59 episodes

17 Agnes State Council (1)


“ After… … .”

Tyrian, who had just returned to the room, closed the door and let out a small sigh.

“ You don’t deserve it yet… … .”

A bitter voice came out of his mouth.

Last night, he was caught in a trap and was about to be chased by the Empire, but he barely escaped, but it wasn’t the case that filled Tyrian’s head now.

Zion Agnes.

It was the name of a person who left a strong impression on Tyrian himself in just one day that he would never forget for the rest of his life.

Of course, the strength of the Archmage, Ozurima, was impressive enough to be remembered, but there was something about Prince Shion that went beyond the words of greatness.

‘ Even I knew exactly the answer to the theory that had not yet been answered.’

That alone was shocking enough, but what was properly engraved in his mind was the overwhelming and shocking appearance of Prince Sion in the lecture hall where the murder took place.

‘ Obviously, from the beginning, Professor Prowood knew the culprit.’

As soon as he appeared, without a moment’s hesitation, Prince Sion immediately struck Proud on the neck.

It was an impossible action without the conviction that Professor Proud was the culprit and demon from the beginning.

How did the Prince of Zion, who had nothing to do with the replacement tower, and even visited for the first time, know about it?

And the direct battle between the Demons and Prince Zion.

It was a battle of such a high level that Tyrian himself could not even intervene, let alone help.

Watching the battle, Tyrann felt a sense of helplessness for the first time since reincarnation.

‘ There’s no way I’ll be this lucky next time.’

Thinking like that, Tyrian smiled bitterly.

– Asking questions can only be done by those who are qualified.

A word I heard from him when I went to visit Prince Zion to resolve the doubts that filled his mind a while ago came to mind in Tyrian’s mind.

“… … That might be right.”

I had to build strength.

So that when something like this happens again, I won’t be as helpless as this time.

and… … .

Next time, I can confidently go to Prince Zion and ask for an answer.

‘ First of all, from reaching level 7.’

The light that slowly began to flow from the depths of Tyrian Friharden’s eyes.

The first wizard to reach level 10 by surpassing even level 9, which was called the end of magic in the past, and the strongest arch mage who stepped beyond the abyss of truth, was slowly starting to stretch.

* * *

A shoulder road near Hwangseong with a bright full moon.

“ Ummmmmmm~”

Inside the luxurious horse-drawn carriage running there, a chubby middle-aged man with a handsome mustache was humming.

The man’s name is Cleon Havas.

He was a provincial nobleman and one of a hundred members of the Gwangseong Council, the second most powerful in the empire after the imperial family.

The empire was divided into dozens of regions, and the nobility representing one of the regions was a member of the Diet, so his prestige was inevitably strong.

There was only one reason Cleon was humming like that.

“ Is it time for a national meeting soon?”

Because of the Agnes government meeting that is just around the corner.

Agnes State Council.

The second largest meeting in the Empire, held at the People’s Palace, the immediate imperial family.

And it was an important event in which all kinds of powerful people, including lawmakers, gathered to determine the future of the empire.

Depending on whether or not he was able to attend the meeting, it was possible to judge whether he had reached the center of power or not, so the power and symbolism could be seen as enormous.

“ What kind of offers will come this time?”

Cleon’s eyes murmured like that, and deep expectations were low.

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Most meetings of the Agnes Empire will revolve around the immediate imperial family who attended.

And the voices of such royal families were divided according to how many lawmakers supported them.

Therefore, when this time came, a lot of love calls from the royal family were poured out with good conditions to Cleon, a neutral faction that no royal family supported.

Cleon has been using it for years and has been making huge profits at this time.

‘ After all, I’ll just have to support this meeting and return to neutrality again.’

Cleon Havas was a bat-like legislator who didn’t really aim for political neutrality, but just looked at his liver and went back and forth.

Still, he had a different reason for sticking to his basic neutrality.

safe right away.

Cleon was a fierce safetyist.

He always put his own well-being above everything else, and at any time put his own survival first.

If he came under the control of one of the imperial families, there is a chance that the imperial family will be purged as soon as they do not become emperors, and before that, he could have been suppressed by other imperial families and killed.

So Cleon preferred neutrality.

‘ This time, the 4th and 5th princes seem to be betting on good conditions… … .’

With that in mind, Cleon ponders which imperial family to support at this meeting.

However, the name of Zion Agnes did not exist in the object of his concern.

‘ Because you won’t even be able to attend anyway.’

No matter how these days, the value of the name is soaring at a terrifying speed.

First of all, for the immediate imperial family to attend a state meeting, the support of at least ten lawmakers was required.

However, as Cleon himself knew, Prince Zion had not yet won the support of a single member of the legislature.

“ Well, that must be the limit of the imperial family without any power.”

While muttering like that, Cleon buried herself deeply in the chair and turned to the night view of the capital city outside the window.

Even though it was midnight when the moon had already risen, the capital of the empire, Hubris, was shining brilliantly with the lights created by numerous buildings.

Like the future of an empire that will last forever.

The appearance of Hwangseong in the distance with him.

“… … uh?”

At that time, Cleon’s eyes, who were looking at the imperial castle, were dyed with doubt.

His house is a large mansion that exists right near the Hwangseong Fortress.

