "Come in."

Clark, who had just flown back from Gotham, pushed open the door and walked in: "Perry? I heard you wanted to see me? I just... What is this?"

When Clark walked in and saw Thad, a middle-aged reporter cosplaying himself with a big belly, he was immediately stunned.

"Sade, are you going to a costume party?"

"What kind of costume party?" Sade put his hands on his hips proudly and puffed out his belly, "I'm ready to debut!"

"Debut. Join a middle-aged and elderly band?" Clark asked cautiously.

"It's so rude, you are debuting as a superhero!" Thad snorted, "Don't be too proud, Kent. I won't let you interview then!"

"All right."

Clark looked at his beer belly and then at his Mediterranean, he hesitated to speak but didn't know what to say.

At this moment, there was a scream from the corridor outside. The storm suddenly rose, the hurricane swept along the long and narrow corridor, and the office door was slammed open.

A team of demon-like demons broke into the Daily Planet and broke into the editor-in-chief's office.

The leader couldn't help but throw in a grenade before anyone came in.

Clark's pupils shrank, and he instinctively tried to step forward and use his body to block the impact of the grenade for the ordinary people in the room. Unexpectedly, the impact of the grenade exploding contained green krypton radiation, which involuntarily knocked him backwards and knocked him unconscious to the ground along with everyone else in the room.

Several demonoids entered the door, their eyes swept across the room, and they compared the portable terminals on the backs of their hands.

An interface popped up in the terminal, with a picture of Superman on the side and "Scanning for Match" displayed next to it.

The camera locked and automatically landed on Clark who was knocked to the ground.

"The DNA match was successful and the target was found."

Several demonoids looked at each other, looking at Clark who was wearing glasses and a suit, and then at Superman in the photo of the target in his hand.

"Waibi Babu? (They don't look alike)"

"Waibibab. (Yes, yes, this man has a frame on his face, but Superman does not have a frame on his face)"

"Waibibabu, Waibibabu (the system must be broken)."

The eyes of several demonoids all fell on Thad, who was wearing a Superman uniform and had a beer belly next to him.

The eyes of the demons all lit up.

"Waibi Babu! (That's him! Exactly the same!)"

So the demonoids were so happy that they ignored the constant error messages from their portable computers, mentioned Sade and flew out.

So Shen You, who had just arrived, saw such a scene. A group of demonoids held a middle-aged reporter dressed as Superman in their hands and flew away chatting and laughing while flapping their wings.

Shen You: "."

Although I know demon-like beings are stupid, this is too funny.

He wanted to step forward to intercept, but then he thought about it and felt that this was an opportunity.

Superman is not just a random person caught on the street. The mission of these demonoids is to capture Superman. They should not just return to a nearby stronghold, but will probably be taken to a certain Apocalypse high-level executive.

In this case, it's better to ask them to lead the way.

With this in mind, Shen Youfei stepped forward, his body disintegrated into a photon state, and went straight into the body of the unconscious reporter Sade.

This wave, this wave is called Trojan horse.

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