I become light in American comics

Chapter 238 Defeat one by one

Just as the gods of Olympus expected, Hephaestus came over as soon as their god-king election event ended and told Diana the plans behind the gods.

Only then did Diana understand. She had also been thinking that it was not a good thing for the gods to suddenly and politely give up their positions to her, but she didn't understand the reason until now.

But naturally she will not be afraid of it. Wonder Woman is fearless and it runs in her family. The Amazons' reckless attributes are on par with those of the Green Lantern Corps. The saying goes, "Soldiers come to hold back the water and the earth covers the ground." The word "fear" does not exist in their dictionary.

Of course, after hearing this, everyone immediately expressed their willingness to contribute. It is normal for friends to come to help from all directions when they are in trouble, not to mention that everyone present in the store is a natural nosy professional, and everyone is also blessed with supernatural powers.

To be fair, even if we exclude the M78 civil servants who smuggled into another world and cheated, there are still two Kryptonians and one Martian among the remaining people, which is equivalent to half of Zhenglian's country. There are really not many big guys who can't suppress this kind of arrogance on the earth.

But Diana also smiled and said that there was no need to worry about family matters. She has been fighting alone for a century since leaving Paradise Island, and she is confident that there is nothing she can't deal with.

To show her relaxed attitude that she didn't take it to heart at all, the heroine also kindly invited everyone to visit her place.

But of course it's not Wonder Woman's identity, but Diana Prince, an emerging artist who just moved to Gotham. With his extraordinary insights into Greek art and technical skills, he now has his own studio.

She invited everyone to come together the next day.

Kara was very interested in this, and Ron, who had just arrived in a new environment, naturally had no reason to refuse the invitation of new friends. The young reporter Clark said bitterly that he had to go to work that day, but he could fly over during lunch time to have a meal together before going back.

But Shen You naturally declined, as he had a lot on his hands.

He didn't finish the work at hand, but he didn't neglect his scientific research either. No matter how many things happened, Shen You never forgot the importance of scientific research work. This was the basic self-cultivation of a technician from the Kingdom of Light.

After dinner, he took the time to go to Midtown and meet Barry Allen - for both of them, the journey from Gotham to Midtown was just a few steps.

The Speed ​​Force project hit a bottleneck before he left the earth. If this thing wants to achieve a breakthrough, the starting point naturally has to be the source, which is the Flash.

Barry himself is also a science geek. In the original work, there was no guidance or assistance, so he developed a set of scientific theoretical basis for the speed force by his own exploration. Now that Shen You has joined the research, the progress has been rapid.

After the discussion that night, Shen You made a preliminary judgment that the current Flash is very close to the heyday after his debut in the original work, and what is lacking is nothing more than experience and skills. However, these are accumulated through a large amount of practical experience on the verge of life and death, and are not theoretical knowledge that can be obtained quickly.

Oh, by the way, there is still time to travel.

In the comics, Barry in his heyday can travel faster than the speed of light at will, and time travel is also a regular skill. In team battles and BOSS combos, he will sometimes randomly intersperse them. Even in the later stage, Zhenglian, who is full of gods, can still arrange. The hanging ratio of the above number.

At present, Shen You combines his own knowledge base with the Cosmic Treadmill 2.0 he developed. Although he feels that all the theoretical foundations for Barry to complete time travel are in place, it has not been officially put into practice yet.

After all, it is a big project that cannot be done carelessly, and even the slightest mistake may lead to serious consequences. After discussing with Barry, Shen You decided to wait until he could spare some dedicated time before arranging this big project.

He was so busy doing scientific research that he forgot to eat and sleep, and it was already very late when Shen You came back from Zhongcheng. However, when he returned to the store, he unexpectedly found that there were still people sitting in the hall.

Ron Rontz, the guest from Mars, sat by the window, staring at the white moonlight in a daze.


Shen You stepped forward.

"You Martians don't have a sleeping habit? Or do you have different routines?"

Speaking of which, in fact, neither he nor the Kryptonians really need sleep. Sometimes Shen You simply stayed in the laboratory all night, and sometimes he slept on the surface but was actually digesting knowledge and thinking about designs.

"No, we have the same sleeping habits, I just don't get much sleep."

Shen You nodded understandingly: "A new place, a new environment, that's what it is."

