I Became the Sun God

Chapter 87 Enhancing the Creator’s Authority

It takes time to deduce the technique, but we can't rush it.

Qin Ran quickly calmed down.

He glanced at the huge divine corpse, with an emotional expression on his face.

The Lord of Flame is a god after all. Although he has never ignited the divine fire, his essence is still there.

Flesh, feathers, bones...

Everything on its body has been refined by divine power, making it a rare treasure of heaven and earth.

It's a pity that I don't know the weapon refining methods in the novel.

Otherwise, this divine corpse would be enough to make a set of real Phoenix Saint Clothes.

Seeing the flame master's phoenix-like form, Qin Ran sighed with regret.

The holy clothes forged from divine creatures may not have enough potential to evolve into holy clothes like the ones in the cartoons.

Is this your life?

Qin Ran looked at the divine corpse, shook his head and sighed.

In the original work of Saint Seiya, there are only twelve golden holy clothes and five small strong holy clothes that can evolve into holy clothes.

Now that I have killed the Flame Lord, I have all the materials for the Phoenix Saint Cloth.

The only pity is that I don't know how to refine the means.

We can only leave it to be considered later.

Qin Ran shook his head and threw out the Sun Spear in his hand.

Under Qin Ran's control, the Sun Divine Spear suddenly turned into a rainbow of light, cutting crazily on the flame master's body.

Feathers, flesh and blood, bones... With the sharp weapon of the Sun God Spear, the sturdy divine corpse was quickly decomposed.

My anchor in the real world is still in Egypt.

But you can't store its body in your own refrigerator like the Thunder Monarch.

Looking at the materials on the ground, Qin Ran was happily troubled.

With the shadow of the sun appearing in his eyes, Qin Ran looked at the materials carefully, and he breathed a sigh of relief after a moment.

After all, it is a divine life. Even if it is dead, it still contains divine power, and the energy flow is almost undetectable.

In this case, it can be temporarily stored in another world.

Qin Ran, relieved, communicated with the mysterious white mist in his heart, and his figure quickly disappeared together with the white mist.

And about half an hour later, thick white fog appeared out of thin air again.

With a loud bang, a container appeared out of thin air.

The container is not an ordinary container, but a refrigerated container commonly used in ports. This thing has a very strong preservation ability.

The only drawback is probably the higher energy consumption.

But this is not a problem for Qin Ran.

The property of these materials is fire. If they are stored in a frozen environment, it may be self-defeating.

As long as it doesn't rot, the material is considered to be properly preserved.

Qin Ran used his magical power to transfer the materials into the container.

There are so many materials, but in fact they are only flesh and blood, so there is a problem in preservation.

Materials like bones and feathers, that's basically it.

Qin Ran stood outside the container, looking at the huge container, and the authority of the Creator was in operation.

The structure of the air changed under Qin Ran's gaze.

The rich oxygen disappeared and was replaced by a large amount of inert gas, filling the interior of the container.

Even after the container is completely sealed due to the will of the gods, the inert gas will not be lost in large quantities.

Where God's will remains, the inert gas will just stay there, and it will be difficult for outside oxygen to come in.

The insurance problem was solved by Qin Ran with the power of the Creator.

God said to have breath, so there was breath.

This gas can be wind, or it can be an inert gas in the scientific sense.

At least in this wilderness, such an ability may be unique.

After sealing the container with a satisfied look on his face, Qin Ran changed his clothes and then controlled the container to fly away.

Qin Ran was sitting on the container, but his mind was immersed in his own soul.

As the flame master's divinity is refined, his own divinity is growing every moment.

Such a growth in divinity will inevitably allow him to carry more power of rules.

But now, I not only have the authority of the Sun God, but also the authority of the Creator.

Whether it is the Sun God or the Creator, they are both extremely powerful names and authorities.

In my current state, it is best for the refined divinity to bear the same authority, rather than both.

The strong wind blew on Qin Ran's face, but Qin Ran's mind was immersed in the world of rules.

For Qin Ran, the authority of the Sun God is undoubtedly his starting point and the source of his current strength.

But after careful consideration, Qin Ran was not in a hurry to strengthen the Sun God's authority.

“Creator authority should be chosen.”

After all, the plans of the real world are there, and the authority of the Creator is more useful to me.

As long as real-world operations are available, my divinity can continue to increase.

Qin Ran made a decision in his heart, so it represented the power of the Creator, slowly settling under the power of divinity.

With every increase in divinity, the power of the Creator increases.

At this rate, it is estimated that once all the divinity is absorbed, his authority as a creator should be equal to that of the Sun God.

When the time comes...I can create wind, rain, thunder and lightning!

Although the creation of all things is not as powerful as the sun god that evolves according to rules, it is enough for me.

Qin Ran opened his palms, and there were traces of electric arcs jumping there.

Although this kind of thunder and lightning is ten thousand times more powerful, it is not as powerful as the thunder and lightning of the Thunder Lord, but it is a genuine creation of the void.

This is the power that only the Creator can possess.

This power originates from the real-world god Ra.

After stealing his faith, Qin Ran also stole his authority, which belonged to the sun creator.

And this kind of theft is destined to be just the beginning.

The real world and the different world are actually my basic base.

Qin Ran looked into the void, and his ears suddenly rang with the prayers and praises of countless believers.

Following the connection of faith, Qin Ran issued an oracle to the Yanyang tribe.

The evil god has fallen, and the history of the Yanyang tribe will open a new chapter.

The great Sun God will send his holy warriors to extradite the most loyal believers to their new homeland.

Yes, we have a child.

Cross it out, rewrite it.

Yes, the direction Qin Ran was flying was not the Shenyu Tribe, but the distant Yanyang Tribe.

He will never forget his first believers.

It is precisely because of them that I have a great foundation and become a divine life.

Now that the Shenyu tribe has been conquered, the great Sun God allows his followers to inherit everything from the Shenyu tribe, including their land and women.

Well...if there are still women alive.

Anyway, Qin Ran was not sure whether his expeditionary force would leave any women alive.

But it doesn't matter, the integration of tens of thousands of people is enough for the tribe to continue to develop.

Even the integration of tens of thousands of people will optimize the genes of the Yanyang tribe.

After all... From a scientific point of view, the Yanyang tribe has a serious inbreeding problem.

Even if civilization allows them to prevent this kind of situation, there are only so many people in the tribe, so this kind of thing is inevitable.

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