I become light in American comics

Chapter 206 Explosion Signal

"I don't know how to thank you."

Returning to O'Dem, Saint Walker mentioned it countless times.

"You saved our planet, our world, from an almost impossible situation. I don't know what to say."

"Then there's no need to say anything."

Shen You smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Be yourself and stick to your path, that's the best way."

This is no courtesy. Saint Walker is the purest Blue Lantern, and his lifelong mission is to save and spread hope. As long as he maintains this and leads the entire Blue Lantern Corps to implement this concept, the stronger the light of hope, the more Shen You will directly benefit.

If one day everyone in the universe truly has hope for the light, then he feels that he should be able to become a god.

"I understand, I will remember it. Astonia will also remember the day when you brought us hope again"

"It's not the hope I bring, but all of you, especially you, Saint Walker." Shen You said, "You have studied with Master Ganser for so long, and you should have understood the operation of the emotional spectrum.

What saved your planet was the power of the blue light I had just mastered, the light of hope. If it weren’t for the legacy of people like you who never give up hope, this light would have dried up from the emotional spectrum eons ago. "

"Yes, I understand. Hope is not the power of one person, but the faith of countless people from generation to generation who never give up. The light in our hearts is the reason why it is strong."

The holy traveler closed his eyes and smiled.

"Yes, I feel it now too. This warmth, this radiance, this is my light."

When he opened his eyes again, blue light lit up in his eyes, reflecting the mark of the lamp ring.

The blue light shot out from the depths of Odim, cutting through the jungle and shrubs, flying between the rocks, and locking on the target without any confusion.

"Sapient creatures have locked on."

"Holy Walker from Astonia, you have the power to grant great hope."

The light ring flew over and quickly slipped onto Saint Walker's finger.

The holy blue light bloomed, and the light enveloped his whole body, transforming into the image of a dark blue uniform. The mark of the lantern appeared on his chest, and the gentle blue light enveloped his whole body like a shield.

"Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps!"

Saint Walker's eyes overflowed with blue light, and he looked at the light ring on his hand, and his joy was beyond words.

Ganser and Said quickly followed the trajectory and flew over.

"Is the official version of the lantern ring finally completed?" Shen You looked at Ganse.

Ganser smiled: "Yes, friend of the light, thanks to your help."

"The speed of your learning amazes us, and your perspective and ideas are also very inspiring to us." Said also said.

Shen You smiled: "I don't understand the emotional spectrum very well. But light and hope, believe me, the time it takes me to study these may not be shorter than yours."

Wrapped in the blue light, the Saint Walker flew up into the air nimbly, rising and falling at supersonic speeds. He turned around several times before returning with suppressed joy.

Anyone who first gains the ability to conquer the skies might be uncontrollably excited, even a Saint.

When he landed again, he held up the light ring and said sincerely to Shen You: "I will never forget what you told me today. I will definitely pass this light on to more galaxies and give hope to more people. .”

Then he turned to Gunther and Said: "Of course, including you, Master Gunther and Master Said."

"Congratulations on becoming the first member of the Blue Lantern Corps. You earned it yourself." Ganser said, looking at Shen You, "I know you won't be happy to be a member of the Lantern Corps."

"I have no intention of getting involved in the war between the lantern groups and those complicated matters." Shen You smiled, "But I will come back if I have time."

"You want to leave?" Saint Walker was a little reluctant.

"Yeah, that's almost it. I've been here for a long time, and I still have a lot of things to do over there."

"You said you're from Earth?"


Strictly speaking, Shen You was certainly not an Earthling, but they all knew it and no one mentioned it.

"Well, here's something you might want to know."

Ganser and Said looked at each other and said.

"You know, since that time I encountered the Machine Hunter, I have been investigating that matter. About who modified the Machine Hunter, who is the 'grandmaster' behind the scenes, and their purpose.

I did some tracking, and the clues were just right.”


Shen You was not surprised and said calmly.

"There have been traces of robot hunters on the earth, and I found you after following the clues."

"I think you should also know. But recently, I released the observer in sector 2814 to look for traces of the machine hunter. But I did not find the machine hunter, but accidentally discovered some other signals."

He turned his palm, and the guardian's energy was released through his body, transforming into a virtual image. Shen You could tell that the background seemed to be in the solar system, not too far from the earth. A strange hole swirled open in the vacuum.

"What is that?" Shen You asked.

"My observer fed back the characteristics of the sonic signal." Ganser said solemnly, "We believe that it is a sonic channel."

Shen You's eyes became serious.

Sound blast channel, any civilization in the entire DC universe would be frightened when seeing this thing.

It is a portal usually made by an interstellar black technology device called a "Mother Box". The size of the channel can be large or small. When it is small, it can accommodate a single person to pass through, and when it is large, it can directly transport an entire interstellar fleet.

This technology is generally a patent of the New Protoss.

The most well-known is Darkseid, the king of Apokolips, the most violent and terrifying New God, and the destroyer of civilization. Everywhere he went there were bones and ruins, and all life was in ruins.

And if a sonic boom channel appears on Earth.

Shen You pondered for a moment and asked, "When did it happen?"

"There has been a delay in the observer data feedback for a few days," Ganser explained. "This is far away from sector 2814."

"Then I must go back."

Shen You originally planned to stay for a day or two, but the appearance of the sonic blast channel made him feel a little urgent. He has also known for a long time that it would be sooner or later that the Earth of the DC world would be targeted by Apokolips, which is one of the most terrifying enemies of the Justice League.

In worlds like the main universe, the Alliance has sometimes succeeded in fighting off Darkseid. But in more parallel time and space, they failed. Darkseid has faced the Justice League countless times in his long career, and he has won more than he has lost. The earth in most time and space has become the nourishment of Apokolips.

Shen You needs to ensure that the world he lives in will not.

And just before he was ready to leave.

"There is an object breaking through the atmosphere." The blue light ring on Saint Walker's hand reminded, "He is extremely fast."

Several people raised their heads.

With super vision spanning the mountain peaks and clouds, Shen You immediately locked onto the green light afterimage that broke through the atmosphere and swooped down menacingly.

Hal Jordan landed with a roar, exploding into a huge wave of dust. He flew through the smoke screen to Ganser and asked with an evil expression.

"What else are you little blue men hiding from me?" he asked, "What is a Parallax Monster!?"

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