I become light in American comics

Chapter 149 Reunion after a long separation

At this time, Raven's head seemed to be filled with question marks.

The last moment she was still in Gotham's HISHE Cafe, doing her daily routine of learning from the old wizard. It's just that she thought she was going to learn magic, but she didn't expect to be stuck in the kitchen all night.

Busy washing and chopping vegetables, passing salt and oil to the old wizard, etc.

Although Re respected his respected new mentor, Raven couldn't help but ask, "Um, does this have anything to do with magic?"

"Of course!" The old wizard said confidently, "As a qualified wizard, refining medicine is one of the compulsory courses. In many cases, magic potions will play a vital role. You must keep this in mind."

"Yes, but," Raven hesitated, "The thing in this pot isn't medicine, is it?"

"Rome was not built in a day. You have to walk step by step. You haven't even learned how to use fire, how can you make medicine right away? This is to help you find your touch and learn to control the heat!" The old wizard said plausibly.

Raven wondered to herself, could it be that modern wizards are so up to date with the times and use induction cookers to make medicine? Is that hot pot okay?

But I just thought about it in my mind and didn’t ask any more questions.

"Pass me the spoon." The old wizard gestured, "Taste the saltiness."

"Oh well."

Raven turned around obediently and picked up the spoon to scoop it up. Unexpectedly, at this moment, magic power suddenly surged around his body, and a purple-black magic power emerged. The girl encountered this situation for the first time and had no experience, so she was directly sucked into the purple-black ripples.

The next moment he appeared out of thin air, he had already flashed into the old church in Midtown, still holding the spoon in his hand.

Staring at the people under the altar, the girl gradually became confused.

Where is this? what's the situation? What is this for?

Then I saw the bishop kneeling on the ground and rubbing his knees against him. He fell to the ground and worshiped: "Great daughter of God! You are finally here! Please punish these ignorant people who dare to blaspheme the authority of the Lord!"



At this time, the Teen Titans had not yet formed and Raven had not debuted, so no one else had seen her in this look.

Barry was still a little nervous: "Honestly, the image of the devil is cuter than I thought. Oh, of course it doesn't mean it's good. What is that she is holding in her hand? The switch that turns on hell?"

"Just a spoon"

Raven looked blankly at Shen You, the only person she recognized in the room, and asked what was going on.

"Well, you don't need to be nervous." Shen You gestured to his teammates to calm down, "We are all our own, how did you get here?"

Raven floated in front of him: "I don't know. I was in the kitchen just a moment ago, helping to make that thing. Apple, Tomato and Pork Ribs Soup."

"Hiss~ This sounds very devilish, too evil, right?" Barry interjected.

Several people glanced at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, that's just how I feel," he smiled sarcastically, "You continue."

Seeing that the great daughter of God was actually chatting with her opponent, the bishop couldn't help but blink twice. This time it was his turn to be confused.

No, I am about to fight to the death, so why is Your Highness trying to get married to the other side?

While he was talking, he suddenly saw a dark vortex rolling up in an empty place in the hall. There was another powerful wave of magic power, a hurricane rolled up, dust flew, and two dark and domineering demonic bodies emerged from it.

With a black body and scarlet eyes, every step seems to carry dark invisible magic fluctuations. The dark vortex seemed to be accompanied by a strong wind pressure, and the figure's movements gave it extraordinary oppression.

"It is indeed the fluctuation of our blood relationship. It seems that you did not lie this time, Belial."

"Oh, I told you a long time ago, Salaka, I have never told lies. Today is the day when our sister returns

Shit! ? "

Demon Belial, who was arriving side by side with his brothers, suddenly froze in place when he caught a glimpse of the pupils of a particularly eye-catching handsome boy of light in the hall.

"What a coincidence." Shen was amused and waved to it.

From the devil's beeping expression, he seemed to have seen something.

All encounters in the world are reunions after a long absence.

All this was Belial's arrangement.

It kept saying that it had seen its father's heir, and was sure of it by beating its chest, but in the blink of an eye it couldn't find it, and it even used up the little credibility it had in front of its brothers.

Therefore, it came up with a plan and borrowed the power of the blood cultists developed by its father in this dimension to design this ceremony.

Then he took the foul-mouthed Salaka and asked him to confirm with his own eyes that Belial was not lying!

Salaka was very disapproving at first, and was still beeping even before the ceremony was planned.

"Pull it down, don't give any excuses, it's just food." Salaka repeatedly mocked, "I don't even know if that light creature is real or fake.

Father has conquered thousands of dimensions and has never seen anything as strange as what you described. Besides, even if there really is such a strange creature and it is as powerful as you say, it is still so bored. Wherever you go, will it squat? "

Belial was so angry that his face turned red: "Why are you slandering others! How do I know why? There's something wrong with that. He just chased me all the way to kill me."

"Ha." Salaka sneered, "Okay. Then your plan this time had better be successful and bring the blood relative you mentioned to us. If I find out that you told lies again this time."

"Then I will drink the entire pool of magma in the Pool of Flame and Blood when I get back!" Belial vowed.

So the two demon brothers came out of the door side by side.

The first time Belial saw Raven, a perverted smile immediately appeared on his face.

Then when his eyes swept back to a certain handsome Ultraman, his smile gradually solidified.

The good news is that the girl from the Third Palace is indeed here.

The bad news is, the Warrior of Light is there too.

Belial almost roared in his heart.

No, you really intend to catch me and kill me back to the whiteboard, right?

But then I thought about it again.

No, I've already been killed so many times, so it doesn't matter if I die just one more time, right?

On the contrary, this Salaka sat aside and mocked his achievements all day long.

Thinking of this, Belial's fear suddenly disappeared, and instead, a gradually perverted smile emerged.

So he simply stepped aside and signaled to Salaka.

"Come on, come on, it's your time to prove yourself." Belial said, "Aren't you very good? Then if you are good, go ahead. I want to see how much you weigh, please."

Salaka: "?"

It looked at its brother, who seemed to be having trouble with his brain, with a strange look on his face.

No, who are you on the same team with?

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