I Became the Sun God

Chapter 93 Visualization

The extraordinary era belonging to the Yanyang tribe is coming, and the entire tribe is in a state of excitement.

For the vast majority of believers, practicing the secret method has always been something legendary, but now it is open to everyone.

As long as your faith is devout enough, you can obtain the secret method of extraordinary practice from the totem pole.

What a gift is this?

What an honor this is?

Everyone felt God's grace, and the faith of the entire tribe became more united.

After getting rid of the vest of Phoenix Ikki, Qin Ran quietly came to the inside of the crater.

Surrounded by strong faith, Qin Ran refined his divinity faster, and the Creator's authority became stronger.

Divine radiance flowed on his body. As the Creator's authority became stronger, Qin Ran suddenly understood many truths.

That's about the creation of all things.

This kind of understanding is not about learning something, but like a person knowing how to walk, he instinctively understands how walking should be like this.

Even if Qin Ran changes his god's name and becomes the sun creator like the god Ra, he still can't find any fault.

Because he holds both authority over the sun and creation.

With the blessing of the Creator's authority, Qin Ran felt that he would be able to create a suitable technique, a technique with a realistic style.

Civilization in the real world has countless branches.

Since we want to create a technique that is consistent with realistic painting styles, we naturally have to try it with the civilization we are most familiar with.

Martial arts and spirituality?

Buddhist Golden Body?

No, no, no...it should be about refining qi and cultivating immortality!

Compared to martial arts and Buddhist meditation, cultivating immortality is the full oriental style.

So...what should cultivating an immortal be like?

Qin Ran was sitting cross-legged on a boulder, surrounded by endless divine light that emerged and disappeared, turning into flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses pouring out of the ground.

The gods think, the gods create.

Under the great authority of the Creator, Qin Ran's thoughts inadvertently evolved into various visions.

The old patriarch was right at the time.

Golden lotuses bloom from heaven to earth. This is a privilege only reserved for gods.

No...before considering the painting style of cultivating immortals, we should first solve the problem of how to cultivate.

Infinite wisdom surged around Qin Ran, accompanied by various mysterious and mysterious visions. His voice seemed to be the voice of the great road:

The dark energy in the real world is like stagnant water. Even if you have a method, you cannot practice it.

And I am the only exception in the real world. I am the controller of the rules, and I can naturally do whatever I want within the rules.

If you want to practice in the real world, you must get my permission.

Just like my believers, as long as the faith in your heart is firm enough, you can superimpose the practice to accelerate the BUFF.

Maybe... you can try the visualization method?

Regular marks appeared all over Qin Ran's body and turned into countless flowers blooming.

Think about it!

This was an idea that Qin Ran had vaguely had when he was studying the system.

The environment in the real world is there, and no one can truly practice without Qin Ran's permission.

Only within the scope of the rules and letting the rules know that they are God's horse boys can dark energy react.

And visualization... is undoubtedly a way to boil a frog in warm water.

Do you want to practice spiritual practice?


I don’t want you to be a believer either, you just need to visualize.

If you don't visualize, how will the rules know that you are my horse?

The rules don’t know that you are my horse boy, so of course the dark energy will ignore you.

As for faith?

For me, visualization is also a channel through which faith comes.

Based on this thinking perspective, Qin Ran felt increasingly that the concept method was reliable.

This is killing two birds with one stone, right?

After successfully stealing the power of Ra Shen, Qin Ran already has enough experience.

As the only god, it couldn't be easier to steal the faith of a fantasy god.

This thing seems to have something to do with cause and effect.

Just like...

It was the cause that he made Mark become the Sun Knight, and it was the effect that Mark believed in himself as the God of Ra.

With this causal relationship, the belief in Ra can be anchored in oneself.

And what follows... Whenever Mark causes turmoil and spreads the name of God Ra, the corresponding faith will belong to him.

This is also a cause and effect.

Think about it this way...

Does that mean that as long as people appear in front of others, they can steal the corresponding beliefs and anchor them to themselves?

Anchor the belief in me, and the new belief in the subsequent causal connection will become a belief that is uniquely mine.

At that time...the authority of the corresponding existence will begin to be stolen by me.

Qin Ran went through the methods of stealing power, and felt more and more that the contemplation method was feasible.

For example, the belief in Tathagata Maharisawa.

I can first incarnate as the Great Sun Tathagata to appear before people, and then spread the corresponding method of visualization.

When the saint appears in front of people, he can harvest a wave of faith and determine the cause and effect.

If someone meditates and practices in the future, pure faith will definitely arise in their heart, and this faith will naturally be mine.

In other words... after this set of operations, even if I don't do anything in the future, I can steal authority while lying down.

Qin Ran's eyes were extremely bright in the fragrance produced by the manifestation of the rules.

Just contemplate the idea!

The operability of the visualization method is really high!

The most important thing is that the concept itself is not contrary to the law at all, but is a cultural characteristic of the real world.

In the ancient cultures of the East in the real world, the word visualization has been used throughout a long history.

Whether you are martial arts or cultivating immortals, whether you are Buddhist or Taoist, there are similar sayings about visualization.

The Buddhist concept of white bones is to get rid of lust in the heart by imagining the decay of corpses into white bones.

According to the Taoist Yin Fu Sutra, one can visualize the tranquility of everything, the bright moon, the sky and the earth, and then refine and transform Qi.

Even more sinisterly, just visualize the immortals and Buddhas directly in your mind.

Or when casting spells and drawing talismans, you should praise Taishang Laojun for being as urgent as the law.

This is all the source of faith!

Since there is such a saying in the real world, why can't it be used directly?

Qin Ran's thoughts were sorted out.

Combining the culture of the real world and the unique environment of heaven and earth, the method of visualization has become Qin Ran's goal.

So...what should the first visualization method be like?

Perhaps we should choose a target first and make deductions based on his orthodox characteristics.

One name after another flashed through Qin Ran's mind.

Although it is easy for Qin Ran to learn both Chinese and Western cultures, what he is most familiar with is Eastern culture.

Therefore, when trying to create concepts, Qin Ran first thought of Eastern immortals.

Monsters? Immortals? Or... Martial Saints and the like?

Qin Ran has a hard time making a choice now.

The creation of the first concept method must be carefully selected.

It is best if the goal of this visualization is well-known in the real world, but not as profound and boundless as God.

Searching within such a range, Qin Ran spent a long time picking and choosing before he found a suitable target.

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