I become light in American comics

Chapter 236 God King Diana?

"They found me."

Diana stared at the coffee cup in front of her, a little lost in thought.

Until Clark woke her up.

"Who? Diana?"

"Who found you?"

Diana finally came to her senses and raised her head.

"Olympus, the gods, Krak," she said, "all the gods."

few days ago.

Diana was doing restoration work on an ancient Greek-style piece of art when it happened. A burst of blue light suddenly appeared in her studio, and a figure suddenly appeared.


Diana turned her head and was surprised to find that the person appearing in her room was Hermes, the messenger of the twelve gods, who was responsible for running errands and delivering messages.

"You want to see me for something?"

"I'm afraid so, Wonder Woman." Hermes said, "But it's not me, it's the gods. Olympus is convening a council of the gods, and it's been a long time since the last council of this size. Before.

They're about to talk about something important."

"What does that have to do with me?" Diana frowned, "I'm not a god. If you want to say it's because I'm a descendant of Zeus? Forget it. If you bring all the descendants of Zeus on this planet, Mount Olympus I can’t even fit it in.”

"It is true, but this is the decision of the gods. They have decided that you are different from the other descendants. Let's go quickly. We will talk about anything later."

After saying that, without giving Diana a chance to refuse, he reached out and grabbed Diana's wrist. The next moment, light flashed and the world spun. When she regained consciousness, she had arrived in Olympus, among the gods.

The main gods surround the suspended platform, with the vast starry sky above their heads. The luxurious throne stood at the highest point at the end of the steps, but there was no one on the throne.

That represents the position of the God King.

Diana looked around and saw many familiar faces. Her old friend Hephaestus was here, as were Hera and Apollo. It's just that Apollo's eyes were a little evasive, as if he didn't want to look at her. There was still hostility in Hera's eyes, but it was no longer so intense.

Diana felt strange.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, princess."

It was Poseidon who spoke. But his image looks like a fat aquatic animal, with blue skin covered with scales, tentacles on his shoulders, and a trident in his hand.

No one is even sure whether this is Poseidon himself.

"We have just had some debate about, as you know, the only issue of concern to everyone in Olympus at the moment."

Wonder Woman followed everyone's gazes and looked up, her eyes falling on the throne at the top.

"No." Diana's pupils shrank, "This is impossible, you can't"

"You want me to tell you? Of course I think it's nonsense." Poseidon snorted, "In fact, my brother Hades also thinks so. The position of the God King can only be between the two of us, but obviously other gods cannot Think so.

Especially Ares, he was the one who mentioned your name. I have to say that we are all surprised considering the feud between you. "

A stooped old man next to him laughed out loud. That is also one of the gods Diana is most familiar with, Ares, the god of war. It's just that this one has more conflicts than friendship with her.

"You nominated me? Why?" Diana asked.

"I personally am not interested in the God King. The reason I have told you before has not changed my mind now. Only war is eternal." Ares said calmly, "And similarly, I don't think the two Zeus It would be a good thing for Olympus to have an ambitious brother come to power. I believe other gods think the same way."

The other gods remained silent, but their expressions said it all.

"Just before you came, we initiated a vote." Poseidon said coldly, "I still don't agree with the result, but there are indeed more gods who choose you."

"Why?" Diana was surprised, "But I'm not even one."

"God? It doesn't matter. Anyone with his bloodline is qualified to inherit the position of Zeus." Ares said, "I understand you, little guy. Even though you stopped me time and time again, even though you may have misunderstood the war and thought I was standing on Your opposite.

But honestly, I like you, little one. We don’t need an ambitious God-King who always wants more, or someone who might cause any changes to other people’s positions and authority, or to the existing structure.

And neither Poseidon nor Hades or even Apollo can guarantee this. "

As he spoke, he glanced at Apollo next to him. The latter seemed to have been trying to reduce his presence throughout the whole process. As soon as he heard that he was mentioned, he immediately shook his head: "I'm not, I don't, I'm not interested in that position, don't talk nonsense."

No one knows what happened to him during this period, but he is completely different from the ambitious Sun God before.

Maybe it’s because he was severely beaten by society.

"So you all chose me?" Diana said, "This is ridiculous."

"No matter what, that's your place." Ares said, "Go ahead and take your place."

Diana shook her head: "No. No matter what the reasons are for your choice, thank you. But I don't think that is my position."

"Okay, if you don't want to sit, just stand. It's the same thing." Ares smiled, "Anyway, that seat is already yours."


Kara expressed surprise.

"So. That's it? You're the Queen of the Gods now? It feels weird to say that but it also feels cool."

"It's not that simple." Diana shook her head. "The divine position is not just about power, but also responsibility. It brings not only power, but authority will also change the person who sits in that position."

"You were worried that you would be changed by this position." Clark understood, "But you rejected them, didn't you?"

"That's the thing, Clark. I'm not sure there's an option to refuse in this matter," Diana said. "Like Ares said, that seat is already mine, even though I didn't sit on it. .but who knows?

It's only been a few days and I'm already starting to feel a little strange. Sometimes I feel distraught, and sometimes I find my thoughts changing.

I began to become indifferent, my emotions stopped fluctuating, as if nothing could arouse my interest or even stir up inner turmoil.”

Shen You handed over a copy of Song of Ice and Fire: "Want one?"

"Yes." Diana's eyes lit up and she reacted conditionedly.

Shen You smiled.

"Look, there's still something I want."

Diana was startled, and after thinking about it, she felt it made sense.

Maybe only ice cream is special to her?

"You are just anxious about the change because you don't know what will happen once you accept such a change. This is normal. Maybe the throne will bring about change, but in the end it is the person sitting on it who decides it."

Shen You patted her shoulder.

"And all of us here know what kind of person you are. So, just be Diana Prince. Maybe this is a good thing, you can make Olympus change for the first time in thousands of years." Become a serious and valuable place.”

There is a basis for what he said. Diana was, after all, Diana, one of the Big Three. In the original work, she killed Ares to take over the throne of war god. Although she was affected by the god of war at first, she still stuck to her true heart in the end.

If she can't do it, then no one else can.

"Thank you. In fact, I have thought about it in the past two days. Maybe you are right." Diana smiled.

"But before that, there is another problem." Shen You pondered, "The gods of Olympus, especially Apollo, Poseidon and Hades, would they willingly give up this position? Give it to you?"

The position of the God King is not just a nice thing to say, it is the position where the gods truly dominate. Apollo, who briefly ascended the throne in the comics, even had the power to take away Hera's divine throne and demote her to earth.

This position not only has corresponding divine power and power like other divine positions, but also has the authority to take away the divine power of other gods at will.

In other words, if other gods want to defeat the God King and overthrow him, they cannot use the divine power of their own divine throne, but can only rely on the power brought by their natural blood to fight.

Of course, this does not mean that there is no chance of winning. After all, in the comics, Apollo, who held the power of the God King, was hammered to death by a descendant of Zeus through brute force.

"I do feel that I still have doubts." Diana frowned, "Although they explained the reason to me, I always feel that something is wrong."

At this time, the door opened, and an ugly, tall, strange man with dwarf proportions walked in.

"Excuse me, is Miss Diana Prince here?"

"Hephaestus?" Diana stood up, "He's here. Is something wrong?"

"It is indeed here."

Hephaestus stepped forward and looked around mysteriously, as if to make sure no one was watching.

Then he lowered his volume and whispered.

"You have to be careful, Diana. There is something hidden about the God King!"

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