I become light in American comics

Chapter 224 Just burn it

An energy cannon sounded the clarion call for the decisive battle, and the Almeric battleship and the machine hunter army, which were on the same front a second ago, suddenly became involved.

The physical kind.

The robot hunter and the ship-borne shuttle began to bombard each other, and for a while laser special effects filled the sky. This turn of events caught the Mechanical Superman by surprise. He turned his head in anger and glared at Noland viciously: "You! Traitor!"

As he spoke, his figure exploded, the ground shattered under his feet, and waves of dust exploded behind him. The metal body burst out at an astonishing speed and rushed straight towards his plastic ally.

Robot Superman doesn't just look a bit like Superman. The mechanical half of his body is mainly composed of Kryptonian technology and components from a variety of different technological systems. The organic part is said to be as strong as Superman. The strength of a single target is at the level of an ordinary Kryptonian.

Of course, in the current Shen You's eyes, Kryptonians are just a type of combat measurement unit.

Even Robot Superman didn't react at all, and the super-high-speed impact hit him from the side. He flipped over and flew far away, bouncing off the ground like drifting pebbles, then shot through the mountain with a bang and was buried under the rubble of rocks.

Surrounded by electric light, Shen You appeared out of thin air as if teleporting, his footsteps dragged a long series of cracks on the ground and stopped the car. Noland, who thought he was going to be killed by a mechanical super-instantly just a moment ago, still held his head in panic. When he looked up, he saw that Shen You had already taken his place and flashed in front of him.

"Thank you." Noland said stiffly.

"No, I just need you to go back and bring me a message later."

Shen You said, turned around and saw that the rubble and ruins had exploded with a bang. The mechanical superman who was hidden below jumped into the air, shouted and rushed through the air again at supersonic speed.

"Well, wait a moment, I'll take care of this."

Telepathic communication is much faster than verbal communication. Shen Youren was already approaching as he spoke.

The mechanical superman sprinted at full speed, seemingly dragging two white tracks behind his fluttering fiery red cape. But Shen You took his time, and when he stepped forward, transparent ripples seemed to burst out from his feet. Mechanical Superman's invisible supersonic punch suddenly slowed down as it rushed into the expanding field in front of him.

The accelerated operation of the photon quantum brain, and the impact of Speed ​​Force energy on space and time. The electric current was like a fine thread wrapped around the body of the Mechanical Superman, so that the punch that broke through the mountains and rocks had to slow down along with the stagnant time and space.

Shen You's upper body turned slightly to avoid the blow. The mechanical superman's heavy punch that dragged the air wave missed, and immediately braked to a stop, turned around and swung his fist back at a 180-degree swing.

But in terms of speed alone, it was a bit difficult for him to keep up with the current Superman, and it was far inferior to the current Shen You. Coupled with the fact that his forward swing was long and wide, in Shen You's eyes it could be said that he was full of loopholes, and his two starting moves had exposed at least a dozen or twenty flaws.

Shen You slid leisurely along the outside of his body, leaning back slightly to avoid the huge arc of the fist. The super-speed uppercut hit the abdomen of the mechanical superman, and the transparent air circle was on his lower abdomen. explode.

Shen You followed with the knife falling on his shoulder. Another violent blow shook the ground, and the mechanical superman slid backwards, his body almost cracking under the shock.

At this point, why does Robot Superman still not understand that he is definitely no match? But Hank Henshaw had already experienced a cycle from death to life, and now he was only supported by his obsession with revenge. With red eyes, he rushed towards Shen You regardless of everything.

"Why are you stopping me!" he roared angrily, "I'm just seeking justice for my life!"

"You let countless people be buried with your revenge." Shen You said.

The mechanical superman uses the "Superman Punch" thrust - it is a free fighting move, but it was originally named because the posture of the move is the same as Superman's flying action. In ring fighting, there are kicks and flying punches, but when placed among these truly superhuman characters, it is a literal superhuman dash.

