I become light in American comics

Chapter 226 Have you looked back?

"So, that's it?"

Kara chased after Shen You like a curious baby, forcing him to tell the story of what happened on Mars.

"They just go back obediently and promise never to come back again?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Shen You glanced at Carla's expression that seemed a bit unbelievable, shrugged and said: "It's not that troublesome. They are quite easy to talk to. And I am sure that even if they are given a chance, they will not want to come to the solar system again."

Kara imagined the dumbfounded expressions on the aliens' faces after witnessing Shen You's earth-shattering unscientific combat prowess. They must have been scrambling to escape from the solar system, even if their own father was left behind. Brought back.

On the other hand, she might have been left with a psychological shadow from now on, and she would never be beaten to death again.

Sure enough, bigger fists are better. Youdao means caliber is justice. When you point a cannon at the head of the representative on the other side during negotiations, no matter who you are, you will become reasonable.

"Ha, that's great, the problem is solved." Maxima took the opportunity to approach Shen You happily, "How about celebrating together tonight? Just the two of us."

Shen You calmly took two steps diagonally, skillfully dodged her attack and said, "Did you forget something?"

"Eh?" Maxima tilted her head and looked like she was thinking hard, but her expression only became more and more confused, as if she really couldn't remember anything.

Shen You reminded: "The machine hunters have been solved, and their alliance has also collapsed, but these are all problems on my side. Your planet is currently undergoing a coup, and you have snatched the throne away from others, 豼Dad doesn’t know what’s going on. Are you sure you don’t want to go back and take a look?”

Maxima opened her mouth and remained stunned for two seconds.

Then he slapped his forehead.

"I completely forgot"

Shen You x Kara: "."

Can this be forgotten?

I recall that in the animation "Superman TAS", Maxima, who was already a queen, was usurped. The usurper accused her of being full of men who had no regard for their own political affairs and the people. It seems that what they are accusing is not unreasonable.

So Maxima was reluctant to leave, but finally had to go.

"Oh, by the way, take this." Shen You suddenly interrupted before she left.

Maxima's eyes lit up and she turned around in surprise: "You are really so open-minded. You don't need any gifts. What is this?"

She took a piece of paper from Shen You with a blank look on her face.

When I opened it, I was surprised to see that the items above were clearly listed, such as accommodation expenses, food expenses, smashed walls, and dropped handles.

Maxima: "."

Maxima went.

With her ability to fight, she would definitely not be able to suffer a loss when she returned. Her Highness the Princess was almost like Superman on Earth in Almeric, and she couldn't fight even the royal guards tied up together. As for whether the throne can be taken back, that's another matter. After all, she can only fight.

But in any case, it is already a family matter within the civilization, and according to the practice of the Kingdom of Light, it has nothing to do with Shen You.

Besides, he had other problems to deal with now.

Judging from what Little Penguin Cobot explained last time, it seems that the International Gang is about to take action in Gotham. Moreover, Shen You noticed from the eyes he had inserted into the Sky Eye before that it seemed that the Sky Eye Society also transferred manpower to Gotham. I wonder if there is any connection between them.

But it’s a good idea. High-tech weapons from extraterrestrials appear openly in the hands of street criminals. Although the Sky Eye is relatively small, it is still a pair of alien defense agencies. Rounding it up, it is equal to the Earth Defense Force of Open.

Now this situation is almost infinitely close to aliens running naked on the road at three o'clock in the morning. If you are so blind that you can't even see this, you can really just dig a hole and bury it that day.

There was a time when the Showa Earth Defense Force was able to destroy stars with missiles and fly into the sky to destroy the Monkey Sun Immortal. There was even a famous and arrogant scene where "These country bumpkins from the universe must not know that we are on the earth." In comparison, the defense forces that accompanied Shen You were almost useless, and their external record of zero and five was disgusting.

Therefore, Zhenglian in the comics has to fight various gods all year round and deal with stupid teammates when he returns home. Compared with this Tianyan, even Marvel's Snake and Shield seems to have the flavor of three good teammates.

That night Director Gordon brought some new information.

"The International Gang in Metropolis has made new moves."

Gordon used the medium bat light to perform the ultimate summoning technique to shake "Batman" over, and said straight to the point.

"The report brought by my detective Montoya earlier revealed that a secret ferry belonging to the International Gang was discovered from Gotham Port. Many people came to Gotham, and we have contacted the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate. After identity verification, there are several senior members of the international gang among them."

"Penguin has severed cooperation with the International Gang." Shen You in Batman form said solemnly, "The information is more credible."

"But it seems that the International Gang has not given up their operations in Gotham." Gordon lit a cigarette. "It seems that no matter what they want in Gotham, they haven't gotten it yet. And their attitude Very determined.

However, we have found their suspected stronghold in Gotham. If you are interested, you can go and take a look, maybe you can find something. "

Shen You flipped through two pages of documents and suddenly noticed that the chubby Detective Harvey Bullock on the side looked back at him from time to time.

For a while, he turned his head away as if he was looking elsewhere, and for a while he suddenly turned back, as fast as if he wanted to shake his head off.

When he saw that Batman was still where he was, he turned back pretending to be nonchalant, then turned around again within a few seconds.

Shen You: "."

What does it mean? One, two, three wooden people?

You have to see how Batman disappears out of thin air every time, right?

Shen Youxun thought that he couldn't live up to people's expectations.

So at a certain moment Harvey turned his head.

Electricity suddenly appeared on "Batman"'s body, and a burst of lightning burst out.

Like a whirlwind piercing the space, the Dark Knight turned into an afterimage and rolled out from the roof.

This time Harvey only looked back for less than a second before suddenly looking back again. When the fat detective turned his head, his eyes widened. He was shocked to see that Batman, who was clearly there a moment ago, had now disappeared.

He rubbed his eyes with a look of disbelief on his face.

"How is this possible?"

He ran forward, looked around, and was convinced that the other party disappeared from the roof in less than a second.

Turning around after him, he looked at Gordon in shock: "Did you see it?"

Gordon was lowering his head and concentrating on flipping through documents. When he heard this, he looked up: "Huh? What?"

"He disappeared, just like that all of a sudden!" Harvey gestured with his thick fingers, "I turned around for a moment, and just like that, he suddenly disappeared!"


Gordon's expression seemed to say, "There's nothing strange about this." He lowered his head and continued to look through the case files.

"But this is impossible! How is this done?" Harvey continued to question.

Gordon thought for a moment.

"Probably. Because he is Batman."

Harvey: "."

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