21 episodes

8 Succession Expressions (2)

‘I was almost late.’

Sion thought as he looked at the supervisors who were still looking at him with blank eyes.

The reason why Zion was late for the succession ceremony had to do with the second star swirling in the snow.

Black Star 2 stars.

In order to get up there, the body had to support it to some extent.

Therefore, he had to consume the pre-processed millennial ogre heart and made 100% of its essence his own.

And as a result, only 20 minutes ago, Zion was able to fully reach Heukseongha 2 Stars.

‘ This succession ceremony does not appear in the chronicle. So it would be right to prepare as much as possible.’

Sion Agnes in the original Flosimar Chronicle was already dead, so he could not hold a succession ceremony.

Therefore, of course, Zion also had no information about this succession ceremony.

“… … Now that Prince Zion has come, I will briefly explain the succession ceremony.”

At that moment, Superintendent Lambard, who was the first to come to his senses, began to explain.

“ The succession ceremony is held here at the ‘Palace of Qualification’ and consists of a total of 9 floors except for Daejeon, which is prepared on the first floor. On each floor, there are gates that test the participants and pass through a maze-like passageway… … .”

Shion looked around while listening to Lampard’s explanation.

The eyes of those who are still attached to Zion himself.

Shion felt complex emotions in those gazes.

Embarrassment, surprise, contempt, ridicule.

One thing is certain, most of the people here do not want to pass the succession ceremony.

‘ No, it’s probably right that you think you won’t be able to pass.’

No matter how much Zion himself changed compared to before, the image he had accumulated over the years could not change in an instant.

Zion remembered the eyes of such people.

“… … Only three of the participants who reached the top floor will pass this succession ceremony on a first-come, first-served basis. And the exams on each floor are controlled by the supervisors here, including myself. More than.”

In Shion’s ear, the voice of Lambard, who was finishing the explanation, was heard.

Lombard’s eyes met Zion immediately.

“ Now then, let’s start the succession ceremony. Good luck.”

After he had finished speaking, looking at Zion with hardened eyes, Lambad turned around and started moving along with the other supervisors.

“ It’s also not unexpected.”

Sion’s eyes chasing after such supervisors were slightly curved.

* * *

“ Prince Zion… … .”

After all explanations about the succession ceremony, Zion’s name came out of Lambad’s mouth as he headed to the supervisor’s office with the other supervisors.

Unlike the others, he had seen Prince Zion once a few months ago.

Eyes that are always looking down with dazed eyes.

A body that looks like it would break if hit with a bad sword and magical qualities.

It looked like he could see why it was called a shame in the imperial family.

‘ But it wasn’t when I saw it a while ago.’

Prince Zion, whom we saw again in Daejeon on the first floor a while ago, was so different that it was hard to believe that he was the same person as then.

The scent of the ruler naturally emanating from his body and his quiet eyes looking down on everything.

Even the body that seems to have been trained a little.

‘ What happened in between?’

But Lambard shook his head to clear those doubts.

Yes, because it wouldn’t change anything.

‘ If I had not come, I would have lived my life as I am now.’

Lambard’s eyes shone bright blue as he thought so.


The succession ceremony held this time was a trap opened only to kill Prince Zion.

A trap that can never be escaped or broken.

‘ Upper’ were hoping that Prince Zion would die at this succession ceremony.

So they replaced all of the successors’ supervisors with their faithful limbs.

And Lombard was also one of those limbs.

‘ Probably because of Prince Zion’s mother-in-law.’

With that thought, Lampard gently shook his head.

Up to that point, it didn’t matter to him.

‘ Only the collateral who got involved in it became pitiful.’

However, there was no such thing as a pitiful light in Lampard’s eyes who thought so.

* * *

“ Damn it, only three people can get through?”

ride it!

After the overseers disappeared, the remaining collegiate participants began rushing into one of the numerous entrances on the side of Daejeon.

Since it was a first-come-first-served basis, there was no time to delay.

As only one person could enter at one entrance, the entrance where people entered was firmly closed and did not open.

“… … .”

Prince Zion came into the eyes of Renette, who was about to follow the other participants to the entrance.

Unlike them, Prince Zion is still looking at the place where the supervisors have disappeared without moving from his seat.

She felt a strange sense of dread in her appearance.

“ Aren’t you going in? I’ll go first. See you later.”

The veil that lightly touched Lynette’s shoulder then disappeared beyond the entrance.

Renette, who looked at Prince Zion for a moment with anxious eyes, began to move slowly.

Daejeon, where no one was left at last.

bum bum, bum bum.

Only then did Zion move slowly.

‘ I was told that each floor would test one of the qualities of a king.’

Zion enters one of the entrances, remembering what Lampard said a while ago.


The door that came with him closed and the surroundings began to be covered in darkness without a single light.

It was so dark that normal people could not even see what was in front of them.

But in Zion’s eyes, everything around him was clearly visible.

black stars and darkness.

The two were inseparable, and for that reason, darkness was not fear but familiarity to Zion.

Soon after, the stairs came into Zion’s eyes.

‘Is it the stairs to the second floor?’

How many stairs did you climb?

As soon as you feel the floor flatten again.


Strange sounds began to be heard from all sides of Zion.

It sounds like thousands of mice gnawing something.

Finally, the first test had begun.

Sion’s eyes glanced around and saw black waves approaching from all directions.

‘ No, it’s not a wave.’


tens of thousands? no, hundreds of thousands.