A technique that instantly explodes with maximum flight speed, punches and thrusts.

But Shen You jumped into the air, pressed one hand on the forehead of the mechanical superman, and jumped behind him. Speed ​​running, a simple but elegant parkour obstacle course technique, has evolved into The Flash's classic evasive move with the help of super speed.

The mechanical superman yelled, turned around and punched, but Shen You caught him with anticipation, threw him over his shoulder and slammed him to the ground, and then punched him in the face, causing the ground to explode under his iron skull.

The mechanical superman's indestructible head seemed to have been blasted with cracks, the metal gaps were dented, and parts were scattered.

"Your mind is disturbed, Hank Henshaw. The solar radiation distorts your thinking, and the loneliness of the interstellar wanderings fills in your mind the fantasy of the event.

Maybe we should talk. "

Shen You said calmly, a ball of soft light dotted with crystal light spots brewing in his hands.

"No, I know exactly what happened!" Mechanical Superman shouted and tried to get up, "Superman killed them all and made me become like this. I must"


Another punch hit the bridge of the nose, knocking his head back into a deep hole in the ground.

I said if we want to talk, we must talk.JPG.

His hands punched, but Shen You's voice remained soft.

"everything will get better."

Soft light fell from his palm and enveloped Hank Henshaw's body.

Purifying light.

Shen You is not a master, and the purification technique is a type of light technique that he is not very good at. But now that he has the blessing of blue light with purifying properties, he thinks it might be worth a try.

"No!" Robot Superman waved his hands randomly, "What are you doing to me? Let me go! I want revenge. It's all Superman's fault. I have to find Superman, I have to."

The violent energy dissipated from his only remaining eye, and Hank Henshaw's crazy eyes briefly regained their clarity, reflecting the blue light, and there was a hint of astonishment in his eyes.

"Are you Terry?" he muttered in disbelief, "but how is that possible?"

That is the effect of the power of blue light.

DC's light of hope has the ability to soothe the soul and make people see the concrete form of hope. And in Hank Henshaw, the image that emerges is that of his deceased wife Terry.

Shen You looked around.

Hmm. There is only one symbol.

So it seems that the two friends Hank died were not as familiar as he said.

"Terry, what are you doing?"

He stepped forward with a confused look.

The woman represented by the blue lamp stretched out her hand, caressed his face, and said softly: "Listen to me, it's not Superman's fault, it's not anyone else's. It was just an accident."

"No." He shook his head stubbornly, "He harmed you and all of us. That hypocrite."

"No. Although we were mutated at the time, Superman's X-vision saw our corrupted DNA and he recognized us. He just wanted to prevent us from causing casualties and at the same time lead us to receive help.

And he did. He found people from the Interstellar Laboratory, the best experts and the best technology. But there was nothing they could do, no one could do anything.

What happened to us was a tragedy, and it's no one's fault, Hank. Please, promise me you won't let this bother you anymore, Hank? "


Hank Henshaw took her hand and closed his eyes.

There was actually a trace of tears in the last remaining human eye.

"Don't be afraid Hank, everything will be fine."

Hank gently held the hand she placed on his face, and felt that the touch was exactly the same as he remembered Terry when she was alive.

Looking at the beast that was gradually calming down, Shen You couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Sure enough, Master Gao is right. We Ultraman should still value peace. There is no need to use knives or guns when we can negotiate.

The next moment, Hank Henshaw was seen pushing Terry away violently, with a fierce look in his eyes again: "If it was a month ago, maybe. But now I have long lost the so-called hope in my heart.

What I see now is the bigger picture. No one can stop me, not even you, Terry! "

The concrete image suddenly disappeared, and the mechanical superman roared and rushed forward again.

But Shen You hit him in the face again and kicked him far away.

Shen You sighed quietly.

Okay, as expected, Master Gao is right.

Negotiation is not always useful.

If the talks fall apart, just burn it.

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