I Became the Sun God

Chapter 89 Physical Side and Mental Side

God is indescribable!

This is Qin Ran’s definition for himself!

The reason is simple. With the entire reality as the foundation, Qin Ran's power will not be limited to the Sun God.

One indescribable sentence can lay a lot of foundation for the future.

For example...change the name of God!

He consciously moved into the central house, and then Qin Ran disappeared.

He held the stone tablet sent by Abu and began to study the content on it carefully. He didn't even care about the tribe anymore.

What could there be to be concerned about?

The Yanyang Tribe came with freedom, and normal people should be grateful and integrate into the Yanyang Tribe.

Even if there are individual careerists, so what?

Absolute power is controlled by the Yanyang tribe, and small thoughts are destined to be just small thoughts.

Not to mention, the beliefs of the Yanyang tribe are there.

The great Sun God is high up in the sky, and the saint warriors under his command are astonishingly powerful.

With such a configuration, although the Yanyang tribe has a small number of people, it is enough to become the backbone.

Qin Ran believes that it won't take long for these people to be completely integrated into the Yanyang tribe.

Of course, Qin Ran cannot know what their future status will be.

Under the guidance of Qin Ran, the Yanyang tribe was able to give these slaves the opportunity to become human beings, which was already rare in the wilderness.

In the future development of the tribe, the benefits must be given priority to our own people.

Wherever there are people, there are classes. This is inevitable.

Qin Ran never expected that a powerful tribe in the wilderness could achieve universal unity.

Regardless of the social system, as long as he can firmly believe in the Sun God, it is enough for Qin Ran.

The text is somewhat incomplete and the meaning expressed is inconsistent.

It looks like it was painted by someone later?

Qin Ran looked at the slate in his hand and frowned subconsciously.

Although he had obtained all the secrets of practice from his soul, he still wanted to compare them with the secrets.

As a god with power, Qin Ran can learn things like words describing rules just by looking at them.

It was because he learned that he noticed something was wrong.

According to my current understanding of the secret cultivation method recorded on the stone tablet, it is obvious that there are some flaws.

It's as if... it's as if the original slate was a product of imitation, with a lot of content missing.

Perhaps... the ancestors of the Shenyu tribe did not record the secret method of practice originally discovered on the stone tablets.

It's just that in order to better preserve the secret method, they carved the words on the stone slabs.

However, in the process of characterization, perhaps due to limited cultural level or limited understanding of secret techniques, many places were incomplete.

Qin Ran's brows relaxed slightly, and he felt that this explanation still made sense.

But new problems came immediately.

Where is the original secret method of practice recorded? How could it be related to a dead egg?

Qin Ran had too few clues. No matter how big his brain was, he couldn't figure out the reason.

Forget it, death is like a lamp going out.

The most important thing to me right now is practicing the secret technique itself.

Qin Ran is a god who carries power. Although it is difficult to create a system out of thin air, it is different with a complete reference.

There are two secret methods of cultivation mastered by the Shenyu Tribe.

According to popular understanding, they are warriors who practice physical body and fighting spirit, and mages who practice spirit and magic power.

But this is just a common understanding.

Qin Ran placed the slate on the table, with countless rules intertwined in his eyes:

But from my perspective, these two methods are nothing more than physical and spiritual.

The former uses specific movements and breathing to activate the spiritual energy in the dark and temper his body and blood.

When the body absorbs spiritual energy to a certain extent, it can condense a stream of energy in the body.

This Qi will have different attributes due to different physiques, methods, foods, etc.

Similarly, this Qi is also the basis for transcendence.

like this!

Qin Ran, who was sitting there, pushed forward with his palm without warning.

Suddenly, a tyrannical flame burst out from his palm.

The fire was not the evolution of divine power, but pure flame fighting energy.

In just a short while, Qin Ran successfully mastered the flame fighting spirit with his own body.

And as soon as he mastered it, he cultivated the secret technique to the peak, and could easily release his fighting spirit.

This is the advantage that only gods have.

When humans discovered the principle of leverage and made fancy calculations, gods could move the earth with just one thought.

Because the principle of leverage is the rule controlled by God.

Humans' use of this kind of rule requires a lot of calculations and so-called leverage.

But God doesn't need it.

As long as God wants to do this, He can do it.

If God saw the principle of leverage, he would probably be surprised, is this thing so complicated? I thought it would be enough to have hands.

I have mastered the essence of fighting spirit.

Based on the secret practice itself and the theory of the real world, it is not difficult to create a new method.

Qin Ran nodded with satisfaction.

The Dou Qi practice system is ultimately about strengthening the physical body, which also involves the meridians.

In this way, it would not be difficult for Qin Ran, who has real-world theories, to create a new method.

Even... the method he created may be completely different from Dou Qi in style.

But the difference is limited to the style of painting.

In the eyes of the gods, the foundation is still the same, it is just a way of practicing on the physical side.

Regardless of the small universe or the iron sand palm, the essence is the strengthening of the physical body and the use of the physical body's energy.

God's knowledge goes to the root.

Those who created the method are not in a hurry. There are still secret methods on the spiritual side that I haven't studied yet.

Qin Ran put down the magic weapon on the physical side in advance, and then began to figure out the magician's secret method.

It is completely different from the method on the physical side.

The magician's mysteries are designed to strengthen the mind.

When the mental power is strong enough, it can capture the ubiquitous elements and turn them into magic power stored in the body.

And mental power combined with magic power can induce external energy on a large scale and release so-called magic.

Compared with the physical side of cultivation, the spiritual side of cultivation is more like the principle of leverage.

Give the mage enough casting time, and the damage dealt by the mage will far exceed that of the warrior.

However, the practice of a mage is undoubtedly more demanding than that of a warrior.

“First you must have an innately strong spirit.”

Only those with an innately powerful spirit are qualified to practice such secret techniques.

There are still traces of rules emerging in Qin Ran's eyes.

He began to try to cultivate his own spirit according to the secret method that he had modified.

Just at the beginning, the endless fire elements in the void flew towards Qin Ran like a slut.


What a strong man, I want to be conquered by him.

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