Because Hwangseong could not be seen from such a distance.

“ What! Where the hell are you going?!”

Only then did Cleon realize that something was wrong and shouted at the driver driving the horse-drawn carriage.

However, the driver silently continued driving as if he did not hear the call.

“ Put it up, it means build it right now!”

The moment when an embarrassing cry came out of Cleon’s mouth once more.


The horsepower car suddenly stopped on the spot.

Unlike the bright center of the capital, it is a dark vacant lot where no light shines through.


With him, an unknown driver immediately got out of the driver’s seat and quickly disappeared somewhere.

Did he instinctively feel a sense of ominousness in the driver’s behavior?

“… … !”

It was the moment when Cleon hurriedly opened the car door and threw herself outward.


Something that fell from above shattered the magic car that Cleon had been riding on until now, so that even its original shape was unrecognizable.

“ Ugh… … What is this!”

Cleon moved away from the smashed magic wagon with a tired face because he almost died even if he reacted a little late.

at that time.

bum bum, bum bum.

At the end of the vacant lot, quiet footsteps began to be heard from a place where only darkness existed.

The sound of footsteps that ominously stimulates people’s senses just by hearing them.

With him, Cleon returned to the place where the footsteps could be heard, and a human figure looming in the darkness was reflected in Cleon’s eyes.

“ That… … !”

Never let it come this far.

Cleon, who felt it intuitively, took out a small jewel from his bosom and broke it without hesitation.

That moment.

Whoa ah ah ah!

Five escorts summoned around him with blinding light.

It was truly a one-time space summoning magic that cost astronomical money, but there was no hesitation in Cleon’s eyes.

It was originally saved for use in times like this, and the most important thing to him was none other than his life.

“ Hey, stop that!”

ride it!

The summoned escorts wearing masks rushed towards the black figure approaching at once at Cleon’s command.

His eyes finally glowed with relief.

That’s probably because the strength of those escorts that he had carefully selected outweighed the elite knights of the Imperial Castle.

But the next moment.

Quad Duck!

Cleon’s eyes turned into embarrassment.


The head of the escort, who was running in front of him, disappeared with one movement of the black figure.

And before the body of the escort, whose head had disappeared, reached the floor.


The head of the escort who was running after him with the sound of a shattering echoed once again disappeared as it was.

Was it because I couldn’t see the sequence of movements at all?

“… … !”

The escorts, who vomited silent astonishment only after the heads of the two companions disappeared, swung their swords at the black figure that was approaching right in front of them at the same time.

Suga, go, go!

A sword attack in three directions that is aimed precisely at the vital points of a black shape.

Finally, the moment when such sword strikes were about to pierce the vital points of the black form.


The black figure slowly took a step forward.

That moment.


A horrifying darkness that exploded like an explosion from such a black body.

The darkness began to swallow up all the swords and escorts that were being shot and tear them apart.

The escorts whose breath is cut off without even leaving a shape.

bum bum, bum bum.

In such an instant, the black figure who had taken care of all the escorts began to approach Cleon again as if nothing had happened.

“ You, who are you! Dude, what the hell are you doing this for!”

Is it because the number of conversions was shattered at once?

Cleon, with a face tinged with fear, steps backwards and shouts at the approaching black figure.

at that time.

“ What do you think you are doing?”

The moonlight that had been hidden in the clouds shone along with the subdued voice, revealing the face of a black figure approaching.

With him, Cleon’s eyes start to turn dazed.

He certainly knew that face.

“ Zion… … majesty?”

A trembling voice came out of his mouth.

It was a completely different atmosphere from what he had seen a few years ago, but that face was definitely the Prince Zion Agnes he knew.

As if it had become the night itself, the appearance of Shion approaching wearing a black robe gave a very eerie and alien feeling.

“ Uh, why are you doing this to me… … .”

“ You know what?”

Shion opened his mouth as if he could not understand what was happening now, interrupting Cleon’s words with deep doubts.

“ The ancient countries that existed before the empire even had parliaments and parliaments.”

bum bum, bum bum.

“ In those days, when a legislator committed corruption, his eyes and tongue were plucked out in the first place. To pay the price for the sin of pretending not to see the injustice, and the sin of creating corruption with all kinds of cowardice. Then I sprinkled salt on the wounds and skinned them slowly until I died.”

Shion, who finally came to Cleon’s face, looked down at him with languid eyes.

“ It all happened in front of my family. It was meant to learn a lesson from that terrible sight and not to commit infidelity.”

Overwhelmed by Shion’s eyes shining with black stars, Cleon trembled without saying a word.

“ The accumulation of uncountable wealth and illicit wealth. And even though slavery has already been abolished, he owns dozens of slaves to satisfy his perverted tastes… … up to static murder. Even if only a few of these are found, they will be sentenced to death.”

To him, Zion slowly recited the information the eons of shadows and the eyes of the moon had learned.

“ Damn, how do you do that… … .”

Cleon opens her mouth blankly as if she can’t believe the negativity that flows out of Shion’s mouth one by one.

“ I will give you a chance.”

The line drawn thickly in Shion’s eyes looking at him like that.

“ A chance to save your life.”

Its appearance was like a demon offering a deal that he could never refuse to a human being to be sacrificed.

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