An uncountable number of insects were approaching Zion in a black wave.

The place where the wave of such insects has passed is flickering and melting with a sound.

They were poisonous insects with a deadly acid poison that melted each and every one of them just by touching the human body.

A test that asks for the minimum qualifications to become an emperor.

It was too difficult to be the first test.

‘ It must have been a way other than a head-on breakthrough, but… … .’

Zion had no intention of following that method.

bum bum, bum bum.

Zion begins to take steps towards the approaching wave of insects.

With each step of Zion, a thick darkness began to flow down.


As if it were water itself, the flowing darkness spreads down the floor and spreads throughout the space.

Black Star 2 stars.

It did not simply mean that the achievements of Heukseongha had risen to the next level.

Under a black star, a surname represents a single star.

The stars are one world.

So, climbing to 2 stars was like opening a world.

The difference is so overwhelming that it cannot even be compared with the first performance.

dark sea.

A change in temperament that became fully manageable upon reaching 2 star.

The darkness created by such a change in nature became the sea and swallowed up the waves of poisonous insects approaching.

Chewy profit!

As soon as they touch the darkness of the dark sea flowing from Zion, they disappear with a burning sound.

The power of Heukseongha that denies everything that exists.

It was also applied to the darkness of the dark sea, killing all the poisonous insects that approached.

A way that only Zion in the world can do.

Zion slowly traversed the floor of the first trial, which had been so cleansed.


As soon as you reach the end of the floor, the stairs to the third floor open as if you were waiting.

Perhaps it was opened by the supervisors who were watching in real time.

Shion smiled, thinking about what kind of expression they would have by now.

There was no need to delay, so Zion headed straight to the next floor.

‘ Well… … .’

It was a maze so huge that there was no end in sight to greet Zion who climbed the stairs like that.

I can’t understand how something like this could exist in a building.

‘ Is this the starting point?’

It was the moment when Shion glanced through the maze with her eyes.


A gigantic great sword that appeared to be 3m tall slashed Zion from the back.

The wall of the labyrinth that could not withstand the power and was completely smashed.

Shion, who had avoided the blow by moving one step to the side just before, looked at the master of the great sword.

‘ That’s… … .’

From head to toe, all black full plate armor and red eyes in a helmet.

And a knight who scatters the magic of death around him.

There was no such thing as the warmth of a living person in such a knight.

Death Knight.

An undead made to achieve a goal that an outstanding knight could not achieve in his lifetime.

Shion’s eyes narrowed as he looked at such a Death Knight.

Because I never thought that the Undead would come out in the Imperial Qualification Test.

– Whoa!

In the meantime, the Death Knight, who vomited out screams, rushed towards Shion again.

Did his body still remember the swordsmanship he had before?

It was a movement that was too sophisticated and sharp to say that reason had already disappeared.

Nettle juice!

Shion’s eyes were dyed black as he looked at the great sword that was slashing at him at a terrifying speed.

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Myeong-an (冥眼).

It was an ability that became available as Heuk Seong-ha ascended to the second stage, and it was an eye that showed the vitality of the opponent and the form of movement as if it were a thread.


one step.

The Greatsword of the Death Knight passed by right next to Shion’s ear, which had moved just one step diagonally forward.

Shion’s body swayed only by the wind pressure generated from it.

However, Sion, who had not lost his balance, took one more step forward and dug into the arms of Death Knight.


The darkness in which Zion burns like fire from his hand.

It was the moment when Shion was about to shoot such a dark fist towards the head of the Death Knight.

Suga Gaga!

A silver sword flashed from both sides of Zion and from behind at the same time.

A sword sword that cuts through Shion’s whole body more than a dozen times in an instant.

However, after the sword light passed, the new model of Shion, which I thought had only been cut, was scattered in the air.


Soon after, darkness gathered from a distance from the sword, and Zion appeared again.

An application of the dark stream, one of Black Star’s movement abilities.

Soon after, three Death Knights came in, walking out from the side of the Death Knight with the great sword in Shion’s eyes.

“ Is this coming out like this?”

At that, the low-pitched murmur that flowed out of Zion’s mouth.

I had expected

But I wasn’t quite sure.

Even until the first test on the first floor and a Death Knight came out a little while ago.

But now I was sure.

The guys who host this succession ceremony have no intention of keeping the participants who have entered the Palace of Qualifications alive.

‘ To be precise, he probably doesn’t intend to save me.’

No matter how much a test asking for qualifications to become an emperor, it was a succession ceremony that asked for the minimum qualifications.

The difficulty had never been this high.

In addition to that, using the undead was the same as leaving no witnesses.

“ It’s fun.”

A smile spread across Shion’s lips with him.

If the other side broke the rules and came out like this, there was no need for Shion to follow the rules.

Snuggle up!

The Death Knights who turned their heads at the same time with the rusty sound looked at Zion.

– Whoa!

Then, with a shout, each of them grabbed their weapons and started running towards Zion.

The energy of death that covers such a Death Knight’s weapon and forms the shape of a blade.

Shion stood still in place as if it had nothing to do with him and looked at him with calm eyes.

Suga Gak!

The Death Knights who reached right in front of Zion at once while stepping on the steps they used in life wield weapons covered in the energy of death.

Finally, it was the moment when the weapons of those Death Knights were about to pierce Shion’s neck and heart.


The darkness that started from Shion’s toes that lightly hit the floor.


Soon afterward, such darkness became a storm and began to cover Zion, Death Knight, and all the space in an instant.

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