"No, you are very nice here, I like it very much. I have been alone for many years, and I never thought that I would have a second chance to get such a place. It's just..."

Ron En hesitated, then shook his head after hesitation.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. I just need some time to relax, Mr. Shen?"

He looked at Shen You.

"Are you worried too?"

"Something's wrong, but it's okay."

Shen You, who had just returned from Central City, was still thinking about time theory and speed force experiments. On the way back, he was still writing and doing calculations at super high speed. He was taking stock of the test results obtained from the Flash today and what he thought of. new theory.

"I understand." Ron smiled, "People like you never stop. I understand, we also have people like this on Mars, who are either great guardians, or pioneers and guides."

The sound of pumping could be heard in the corridor behind the room.

A beam of light hit the corridor from the opened door, and a figure came out yawning. The two turned around and saw that it was the old wizard Shazam wearing Spongebob pajamas with a big white beard.

"Huh? Are you so late too?"

The old man rubbed his eyes and stepped forward.

"Something is on my mind and it's hard to sleep."

Ron answered honestly, then thought about it and asked.

"Are you worried too?"

"Me? No." The old man yawned, "It's just that I'm getting older and my body and bones are getting worse day by day. I was so nervous in the middle of the night that I came out to use the toilet."

"This sounds like it's already a worry." Shen You said seriously.

The old wizard's expression froze, as if he thought for a moment and felt that what he said really made sense.

So he closed his mouth and said nothing.

The moonlight shines, and there is another sad person in this city.

Dehrain, the capital.

Thanks to the country's long-term isolation, the world has so far been unaware of this horrific coup in this country.

Steppenwolf, a general from Apokolips, single-handedly took the throne and became the new king.

"Fight for the great General Steppenwolf!"

In front of the palace, a man who had been a member of King Maloof's bodyguard was wearing an Apocalypse technology armor, holding a war gun and shouting loudly.

His name is Maquis Malone, and he was the first person to react and defect after Steppenwolf brought the head of the former King Maloof to the public. Steppenwolf thought he was wise and knew how to assess situations. In addition, he was incredibly efficient in the subsequent army recruitment work and handled things exceptionally well, so Steppenwolf promoted him to be the new commander-in-chief of the army.

Now the entire Deherian army was reorganized by Steppenwolf. Each one of them is an elite and equipped with armor from Apocalypse technology. This team is powerful enough to sweep through all the countries on the planet in one day.

If some flying and escaping skills are not included in the regular combat power.

"Fight for the great General Steppenwolf!"

The troops arrayed in front of Ma Long shouted in unison under his leadership, and the shouts shook the sky.

Steppenwolf was very satisfied. He sat on the throne, nodded slightly, and looked to his side: "What do you think?"

"I think this planet is already in that gentleman's possession."

The person talking next to him was a strange skeleton wearing a purple dress, with a strange purple light emitting from his body.

The Fool, one of the new protoss from Apokolips, is Steppenwolf's right-hand man on Earth.

"I think so too, except for a few hidden dangers." Steppenwolf said.

"You mean, those people with superpowers?"

"The natives of this planet are fine, there's nothing we can't handle. The problem is some outsiders."

"Kryptonians, Martians." The deceiver understood clearly, "And the most troublesome thing is the starry sky giant of unknown origin."

"That one can be released first, and we need to take countermeasures carefully. But the other two."

"I understand." The Deception said, "Krypton and fire, their weaknesses make them easy to target."

"Yes, but I'm afraid I need to defeat them first. When we meet on the battlefield, they will have allies and be wary. Even if they have weaknesses, they may not be easy to target."

The deceiver chuckled, and the skull head actually seemed to have a smile on its face, which made it even weirder.

"You want me to take care of the trouble."

"I need to prepare for a formal war here, and there are still many things to deal with. So."


Before Steppenwolf had finished speaking, the Fool smiled confidently.

"I was worried you'd never ask."

Steppenwolf said: "Be careful. They are not weak, so don't be careless."

"Oh, have you ever seen me fail?" the deceiver said confidently.

Steppenwolf stopped talking, then turned to smile, picked up the wine glass and took a sip: "So, my worries are unnecessary."

"Maybe they are very strong, but frontal breakthroughs have never been my specialty. Trust me."

The skull head let out a sharp sinister laugh.

".They will never know what happened to them."

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