I become light in American comics

Chapter 147 Can I crush him now?

"Batman is real!?"

Dressed in a classic red and gold color scheme and a cross-sectional mask, Barry Allen's eyes widened with surprise.

At this time, a while has passed since the apes invaded Midtown, and DC's famous red-clad runner The Flash has also begun to appear on the streets of Midtown. Midtown reporter Iris West first called the local Midtown hero "The Flash" in a report, and the name gradually spread from there.

At this moment, the new Flash, who was called out by Shen You, was staring at Batman with big eyes full of surprise.

"God, I always thought it was just an urban legend in Gotham. You know, it's like an owl or something." Barry was pleasantly surprised, "Batman is actually real."

Batman's face was expressionless, and he turned his head and glanced at Shen You beside him.

Like, seriously, this guy?

"He is very young, but he has great potential." Shen You paused and added, "And he is very fast."

"Fast is a very general term. I have recently begun to discover that I am more than just fast." Barry suddenly started talking, "I have been studying this ability since you helped me realize it last time.

Now I find that I can actually come into contact with a special energy field, which can affect the flow of time I perceive in some way."

Then he stopped talking when he became aware of Batman's cold gaze again.

"Oh, yes, do business first, chat later."

The Flash smiled awkwardly, then thought of something else, and cast a questioning look at Batman.

"What's your superpower? Super strength? Flying? Invisibility? I see there are people on the Internet saying that you suck blood, haha, it's definitely not true, right?"

Batman still paid no attention. Shen You patted him on the shoulder: "He is super rich."

Barry: "?"

If Barry didn't understand what this sentence meant at this moment, he gradually began to understand it when they came to a certain bat safe house set up by Batman in Midtown.

After passing through the underground pipe system, the secret door on the wall opened, and an alloy door with a bat mark appeared in front of them.

"Cool~ just like 'Men in Black'." Barry couldn't help but said, "Wait a minute, you are operating in Gotham, and there is such a facility underground in Midtown."

He didn't finish what he said, but the second half of the sentence should probably be, how rich do you have to be?

But in fact, this is just part of Batman's plan in its embryonic stage. Although the Wayne Group has branches all over the country, it currently only has set up bases in a few cities, including Metropolis and Midtown, where superhuman events occur more frequently to facilitate future research, observation and formulation of these superhumans. Countermeasures.

Batman remained silent, only walked to the door and turned on the recognition.

"Please enter the password." the artificial intelligence said.

"One penny," Batman said.

His butler Alfred's surname was Pennyworth, which translated means penny. There is obviously a connection with Batman's password.

"I thought the password would be 'Iron Man is so weak'." Shen You joked.

This is actually the password used in Lego Batman.

As several people walked through the door, the lights automatically turned on in the stronghold. The computer started up, and huge bat marks were printed on several monitors.

The master's temporary facility also stores a lot of equipment, including extra digital masks. It is still produced by the all-powerful Lucius Fox of the Wayne Group, and can make the wearer look like anything by adjusting the parameters.

After adjusting the parameters for his face, Barry put on the mask and quickly simulated the appearance of the third deacon.

After the test was successful and the face pinching parameters were recorded, Barry was still exclaiming about this black technology.

"This mask is so cool, I can look like anything!"

Barry started to play the face pinching game out of curiosity.

"Even women. I look like Emma Watson now!"

Then his face changed again, becoming a sturdy bald head, and even his voice deepened.

"Look, I'm Vin Diesel, please call me 'Family Man'."

The next moment he turned into a handsome young man from Gotham.

"I'm Bruce Wayne. I drive a different car every day when I go out. If I get heavier once a month, I lose."

He was having fun when he turned around and saw Batman standing behind him at some point, his cold expression making people shudder.

"Oh hey Batman."

Some kind of survival instinct made Barry immediately cancel the digital mask and smile.

"I'm just... uh... getting familiar with the equipment, you know."

Shen You hesitated to speak, but finally decided not to say anything.

When he joins Zhenglian in the future and knows who Batman is, he will definitely regret today.

The three-person team set out again and arrived at the agreed meeting point.

The bishop who responded to the call in Zhongcheng was quite punctual and showed up almost immediately.

There are still differences in the clothing of bishops and deacons. Although the main body is black, the robe feels a bit more gorgeous, with golden patterns embroidered on the collar and cuffs.

He was also wearing a hood, but naturally it was also seen through by Shen You. Under the hood was a tall man with pale skin, black eyes like a dark lake, and thin lips that seemed to be frozen.

After Shen You provided technical assistance, they now all have radiation signals similar to the Three Palaces mark. The bishop sensed the mark and confirmed it was correct. He didn't ask any more questions and led the others away without saying a word.

"What's going on now? What should we do?" Barry nervously asked in the team's voice, "The bad guy has appeared. Do we want to go up now? Do we want to take him down?"

In order to facilitate communication, Shen You created a telepathic chat room for this temporary team of three. Intracranial team voice enables communication by just thinking.


Batman's voice rang out. It's strange that even his telepathic communication gives people a gloomy, hoarse and cold feeling.

"We need to know where they are, what their purpose is."

Shen You also said: "Yes. The blood cultists must be planning something when they gather the deacons from each branch. We need this guy to lead us."

"Oh, I understand."

The three reached a consensus and decided to let him go.

But he saw the bishop walking in front suddenly stopped.

Figures began to appear in the darkness all around.

Figures in black robes, some holding sickles and some holding crossbows, surrounded several people.

"new plan."

The bishop walking in front turned around, curled his lips, revealed a cold and evil sneer, and looked at the three people maliciously.

"I have long disliked you country bumpkins from Gotham. You drag your feet on everything and don't know what to do. I didn't expect that today it would be such a coincidence that the organization would send me to take care of you.

Feel honored that your God-given power will be used by me, and your souls will become my nourishment! "Jiejiejie"

The three people who just decided to let him go a second ago said: "."

After pondering for a moment, Barry couldn't help but ask hesitantly.

"Uh guys? Should we beat him up now?"

Continuing with three updates today

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