I become light in American comics

Chapter 219 What do you want to do?

"You were lucky last time, girl. I won't be careless this time."

Maxima narrowed her eyes and said seriously.

"Come here, Auntie." Carla was also confident, "You are welcome to try it at any time. But no matter how many times, the result will be the same."

"Oh, that's not a bad tone." Maxima pushed the red hair from her forehead behind her, "I have fought all over the galaxy and have never been defeated. Now on this small earth, there will be no exception."

"There has to be a first time for everything." Kara said seriously, "Besides, you have already lost to Shen You, so not even losing once is an exaggeration, right?"

"What do you know, little girl? When I take him back to Almeric, we will no longer be able to distinguish each other after we get married. Losing to His Majesty is called fun and cannot be counted."

Kara stuck out her tongue: "It's a beautiful thought."

"You'd better win against me first before you talk big. Watch your moves!"

"Who's afraid of whom? Come."

The two people's expressions froze, and they started to move quickly, so fast that they almost turned into afterimages.

Rubbed the handle.

It's still that fighting game. In the picture, Kara is still operating Superman, while Maxima's character opposite is Batman. The two characters are fighting each other passionately at this time, and the fight is in full swing.

Along with the word "KO", Maxima's health bar was cleared again. Her Royal Highness the Princess's face turned red from suppressing it, and Kara made a "Yeah" gesture at the side.

"I just said, you have skills." Carla comforted her, "For someone like you who relies more on muscles than brains, it is normal for you to be unable to beat us with high IQs. There is no need to take it to heart."

As a result, Her Royal Highness seemed to be even more angry after being comforted like this. She screamed and threw the handle away hard.


The handle was smashed into pieces, leaving a giant spiderweb-shaped crater on the wall.

Maxima realized something was wrong when she took action, and her expression was stunned.

Damn, you shouldn’t ask me to pay for it, right?

What was even more stiff was that when she turned her head, she saw at a glance that the owner of the house, Shen You, had silently appeared at the door. Although he said nothing, his smiling expression seemed to be asking "cash or credit card".

Maxima smiled awkwardly but politely and said: "All my valuables were on the incoming spaceship, which was driven back to Sassou. I don't have anything valuable to compensate for now, so it seems I have to pay for it with my body." "

As he spoke, he was about to pounce on him, but before he could finish his words, he was blocked by a piece of white paper in Shen You's hand. She looked at it suspiciously, confirmed that it was an ordinary piece of white paper, and asked, "This is it?"

"IOU." Shen You handed over the pen, "I'm writing an IOU. By the way, it also includes your food expenses, accommodation expenses, etc. for these days."


Maxima picked up the pen nonchalantly and began to sign.

"By the way, can we go shopping later?" Kara asked.

"Go ahead, why are you telling me this?" Shen You said.

"I want to go with Auntie." Kara smiled sheepishly, "But why is she still a hostage? I think it's better to ask for permission."

Maxima had the word "well" on her forehead and emphasized every word: "It's my sister."

"Okay, Auntie."

Maxima: "."

The hostages can still go shopping and there is no one left.

"Okay, but come back before six o'clock in the evening to negotiate with Almeric's representatives. Have you not forgotten our arrangement?"

"Remember, remember." Maxima nodded repeatedly and patted her chest, "My acting skills are very good, so don't worry, Your Majesty."

"I'm not yours, forget it. Anyway, don't be late."

That night, Mars.

Shen You transformed into a life-size form and flew down to the designated coordinates on the surface of Mars, waiting for the arrival of the negotiators.

The landscape is desolate and rugged, filled with reddish-brown rocks and dust. Looking into the distance, the mountains in the distance stretch endlessly, like a magnificent picture.

Thin cold air, endless loneliness. The sand dunes and canyons have built up a strange landform under the power of time. The desolation has a certain unique charm.

In the DC universe, humans are not the only civilization established in the solar system. There were once intelligent creatures and highly developed civilizations on Mars. At least they were.

One of the oldest members of the Justice League has a Martian. In fact, the setting says it's the last Martian. Ron Ronds, codenamed Martian Manhunter, is one of Zhenglian's well-known actors.

It’s just that we all know that American comics have a special feature. Every character has a setting that has been gradually improved by countless screenwriters co-created and adapted during the long development process. It is often difficult for different screenwriters to have the same brain circuits, so backstabbing each other has become a repertoire behind the scenes of American comic publications.

The setting of "The Last Martian" is similar to that of Superman's "The Last Son of Krypton." This early setting has long been flushed down the toilet along with the backstabbed former screenwriter. In the end, the Martians from all walks of life, good and bad, gathered together and jumped out. They said they were extinct, but they were definitely not at all.

There was a later setting that said there was actually civilization remaining on Mars, but Shen You simply scanned Mars and didn't notice it.

Not long after waiting, the representative from Almeric also arrived.

A huge battleship with a gleaming surface and a hull like a moving mountain. The shimmering Almeric alloy has flowing textures, and countless precision parts are tightly integrated, like the veins of the planet.

A beam of light was projected from the battleship to the ground, and several figures emerged from it.

The leader was Noland, the Almeric representative sent to negotiate.

His eyes quickly fell on Shen You.

It completely matched the description brought back by the princess's maid, making Noland convinced at a glance that this was the thug of light who kidnapped their princess.

According to the maid, this guy single-handedly took down Brainiac's spaceship.

Noland's throat moved, he swallowed, and stepped forward with his head held high, trying to cover up his uneasiness.

"You were the one who kidnapped our princess?" he asked coldly.

"Are you collaborating with interstellar terrorists to conspire against the earth?" Shen You asked rhetorically.

Noland snorted heavily and said: "I don't know what it's like on your earth. But in our Almeric, the most valuable thing is the princess.

There are still one hundred and eighty-eight people like her in our royal family. One less is not a big deal. "

"Really? Then you definitely won't mind us doing this."

Shen You waved his hand, and images appeared out of thin air.

Remotely transmitted images. In the picture, Maxima was tied to a chair, and someone next to her was holding a thick stick, and the tip of the stick was beating with frightening arcs of electricity.

Her Royal Highness the Princess' face was filled with genuine horror. She looked at the huge electric baton and involuntarily shrank back: "No. Don't do it again. Stop it."

When Noland saw this scene, especially the exaggerated size of the electric baton, his expression changed greatly.

"What do you want to do!?"

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